I think the religious would have a lot more success in maintaining their rights to bring Bibles to school if they would hit the point home with this simple fact:
the last 2,000 years, almost every area of studies/life (arts, language, literature, even mathematics) has become what it is today because of the Biblical influence involved ... take into account that Shakespeare has hundreds of references in his works that are taken from the Bible <<-- that is only ONE example among far too many to state here.
Though my own personal interest in the Bible is spiritual ... it is my very life in fact ... still I do not teach it to my children w/ religion and/or the spiritual in mind, and rather I find it absolutely necessary for them to know it very well so that they have a better understanding of the world around them, and how we have come to the place we are at now as mankind ... ** without ** that understanding, then they would have no say so in where it is we are going. It is 100% essential for the sake of education (whether at home objectively or in the schools) for the Bible to be taught, known, and understood properly by our children.
Those who are opposed to it are no less religious in their efforts toward keeping it out of public education (though, here in Tx, this is less the problem ... even in the Austin area as even many non-religious see the logic in educating our children of its content) ... those that oppose simply are exercing what they claim to be against .. that is, supression of the minds of our children (in an even worse way IMHO), and it shows a lack of trust for them AS our children in regard to the future. I trust mine personally, and therefore do not suppress them from learning as they choose, and/or should for their own sake (and the sake of those around them) ...