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Religion is passe,


Stripling Warrior
à typical reaction from someone who has been brainwashef since his birth.
Just general statements and arguments like all THE smart people are saying it so it must be THE truth ,,
in my culture there is à saying ,,
eat **** ,, billions and billions of flies cannot be mistaken .
As much as i could translate it ,, just follow it cause everbody is doing it ,,
i could use it for sheep but not for humanbeings ,,
if you want to discuss , you have to be specific ,, one subject at à time ,, not just generalstatements throwing everything in one pile ,, making it too confusing to people ,,
here is open discusdions ,, give examples and discuss if you dare ,,
but please dont tell me that THE smart people knie better and they say its true ,, are we talking about smart people as smart as scientists who built THE atomic bomb ? As smart as hitler ?
Dont be à sheep ,, dont believe cause smart people tell you so ,, you have brains ? Use it ,, make your own judgement .
À lot of good came from religion ???excuse me??? Would you please say it to THE families of THE innocent people killed at 911 ,, plllease ,,call them and tell them how good religion is .
wake up man ,,
you have been brainwashed all your life ,, With all these lies ,, so much that you cant even think ,,
wish you good luck ,, Hope oneday you can see THE truth
Well now, if that isn’t' just a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! All I did was try to point out a glaringly major flaw in your reasoning, but you, apparently true to form, blew what I said all out of proportion and added thoughts and dimensions that had nothing to do with my original statement so that you might sound intelligent.

You would look upon a mud ball and say that it is surly worthless because you fail to see the gold coins embedded therein. Some people see the gold and benefit thereby, some add to the mud, and some, like you, are too angry at the world to do anything but cast stones at those with the will try and see the good therein in a way that differs from the way you view things.

Don't tell me what I have or have not seen and please don't be so blatantly haughty as to claim some power to discern what I have (or have not) experienced with regard to religion or how it has affected me and those in my realm of influence. I have found, by my own experience, a lot of gold in that there mud ball that you take such pleasure sneering at. If you want to do nothing more than stand afar off and complain about everything then go ahead, you’re only hurting yourself and those who are foolish enough to believe that there is any gold in your mud ball.

In reality it is you that is helping others pack on the mud hiding all that is good about religion, you are guilty of advancing the source of your own professed grief and anger, it is you who drops the weight on your own foot and then proceeds to blame and judge others for the pain.

Why don’t you spend a little more time teaching what you think is right about this world and a lot less time trying to debunk what you know very little, if anything, about?

Brainwashed? The sign saying "brainwashed" hanging around the neck of your stick-figure philosophy is pretty evident, it is you my friend that has been completely brainwashed.

Focused? Your focus is as one standing on the moon viewing the earth and claiming the clarity of it gives you foundation to judge the people thereon. Your rhetoric is about the most all encompassing mass of out-of-focus grandstanding that I have ever heard.


No, I did not have a "supernatural experience." I had a theophany. You're arguing a stereotype.

You are making a big mess, though. Not because you got people confused, but because you're not listening.

I am trying to chat on multiple channels on my mobile and it is just not working .
I reacted to many threads but i guess not all THE messages went to THE right place
i appologise ,, really ,,
i didnt mean to call youbrainwashed ,, to some people yes i did
anyway , i am sorry about it .
Its too difficult to keep it up , specually in à mobile .
I am not sending multiple messages anymore .


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I am trying to chat on multiple channels on my mobile and it is just not working .
I reacted to many threads but i guess not all THE messages went to THE right place
i appologise ,, really ,,
i didnt mean to call youbrainwashed ,, to some people yes i did
anyway , i am sorry about it .
Its too difficult to keep it up , specually in à mobile .
I am not sending multiple messages anymore .
Yeah, you did mean to. I'm religious, and you apparently can't conceive of a person having good reasons for that.

You shouldn't be calling ANYBODY brainwashed. It's arrogant, ignorant, and rude.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Why is hè right and i am wrong ?
We are discussing about how good/ bad. Religion is right ?
Depends on what you mean by right. Maybe it's true, and maybe it's not, but you're moving the goalposts.

Good HAS come of religion, regardless of whether it's factual or not.


Well now, if that isn’t' just a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! All I did was try to point out a glaringly major flaw in your reasoning, but you, apparently true to form, blew what I said all out of proportion and added thoughts and dimensions that had nothing to do with my original statement so that you might sound intelligent.

You would look upon a mud ball and say that it is surly worthless because you fail to see the gold coins embedded therein. Some people see the gold and benefit thereby, some add to the mud, and some, like you, are too angry at the world to do anything but cast stones at those with the will try and see the good therein in a way that differs from the way you view things.

Don't tell me what I have or have not seen and please don't be so blatantly haughty as to claim some power to discern what I have (or have not) experienced with regard to religion or how it has affected me and those in my realm of influence. I have found, by my own experience, a lot of gold in that there mud ball that you take such pleasure sneering at. If you want to do nothing more than stand afar off and complain about everything then go ahead, you’re only hurting yourself and those who are foolish enough to believe that there is any gold in your mud ball.

In reality it is you that is helping others pack on the mud hiding all that is good about religion, you are guilty of advancing the source of your own professed grief and anger, it is you who drops the weight on your own foot and then proceeds to blame and judge others for the pain.

Why don’t you spend a little more time teaching what you think is right about this world and a lot less time trying to debunk what you know very little, if anything, about?

Brainwashed? The sign saying "brainwashed" hanging around the neck of your stick-figure philosophy is pretty evident, it is you my friend that has been completely brainwashed.

Focused? Your focus is as one standing on the moon viewing the earth and claiming the clarity of it gives you foundation to judge the people thereon. Your rhetoric is about the most all encompassing mass of out-of-focus grandstanding that I have ever heard.

Again typical reaction from brainwashed person
talking about GENERAL examples like mud and coins ,, whats NeXT sword and THE king ??
If you want to talk clear examples my friend .
Otherwise i am not. Even going to start another discusdions.
Me brainwashed?? lol by whoom :) do you think i am à member of à cult or something ??? Do you think i go yo THE temple of nonbelievers ?
Nobody brainwashed me , belueve me .
But you on THE otherhand ,, well its obvious ,, infact ,, let me ask you à question , where do you come from . If you would answer that question i would probably guess your religion ,, how come ,, does religion depend on THE place you come from ?or Do you honestly believe to what you believe BECAUSE U CHOOSE TO BELIEVE SO .
Think about it ,, maybe you really start opening your eyes ,,
but who am i kidding ,, years and years of brainwashing i cant heal in one session ,,
learned my Lesson .


ThrUU the Looking Glass
learned my Lesson .
Obviously not.

Hiding behind stereotypes instead of addressing legitimate points is not debate.


Stripling Warrior
Again typical reaction from brainwashed person
talking about GENERAL examples like mud and coins ,, whats NeXT sword and THE king ??
If you want to talk clear examples my friend .
Otherwise i am not. Even going to start another discusdions.
Me brainwashed?? lol by whoom :) do you think i am à member of à cult or something ??? Do you think i go yo THE temple of nonbelievers ?
Nobody brainwashed me , belueve me .
But you on THE otherhand ,, well its obvious ,, infact ,, let me ask you à question , where do you come from . If you would answer that question i would probably guess your religion ,, how come ,, does religion depend on THE place you come from ?or Do you honestly believe to what you believe BECAUSE U CHOOSE TO BELIEVE SO .
Think about it ,, maybe you really start opening your eyes ,,
but who am i kidding ,, years and years of brainwashing i cant heal in one session ,,
learned my Lesson .

There you go again, blowing smoke. :facepalm:
Would you please say something, your rhetoric is like a dot-to-dot that has no starting point and nothing indicating how they connect. Try to spend more time defining who you are and less claiming you know who every one else is. You are deluding yourself thinking that your attempts to shake the intellectual and spiritual foundations of others are preventing them from seeing that you have built your straw house on a foundation of sand.


Well-Known Member
It is good ?
Do you realise that even at this moment people are being killed wars are fought because of religion ?
What is good about it ,, i would like to know
no other ideology , entity (sorry for my bad englush ) has caused more dammage , to humanity than religion .
I dont even have to give you examples do i ?
911 , war in iraq, Afghanistan , ,,,,, just à few examples of what religion is costing us today ,, we can go back in history and pickup more examples ,,
hoe can you say its good ?
I wasn´t talking about that. There are two sides of everything, to put it simple. I stated that if someone find something good in religion I wouldn´t want to take it away. Was not talking about extremists who blow up innocent people.


Stripling Warrior
Obviously not.

Hiding behind stereotypes instead of addressing legitimate points is not debate.
LOL!!! Bingo!! I love it, you just said more about the condition of mho123's philosophy with a picture than mho123 has said in every post he has made here about the condition of religion. Dang, where is the hysterical smilie when you need him.


LOL!!! Bingo!! I love it, you just said more about the condition of mho123's philosophy with a picture than mho123 has said in every post he has made here about the condition of religion. Dang, where is the hysterical smilie when you need him.

As i said ,, instead of adressing the real issues making stupid remarks about it ,,
typical brainwashed people who cant take it when they face the facts ,,
you dont dare to discuss ,, , this is a discussion forum ,, set your statemet and let us discuss it
a guy with his head in the sand is childish ,,
The thing is i try to chat with evandr , reply comes from storm ,, i send a message to storm ,, reply comes from both ,, what s going on ,,
(and please dont waste my time with stupid images ,, if you dont want to discuss go somewhere else ,, if you are going to talk ,, but real talk not some mumbo jumbo of muds and coins ,, i am here ,, come with real life examples ,, explanations ,, statements ,, clear cut ,,, and dont give me that b,,,ss,,, all the smart people are believing in it ,,
tell me if you believce why you believe ,, what is the reason ,, did you ever ask yourself the question ,, did you ever think about it ,, or just followed your parents ? friends ? countries generally accepted tradition , cult ,, whatever you call it .
if you have some real argument say it ,with examples and explanations , if not ,,go follow the other sheep ,,
choice is yours ,,


ThrUU the Looking Glass
As i said ,, instead of adressing the real issues making stupid remarks about it ,,
typical brainwashed people who cant take it when they face the facts ,,
you dont dare to discuss ,, , this is a discussion forum ,, set your statemet and let us discuss it
a guy with his head in the sand is childish ,,
The thing is i try to chat with evandr , reply comes from storm ,, i send a message to storm ,, reply comes from both ,, what s going on ,,
(and please dont waste my time with stupid images ,, if you dont want to discuss go somewhere else ,, if you are going to talk ,, but real talk not some mumbo jumbo of muds and coins ,, i am here ,, come with real life examples ,, explanations ,, statements ,, clear cut ,,, and dont give me that b,,,ss,,, all the smart people are believing in it ,,
tell me if you believce why you believe ,, what is the reason ,, did you ever ask yourself the question ,, did you ever think about it ,, or just followed your parents ? friends ? countries generally accepted tradition , cult ,, whatever you call it .
if you have some real argument say it ,with examples and explanations , if not ,,go follow the other sheep ,,
choice is yours ,,
You have yet to present any facts. Hint: stereotypes don't count.

If you want a real conversation, you have to start listening. If you want to be treated with respect, you need to show some.

So, actually, the choice is yours.


Well-Known Member
No, I did not have a "supernatural experience." I had a theophany. You're arguing a stereotype.

You are making a big mess, though. Not because you got people confused, but because you're not listening.
A theophany, a visible manifestation of a god, would either be described by some as a supernatural experience, or an hallucination.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
A theophany, a visible manifestation of a god, would either be described by some as a supernatural experience, or an hallucination.
Theophany in the context of neurotheology is a spontaneous trance state. "A visible manifestation of God" is an unnecessarily, inappropriately restrictive definition.


Well-Known Member
Theophany in the context of neurotheology is a spontaneous trance state. "A visible manifestation of God" is an unnecessarily, inappropriately restrictive definition.
Did you have a vision of God as you put it or not?


Well-Known Member
1) Depends on what you mean by "vision." I had a theophany.

2) What does that have to do with you getting the definition wrong?
OK, you had a theophany, which usually means a visible manifestation of a deity.

Now what is your definition since I apparently have it all wrong?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
OK, you had a theophany, which usually means a visible manifestation of a deity.
If you'd done your homework, you'd know that "usually" is in context of the Abrahamic tradition.

Now what is your definition since I apparently have it all wrong?
Already told you. Pay attention.