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religion is slowly dying?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Religion isn't going anywhere. In Europe and Japan, the replacement birth rate has plummeted and strict Christians and Muslims are reproducing at above replacement level rates. On an individual basis, religion is becoming more personal and people aren't trusting the old institutions like before. In some places, at least.


Veteran Member
Well, in my beliefs, religion is indeed slowly dying, regardless to whither it is in favor of science or other factors.

Even Prophet Muhammad predicted this saying that with each generation sense of believing gets worse than its predecessor.

I'm not implying or pointing to anything here, I'm just commenting on the OP.
I don't agree with you totally, but you do have something to say that makes since.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Jesus will return before 200 years....
No. He will return 8,972 years, 3 months, 8 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes, and 33 seconds from now. He just told me. It will always be that time starting from now, and now, and now, and now...

The world will be over.
That will probably happen within 30 years. Jesus will be quite late to the party.

Religion is not dying and it will never die. Christianity has survived 2000 years. It's not going anywhere. People will always believe in God because He is constantly revealing Himself to those who earnestly seek Him. God is very real, more real than us.
There are other religions. :) Christianity doesn't have the copyright/patent on God(tm).


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I can't remember where i read this, or perhaps heard it.. but i've heard/read that religions are slowl declining in favour of science.. would you say this is true? in 200 years from now might there be no religion ? your opinion :) I'm not sure, so I have no answer I guess..
Science is itself becoming a religion, and the most dangerous one at that.
As our 'science' takes hold, so our Earth gives up.
And notice how yesterday's science is disproved and forgot, whilst today's science is worshiped?
Today's science will soon be yesterday's science.
And notice how many people make levels (classes) for humanity, based upon their idea of intelligence and qualification.....
......oh dear........ an evil priesthood is raising its ugly head.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

I agreed with what you wrote and it was well written but found that part funny

I like bender, so I can take this one. :D Thanks btw.

The issue is that secularism has a kind on in-built bias towards religion. Our conception of freedom and morality is based on free will so there is a close connection between Judeao-Christian ethics and Liberal philosophy. Frederich Nietzsche understood the link between the two and didn't just reject god and Christianity but liberalism as well. We derive the sense of what is 'right and wrong' from natural law which in the 18th and 19th century (until Darwin I think) was still closely connected with a belief in god. This is why scientific theories such as the big bang and quantum mechanics can be interpreted in a theological sense because philosophically our scientific understanding is a distant relative of religion. They do not exclude the possibility of religion because science upholds free thought and therefore implicitly accepts the freedom to entertain religious belief. Arguing for the non-existence of god means asserting that religion and all the concepts derived from it is to a greater or lesser extent false, and therefore has nihilistic implications. i.e. you have to "kill" god.


Veteran Member
Because it is such a good money making scam religion is unlikely to die out completely.

Science isn't competing with religion, it'll go on whether religion exists or not. The problem for religions of science is that it keeps (not on purpose) proving them wrong.


Because it is such a good money making scam religion is unlikely to die out completely.

Science isn't competing with religion, it'll go on whether religion exists or not. The problem for religions of science is that it keeps (not on purpose) proving them wrong.

Bypassing the gross oversimplification going on here and with most posts related to the subject - doesn't science make much more money than "religion"?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Strange, my religion seems to have outlasted some 6 civilisations ..

Oh, it has been far many more than that, sir. Give Judaism its proper credit. :D

It's my general impression that those who think religion is "dying out" do not appear understand religion particularly well. They take it for its superficialities rather than its core functions and nature, and needs for those functions will not be disappearing as long as our species remains "sentient." We might stop using the word "religion" to describe these functionalities in our cultures, but they'll still be what they are and endure until our extinction. We will never lack a need for seeking truths and meaningfulness in our lives; we will never stop asking life's big questions; we will never stop being storytellers who express truth and meaning through myths and paintings; we will never stop having traditions and rituals to enhance meaningfulness; we will never stop fostering communities of mutual interests that support each other; we will never stop describing and prescribing our values, and, by extension, ethics and morals; we will never stop seeing awe and wonder, magic and sacredness, in something in the world around us. When we do, we will no longer be the same species and will have undergone some very dramatic and fundamental changes.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Bypassing the gross oversimplification going on here and with most posts related to the subject - doesn't science make much more money than "religion"?

Not as easily, not for the same kind of dedication, not as unethically.


Not as easily, not for the same kind of dedication, not as unethically.

Depends on vantage point - technology born from science has done a good bit to mess with the health, vitality, existence of many ecosystems, humans, etc. It's made many extremely wealthy folks specifically developing technology for that.

A small amount of religious folks use religion to hurt, oppress, take lives, get rich, etc.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Depends on vantage point - technology born from science has done a good bit to mess with the health, vitality, existence of many ecosystems, humans, etc. It's made many extremely wealthy folks specifically developing technology for that.

True, I suppose, but still a bit unfair and arguably biased IMO.

A small amount of religious folks use religion to hurt, oppress, take lives, get rich, etc.

Not really very small. It is very much a career choice for the ambitious and unuscrupulous here in Brazil.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
I can't remember where i read this, or perhaps heard it.. but i've heard/read that religions are slowl declining in favour of science.. would you say this is true? in 200 years from now might there be no religion ? your opinion :) I'm not sure, so I have no answer I guess..

Yes. Which means we will have world war again, and after that religion increases again.


Well-Known Member
For another purpose, I recently collated the most reliable statistics on religion from around the world: it turns out that about 10% of the world's population do not practice a religion. It would seem that reports of the death of religion have been somewhat exaggerated.


Veteran Member
For another purpose, I recently collated the most reliable statistics on religion from around the world: it turns out that about 10% of the world's population do not practice a religion. It would seem that reports of the death of religion have been somewhat exaggerated.

Having one's name 'on the books', so to speak, does Not necessarily make a person belonging to a religion as being religious.
There is nothing in the Bible showing that religion ( even if in name only ) will have a slow demise or decline.
Rather, the world's religions ( the composite religious queen of Rev. 18:7 ) thinks she sits as some sort of religious queen that will never see mourning or sorrow or demise.

According to Scripture, house cleaning starts with the House of God with the so-called Christians ' in name only ' - 1st Peter 4:17.
Jesus comes as a thief - 1st Thess. 5:2,3 - that of course would mean comes by: surprise!
So, the religious organizations of the world will Not expect any divine involvement, and will be surprised when suddenly - Rev; 18:7-9,19 - the spiritually dried-up religious ' waters ' ( her people - Rev. 17:1 B, 15; Isaiah 57:20 ) will be of no help.

So, religion will Not just fade or die away. Religion will try to remain a potent force on the world's scene in attempting to bend the political rulers (kings) to do her will until that surprising day when the political will turn on the world's religious groups.


Veteran Member
I can't remember where i read this, or perhaps heard it.. but i've heard/read that religions are slowly declining in favour of science.. would you say this is true? in 200 years from now might there be no religion ? your opinion :) I'm not sure, so I have no answer I guess..

According to Scripture, before ancient Babylon was destroyed the water surrounding Babylon was dried up.
That is an example for our day. In very-vivid word pictures Revelation chapters 17 and 18 lets us know religious ' waters ' (People ) will dry up spiritually. The waters of Rev. 17:1 stand for people -> verse 15. So-called science such as the teaching of evolution could be a contributing factor to that drying up spiritually. Nevertheless, the world's religious organizations think they sit as some sort of ' religious queen ' - Rev. 18:7 - who will never see declining. Although being listed on membership roles does not necessarily mean a person is genuinely religious or spiritual.

The United Nations sees a hauntingly dangerous religious climate brewing in today's world. Especially with religious terrorism. With backing the UN can be strengthened to turn on the world's troublesome religious groups. Religion meddling in political world affairs brings attention to themselves, and the anti-religious atmosphere in the UN can cause the UN to take drastic action. So, Not a slow declining will take place, but the words of 1st Thess. 5:2,3 will prove true that Jesus will come as a thief - by surprise - when first Christendom (so-called Christian but in name only ) is attacked by the political/military forces. Then, all other ' myth religions ' will be removed from the face of the earth. 200 years from now - and much sooner - true religion will be alive and thriving on earth under Jesus' coming 1000-year kingdom rule over earth when Jesus, as Prince of Peace, will usher in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill.