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Religion of Global Warming Exposed by one of their own.


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This is a chart with the estimated amount of time it takes for garbage to decompose in the ocean. (Buried or tossed garbage takes much longer, so these numbers are not for things that get buried in landfills or left on the ground.) These numbers are from NOAA and Woods Hole Sea Grant.


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The larger issue is that politicians tend to ignore problems like pollution, and so do lots of people. People put batteries with mercury into the garbage. Dentists happily use deadly toxins in our mouths (unless someone tells them not to). Corporations happily dump barrels of chemicals into rivers. There is a genuine political poster from many years ago that claims "Dilution is the solution to pollution." This is a popular slogan in political arenas from years gone by, and it proved wrong particularly when we started to feel the effects of plastic PCB's and the wonder poison called DDT. There are so many examples of people and politicians ignoring environmental problems. In the early days of industry cotton mills would kill their workers since their lungs would clog with tiny cotton fibers, and the manufacturers didn't try to do anything to prevent it until someone finally made them do it.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Economic conservatives have been saying this for years, that Global Warming is a religion promoting a theocracy with the Socialist State as God and the objective to defeat capitalism. Blind faith strikes once again.

She’ll probably have to walk that one back...somehow. Anybody catch this on CNN, or NBC/CBS/ABC/NPR/NY Times/Washington Post...etc.

I read the article you linked to. She did not make that statement. Not even close. You should work on your reading comprehension.


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How easily you dismiss a smoking gun, quote mining indeed. I'm sure she doesn't speak for all the rank and file, but as the UN representative on global warming, she does speak for them on that issue, and for the World Establishment.

Economic conservatives have been saying this is what's been going on since the 70s, now one of them admits is. Next to health care and taxes, this gets the government's fingers into more pies than anything else.
I see nothing objectionable about what she said. Global warming is simply one of the many many symptoms of the pernicious and unsustainable nature of the current economic system, and not even the most serious one (that would be the habitat destruction and immense strain on land and water and other resources in Africa and other developing states). It has been quite clear for many years now that sustainable development goals require significant changes to how capitalism is done, where natural reserves and resources are simply exploited and depleted to make more stuff. This is not news. Implementing sustainability economics is one of the main goals and has gained a lot of traction and support in many international and economic bodies (including UN and World Bank etc.)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure she doesn't speak for all the rank and file, but as the UN representative on global warming, she does speak for them on that issue, and for the World Establishment.
Pity she doesn't speak sensibly and coherently then: "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said. Which period are we talking about - the history of mankind (several thousand years), since the industrial revolution (250 years) or 150 years (presumably meaning 150 years but by this point I wasn't really sure)? In any case, the solution to global warming is indeed the end of capitalism - and the sooner the better - though it might already be too late.


Face to face with my Father
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This is the second time that they have discovered fraud in the information system of Climate Change. The first was in 2009 by the supposedly reputable IPCC. However, after the emails were made public, they had to admit fraud.

This has nothing to do with treating the environment right, which we should, but rather Climate Change is a "fixed" report for reasons of control IMHO


Veteran Member
Hardly the end of capitalism as capitalism help drives innovation. Meanwhile the heavily subsidized clean energy market collapses as soon as the government dole stops. So in light of having an ineffective government regulation you think that doubling-down on government with the same politicians can do better if you give them wide sweeping power.... Hilarious....


Well-Known Member
capitalism help drives innovation
Correct - but that is because capitalism is the system we currently have - there is no reason we couldn't still have innovation but not capitalism - we would just have to use our brains instead of impersonal and amoral 'market forces' to make it work...(sigh!)


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This is the second time that they have discovered fraud in the information system of Climate Change. The first was in 2009 by the supposedly reputable IPCC. However, after the emails were made public, they had to admit fraud.

This has nothing to do with treating the environment right, which we should, but rather Climate Change is a "fixed" report for reasons of control IMHO
On the contrary, all eight reviews of the emails showed that there was no fraud involved and the leaking groups were culpable of deliberate quote mining with malicious intent.

Climatic Research Unit email controversy - Wikipedia

Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.[15] The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged by the end of the investigations.[17] However, the reports urged the scientists to avoid any such allegations in the future, and to regain public confidence following this media storm, with "more efforts than ever to make available all their supporting data - right down to the computer codes they use - to allow their findings to be properly verified". Climate scientists and organisations pledged to improve scientific research and collaboration with other researchers by improving data management and opening up access to data, and to honour any freedom of information requests that relate to climate science.[16]

It said that "even if the data that CRU used were not publicly available—which they mostly are—or the methods not published—which they have been—its published results would still be credible: the results from CRU agree with those drawn from other international data sets; in other words, the analyses have been repeated and the conclusions have been verified." The report added that "scientists could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by aggressively publishing all their data instead of worrying about how to stonewall their critics." The committee criticised the university for the way that freedom of information requests were handled, and for failing to give adequate support to the scientists to deal with such requests.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Economic conservatives have been saying this for years, that Global Warming is a religion promoting a theocracy with the Socialist State as God and the objective to defeat capitalism. Blind faith strikes once again.
Be honest now, do you even know what "global warming," "religion," "Socialist state," "god," "objective," "theocracy," and "blind faith" even mean?
Capitalism has some ENORMOUS problems. But can we please keep it separate from climate change?
They are strongly linked. Capitalism fills the inflated demand for meat and gave us factory farms and over fished seas, it fills wants for rare ingredients by destroying forests, and it wrecks the environment drilling for oil for all those petroleum based products, and it does it all in the name of a dollar. Without this "supply and demand" (which is artificially manipulated anyways and has nothing of this pseudo-religious "invisible hand") we wouldn't be making so much junk and consuming so much. But without consumption and growing profits the gears of Capitalism lock up and the machine weakens.
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Economic conservatives have been saying this for years, that Global Warming is a religion promoting a theocracy with the Socialist State as God and the objective to defeat capitalism. Blind faith strikes once again.

She’ll probably have to walk that one back...somehow. Anybody catch this on CNN, or NBC/CBS/ABC/NPR/NY Times/Washington Post...etc.

Her sentence does not match what you said it means.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Correct - but that is because capitalism is the system we currently have - there is no reason we couldn't still have innovation but not capitalism - we would just have to use our brains instead of impersonal and amoral 'market forces' to make it work...(sigh!)
As they say, "necessity is the mother of all invention." A painter is going to paint, a singer will sing, and an inventor will invent regardless of monetary incentive. The internet has brought rise in independent and "DYI" artists, strongly showing those with creative tendencies are going to create even if they aren't making money doing it.

David T

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Ecumenopolis the city planet the solution to the enviromental squabblesl just eliminate nature!!!



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Hardly the end of capitalism as capitalism help drives innovation. Meanwhile the heavily subsidized clean energy market collapses as soon as the government dole stops. So in light of having an ineffective government regulation you think that doubling-down on government with the same politicians can do better if you give them wide sweeping power.... Hilarious....
What world are you in? Govt. assistance has stopped a long ago, while clean energy industry is the fastest growing energy sector in the world. Subsidies and protection is being to oil and coal, not clean energy now.

Renewables to lead world power market growth to 2020

July: Renewable energy continuing to increase market share


Veteran Member
What world are you in?
Govt. assistance has stopped a long ago, while clean energy industry is the fastest growing energy sector in the world.

All of which are subsidized. Growth does not mean it is not subsidized. Go look at the the bills Congress has passed funding it.....

Subsidies and protection is being to oil and coal, not clean energy now.

Nope levels for renewable are still well above dirty. Dirty had been declining for a decade while subsides for renewable increased.


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No, one or two scientists sticking to their crazy theories does not make it contested. They exist in all fields.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: NASA zeroes in on ocean rise: How much? How soon?

By the way your assertion that the leaked emails shows evidence of fraud and that it was admitted has no basis in actual fact after repeated investigations. Do you admit this?

Also kindly explain the logic via which one can disregard the advice of 98 scientists who say global warming is happening and is a serious concern for the future and only listens to the advice of 1-2 scientists who, for whatever reason, disagree?
Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming - IOPscience
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Well-Known Member
Could someone please explain to me how exactly capitalism and environmental responsibility are mutually exclusive?
Yes - capitalism is based on exploiting the earth's resources so that this generation can have more money, environmental responsibility means conserving the earth's resources so that future generations can have more life. How are they not mutually exclusive?


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Yes - capitalism is based on exploiting the earth's resources so that this generation can have more money, environmental responsibility means conserving the earth's resources so that future generations can have more life. How are they not mutually exclusive?
Not necessarily
The Sustainable Economy