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Religion of Global Warming Exposed by one of their own.


Well-Known Member
yes I do, do you ?
Oh...er...nah not really.

What would make me really feel better would be a single shred of evidence to suggest that my profound pessimism about our ability to adjust our irresponsible and profligate misuse of the resources loaned to us by future generations of our species is unfounded. Unfortunately, so far, objections to the well-established science behind our understanding of climate change seem to amount to the wilful misinterpretation of a few emails and the honest acknowledgement of one official that the real problem is our inability to curb our insatiable appetite for plundering the earth's resources ad hoc with scant regard even for the economic future, let alone the far more pressing concerns about the ability of our environment to sustain human life at all. Not a single scrap of actual scientific evidence and not one rational argument so far to sustain the non-idea of the OP. Hugely disappointing because if you could provide one inkling of an idea that suggested that I am wrong about climate change and we can all relax about it, I would definitely sleep easier tonight. But so far, all you have done is further convince me that collectively we are far too stupid to even care - let alone fix it.

But thanks for asking anyway!


Veteran Member
Oh...er...nah not really.

What would make me really feel better would be a single shred of evidence to suggest that my profound pessimism about our ability to adjust our irresponsible and profligate misuse of the resources loaned to us by future generations of our species is unfounded. Unfortunately, so far, objections to the well-established science behind our understanding of climate change seem to amount to the wilful misinterpretation of a few emails and the honest acknowledgement of one official that the real problem is our inability to curb our insatiable appetite for plundering the earth's resources ad hoc with scant regard even for the economic future, let alone the far more pressing concerns about the ability of our environment to sustain human life at all. Not a single scrap of actual scientific evidence and not one rational argument so far to sustain the non-idea of the OP. Hugely disappointing because if you could provide one inkling of an idea that suggested that I am wrong about climate change and we can all relax about it, I would definitely sleep easier tonight. But so far, all you have done is further convince me that collectively we are far too stupid to even care - let alone fix it.

But thanks for asking anyway!
You don't understand, i do care for our planet, but don't make up stories to get money to keep so called science in jobs, there is money dished pout to whatever you can think of, and climate change is one of them.


Well-Known Member
You don't understand, i do care for our planet, but don't make up stories to get money to keep so called science in jobs, there is money dished pout to whatever you can think of, and climate change is one of them.
So you're saying that climate change is a hoax to keep people like me (at least for part of my job) employed? You're too f*****g right I don't understand - please explain - with at least ONE verifiable fact. You do know what a fact is I presume?


Veteran Member
So you're saying that climate change is a hoax to keep people like me (at least for part of my job) employed? You're too f*****g right I don't understand - please explain - with at least ONE verifiable fact. You do know what a fact is I presume?
Of course you don't understand, you believe in the establishment your in, you are only a mere number doing what you believe is right..

james bond

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it a religion. Maybe fake science. Here an experiment to demonstrate that the melting Arctic isn't anything to worry about as the water level stays the same. If extra water is added from runoff from the land, then it returns to the land as the land soaks it up. Eventually, it will reach a saturation point, but we haven't reached that because of evaporation. Today, we have the Arctic ice melting and Antarctica ice growing. What about the polar bears and other creatures? Their numbers decline, but then they rise again as the ice returns. The climate change scientists only count the declining periods. If the people who decide on what liberals should complain about did scrap their private jets and led by example, then I might listen.

Capitalism should be destroyed. It's ruining humanity and this planet.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There is nothing in this world that has created more freedom, wealth, technology, healthcare advances etc etc etc etc etc, than capitalism. NOW, if you would have said the crony capitalism we have right now then I wouldn't completely argue with you. The biggest problem we have is the goddamn lobbyists in Washington. That **** has to go.
It is. But to be fair, while capitalism is inherently exploitative, particularly of non-human persons who are generally not given any rights, it is unregulated capitalism coupled with materialism/consumerism plus high levels of affluence and human overpopulation that is a beast. :sweat:
True, but capitalism's existence always implies the existence of poverty.
HOLY ****!! There has ALWAYS been poverty! Wealth is an abnormality that Capitalism helped create, and has allowed more people to take part in. Look, there is no perfect system. True free market capitalism is about as good as it can get. Even the poor in wealthy countries are rich in comparison to the poor in non capitalist countries. You people need to do a lot more research on this subject.

What exactly do you people suggest we go to if capitalism is so evil?
Fossil fuels are going to run out at some point. It would be stupid to wait until they do, then try to find a way to produce electricity and move our vehicles.
Human ingenuity has continually found ways to improve our ability to find more fuel or expand the usage of the fuel we have. ****ing capitalism! (sarcasm of course)
The larger issue is that politicians tend to ignore problems like pollution, and so do lots of people. People put batteries with mercury into the garbage. Dentists happily use deadly toxins in our mouths (unless someone tells them not to). Corporations happily dump barrels of chemicals into rivers. There is a genuine political poster from many years ago that claims "Dilution is the solution to pollution." This is a popular slogan in political arenas from years gone by, and it proved wrong particularly when we started to feel the effects of plastic PCB's and the wonder poison called DDT. There are so many examples of people and politicians ignoring environmental problems. In the early days of industry cotton mills would kill their workers since their lungs would clog with tiny cotton fibers, and the manufacturers didn't try to do anything to prevent it until someone finally made them do it.
Pollution was a much larger problem in the earlier parts of the 20th century. They literally could light lakes on fire. Smog would not allow you to see very far, etc. Now, pollution is still a problem, but nowhere near what it used to be. It's getting better, but it needs help.

DDT is one thing that never should have been banned. It's never been proven to be harmful. The developer of the product used to eat spoonfuls of it for ****'s sake. How many have died in countries from diseases spread by mosquito's that could have been prevented?
Correct - but that is because capitalism is the system we currently have - there is no reason we couldn't still have innovation but not capitalism - we would just have to use our brains instead of impersonal and amoral 'market forces' to make it work...(sigh!)
Where in the hell do you think innovation comes from? Once you take away someone's ability to prosper from their own ideas, people will stop coming up with ideas. Not everyone, but a large majority. I guarantee it.