You can think what you like. Over the years I have read links and all they ever have is opinions, almost never no evidence, so I have decided they are a waste of time.
Since we cannot see the entire universe, IMO they can't say it is flat.
Just to make my point I am going to check that video and before I do,I will say, they will not present any real scientific data to support their opinion. I will get back to you soon. Fair enough?
Just as i said, no real scientific evidence. He mentioned increasing the orbit of a planet as doing certain things, but man can't increase the the orbit of a planet to see if that really happened. Also it can be duplicated on earth by an experiment with a flashlight.
What really made his illustration absurd is when he said, this proves something can be made out of nothing. Anyone who believes that is living in a scientific lala land.
That video should have begun with "once upon a time." and ended with "and they live happily ever after,"