If "liberal interventionism" or politics in general had anything whatsoever to do with Humanism, I might agree with you. However they don't, so I don't.
Humanism is an ideology/system of values. Values drive behaviour and are inherently political as your politics is based on your values. For some people, their Humanist values drive a liberal interventionist ideology. They will even tell you this themselves (see C. Hitchens et al).
Humanist anti-theists criticise religions for promoting negative values leading to harmful behaviour, yet they absolutely refuse to believe that their belief system could ever lead to harmful actions in some people who share it (and who are not necessarily representative of the entire Humanist community). This is a bit like a Christian saying Jesus was a man of peace so Christianity can't possibly be violent.
Numerous people on here (not necessarily you) have argued that
a) atheism cannot possibly have any effect on any other beliefs
b) the application of 'science and reason' can't possibly lead to negative outcomes
c) and now Humanistic values can never lead to harmful behaviour
However they also believe it is perfectly possible to blame 'religion', 'Christianity', 'Islam', etc. for any behaviour carried out by their adherents and that all of their co-religionists are responsible to some extent as they believe in the same book.
This illustrates a lack of scepticism coupled with the desire to retain a gateau whilst also enjoying its consumption.
You do realize the vast majority of liberal American politicians identify as Christian right? Not Humanist.
I'm not talking about most American politicians, but any Humanists who share a liberal interventionist ideology. (not Humanism in general)