Veteran Member
I never really use the word common sense, but it seems to describe by the wisest choice. However, the problem in political decisions, or ones in morality, is that there may be multiple valid answers. What's one man's trash is another's treasure. Similarly, difference cultures, groups and individuals have numerous ideas of what's best.
So, I'm not sure how one could measure this.
One serious hard line yecster I ran into was always
about common sense. One of his common sense
observations was that all the glacial striae to be found
from the ice age are what they appear to be,
but, not from glaciers as such. The flood, you see,
dragged ice floes and...
There could have been no continental glaciation because,
glaciers only move down hill. And ice does not flow.
He was a priceless source of such insights.
All gained not by study by but via the simple
expedient of using common sense. And it led
him to understandings of arcane Truth beyond
the capacity of any devilish "researcher".