I think you're giving people far too much credit here. The vast majority of non-religious are apathetic pure and simple. When you live a comfortable, consumerist lifestyle the perceived relevance of religion declines. (It's God or Mammon, always has been)
And no, the New Age had its heyday. I don't see a wide movement of people "seeing the light" and becoming theosophists or quasi-Hindus. People are too busy burying their heads in their phones and drinking their beers to care about much else.
Totally agree, comfort and security are often bad for church growth.
Christianity is not in decline in other parts of the world e.g. China has the fastest growing numbers of evangelical born again believers (between 150 and 200 million ) in the world, South Korea is almost 50% evangelical Christianity, etc etc. Even among Islamic people groups , many are converting to Christ through dreams and visions.
The modern world is rejecting the un-reality of the Western state churches ( apart from Alpha in the C of E ). Young people are not impressed with Gothic architecture and ancient organ recitals. Christianity is flourishing around the world just not in big traditional churches .
Successful expressions of active Christianity in the UK include , Alpha Course, Soul Survivour, New Frontiers Churches, Abundant Life Bradford, Destiny Glasgow. Hope Church Glasgow. Ywam , Bethel ( california ) affiliated groups. Hillsong and many more. See U Tube for Hillsong and Bethel music etc.
But it`s a battle ( Eph 6 vs 10 ) Christianity has lots of enemies and always has had them even in Jesus time on Earth, Satan showed Christ all the Kingdoms of the world in a moment of time saying " take them for they are mine to give !" The first man Adam ( literal or figurative ) had lost that authority in the garden of Eden. Christ won it back on the cross. We can know that authority through faith in the person of Christ.