Religiosity in the United States is in the midst of what might be called ‘The Great Decline.’ Previous declines in religion pale in comparison.
Over the past fifteen years, the drop in religiosity has been twice as great as the decline of the 1960s and 1970s.
The analyses, published this month in the journal PlosOne (link is external), reveal a seismic generational shift in religious commitment. Twice as many high school seniors, and 3 times as many college students, described their religion as “none” in the 2010s (vs. the early 1980s). Even among 8th and 10th graders, who have only been surveyed since the early 1990s, 40% to 50% fewer now affiliate with a religion.
As I said, WHY?
What are your ideas, suspicions, guesses?
First, its a very good thing for society. This will evoke more empathy, less suspicion and far less bigotry in an already relatively tolerant U.S society.
The 50s and prior were horrible times for most. Don't believe the lies about 'tradition.'
Studies are showing what most of us know already about the meanness of many kids brought up religiously (closeted, that is)
So, while we must respect those brought up/forced to believe what they believe, in a democracy, we must continue to expose reality. Few know the history of their traditions. As soon as they learn of it, they think this is all quite hypocritical, rather silly and unnecessary.
Again, never underestimate the existential crisis people endure upon facing this harsh truth about their beliefs, but education, tolerance, diversity, inclusiveness and understanding (not to mention learning some actual history: its on Wikipedia!) will win out.
(That is unless Cruz gets elected and it'll be 1933 or all over again. Canada here we come...)