Too much physical world thinking. It's the physical world that is temporary. The permanence of the perfect spirit being burned is everlasting.
There is not such thing as too much physical world thinking.
I'd agree that consciousness is part information "processing," but it's more than that. It's beyond the physical or just the brain. It's also the mind, thoughts, virtual memory and pain and suffering (The last one is the one I learned recently through Buddhism. We do not want to be in continual dissatisfaction and pain.). There are different levels of consciousness at every moment.
Information is physical. A bit of information is physical, and its being physical is independent from the support, if any, that stores it. You can actually measure bits and bites in Energy/temperature if you want. And consciousness is therefore physical too. You cannot be conscious without crunching bits and heat your surroundings.
You probably believe that you can have consciousness without physics, but that is as plausible as angels using wings to fly in a spiritual realm without an atmosphere.
There is nothing that transcends the physical, and if there is, it is probably very dull.
Then you get more into the physical. Information isn't just physical. It can be metaphysical and virtual. We can't store complete HD video and audio in our brains. Yes, our bodies need food, but so does our mind/consciousness and spirit/soul with good religion such as Christianity or Buddhism. Conscience is part of our consciousness. Love is part of our soul which make up our spirit. The soul contains our personalities which are unique to each individual. Our bodies burns energy with good food and our spirit burns spiritual energy with good thoughts and impressions. Neurology, which once seemed promising, has gone towards atheist science. Now, it tries to explain everything as part of the body and brain. Everything is stored inside the physical. They just can't figure out when it all dies/ends nor can they figure out how it begins. Nor can they explain how it came to be from a fish or monkey ha ha.
Consciousness is an emergent property of information crunching in our brain. No brain, no consciousness, as you probably realize if you consider where your consciousness was before you acquired a brain at birth.
End of brain = game over. I would start getting used to the idea, instead of looking for totally implausible escapes whose only justification is wishful thinking and survival instinct.
And what you call atheist science, is only the logical conclusion rational people reach by analyzing the facts. Namely: we are what our brains compute. It is sufficient to assume a few glasses of not spiritual spirits (e.g. Vodka) to adios your metaphysical consciousness. It is sufficient to have a neuron destroying disease to kill anything that you would identify as a person. It is sufficient to have irreversible dementia or Alzheimer to have mothers not even recognizing their own sons or husbands that they loved so much before their synapses started playing crazy.
I mean, how much more evidence do you need? Do you really believe that a soul on earth with a kaputt brain will not recognize her own son or what she had for breakfast, while the same soul in Heaven will be hunky dory without any physical brain at all? That makes no sense whatsoever. That brain would not only be redundant, but counterproductive.
Therefore: No computation, no us. It looks very straightforward. Before birth = after death. Nice and symmetric. No evidence whatsoever of spiritual stuff of any kind that transcends that kilogram of disgusting looking blob that is in our skull. Any idea of a spiritual realm that will host our soul is also the result of naturalistic and physical mechanisms: namely our instinct to survive even beyond reproductive necessity. Our brains are the product of eons of naturalistic processes that optimized it for survival: it is not surprising that it misfires and makes up things when confronted with its own termination, or that shows "extended levels of awareness" on a scan
The spirit will continue beyond spacetime and we'll have to see how many dimensions beyond the physical there are.
I can telly you how many dimensions beyond the physical there are: ZERO, and I am being generous, by assuming that the spiritual is something that makes sense to start with. We have a lot evidence for the physical and ZERO for the non physical.
Alas, for all practical purposes, speaking of the spiritual is like speaking of xhfjhsbjfhsjdfhb.... a meaningless concept that does not even deserve that ZERO I conceded.
- viole