natural_instinct said:
now wait a min, in your analogy you saw me eating a hamburger and offered me steak. where is the need? I wasn't starving, I was eating a hamburger. See, you presume to think that I was in need. When someone doesn't need help the only thing a "good samaritan" is, is a pest. Sorry.
You dont seem to be getting it.
Nonchalance. Nonchalance is the way to deal with Christians when they try to "save" you. One thing you must understand is that people enjoy drama and excitement. It is stimulating to take on the ideas of others, to belittle them and to raise yourself up, high and mighty, upon the pedestal of righteousness. Many Christians
need to tell you about their faith. It's like those people who come up and wash your car's windows at a traffic light and then ask for change. Are they kind of annoying? Yeah. But every once in a while, give them some change. And even when you don't, don't look all annoyed at them.
Don't allow yourself to get annoyed when someone comes to you with the Word of God.
Your annoyance only makes them feel righteous. It makes them feel like, "See, I am happy and he is annoyed". Do not give them such satisfaction. Instead, if you do not have time for them. Simply smile and politely say, "I am sorry Ma'am, or Sir, I do not have time for you today. Maybe some other time." One of the most effective weapons that Evangelicals have is kindness. You've heard the term, "Kill them with Kindness"? That's what they do. The best way to fight back is with an even greater kindness. If you have time, ask them how they have been and if they are ok. Let them know that if there is something wrong with them, you are willing to help them out if you can (and be prepared to help). Always smile. Always be polite.
But trust me. Getting frustrated, annoyed or even angry only makes them feel all the more righteous; which will only annoy you more in the end!