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Repetition: Another proof of God.


Well-Known Member
I once read that when we keep doing the same things over and over again, and still expect different results, that is a definition of insanity. Well I don't think its insanity, I think its somethingelse. I think in many cases, Repetition is evidence of a Great influence " Over a situation." Like a repeating decimal in which a certain figure or series of figures repeats itself " Ad infinitum." Where our Universe is concerned, God has not given it continuity, it is decaying and comming to an end, which I think is another seperate proof of God.

For example, if all life created itself, why would it then destroy itself, why not just continue to evolve into infinity? We could then say the " Purpose of inadvertant creation of its own species, has its own continuim." It will keep repeating itself, over and over again ad infinitum. But our Universe is decaying, the decay is repeating itself, which suggest to me that this unusual repetition of decay, was a designed temporary chemical physical existance. Which I think suggest a God.

Not just the Universe, but our own human physical lives and the Repetitions we constantly experience every day, - every year, as if we just cannot stop it. Over and over again we are faced with the same things.

And I want to go into what about that suggest God.



When I have gotten to the heart of discussion with those that either do not believe in G-d or are uncertain if G-d exist – as I have explored their understanding of G-d – I also do not believe that such being actually exist. In many cases I have found that those that believe and have faith in there being a G-d – it appears to me that they have rather non-sense and ridiculous concepts about what G-d is accomplishing for all his efforts (return on investment).

Is there a creator? That really is not the question. Things exist so there had to be a creation and thus a creator or an initiator. The question really is – Why? And to what “Purpose”? If you do not understand the “reason” you do not understand the being. Or if you do not understand the “end” you cannot say you understanding what is going on and most certainly who is actually behind “it”.



Well-Known Member
Not just the Universe, but our own human physical lives and the Repetitions we constantly experience every day, - every year, as if we just cannot stop it. Over and over again we are faced with the same things.

And I want to go into what about that suggest God.


Repitition is simular to " A Plan." More and more to me, human life seems to be a type of Repetition, almost to the point of Tedium. And I think many have committed suicide because of this Tedium in their lives. Suicide is a copy or replica of doom. They see the only way out as death, the only answer to " No way out."

Over the span of human history, this repetition has been repeated over and over again, producing nothing new under the sun, the same old misery wrapped in a new dress. Duplicated terror , simply decorated differently in modern rags.

When things repeat themselves like this, what does that really mean?

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
With this unstoppable repetition there can be a sense of helplessness, because you know you cannot stop it. War, incredible weather, famine, hatered, all things that keep repeating themselves over and over again, theres no stopping it. Humanity cannot control it.

Its " Beyond us."

And I want to go into that " Beyond."



Well-Known Member
Repetition is more than just " One step beyond", its evidence that the repeating cannot be stopped, or there is no effort to stop it that susceeds. And I think that correctly explains God, he who cannot be stopped, and he who has locked humanity into this repetition.

We can't stop lying, we can't stop fighting, we can't stop being greedy, we can't stop being selfish, we can't stop being lustful, we just can't stop this repetition, that defines a far greater power than us.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
What do you mean when you say the Universe is decaying?

Everything in the Universe is in a constant state of decay. Beta and Gama decay, matter itself is decaying, eventually it will die out, it is not universally an unlimited continuim.



Well-Known Member
No purpose of God can be stopped, Job 42:2.

When God puts things in motion, they will continue on that line until he stops it. Thats WHY we can do nothing with evil, thats why we can't change suffering, thats why we all are not " Good People." These things keep repeating BECAUSE of God!

And their repetition is proof of a God. Our inability to change these things is proof of God, and our blindness to these things is proof of God.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Everything in the Universe is in a constant state of decay. Beta and Gama decay, matter itself is decaying, eventually it will die out, it is not universally an unlimited continuim.


No it isn't, the universe is expanding and might one day start to contract but it's just a theory. As far as I can tell "the universe is decaying" only has sources from Christian web sites using it to bash other religions.


Well-Known Member
No it isn't, the universe is expanding and might one day start to contract but it's just a theory. As far as I can tell "the universe is decaying" only has sources from Christian web sites using it to bash other religions.

I am not Christian and I believe it is decaying. The half-life of Carbon 14 shows its decaying, Heat Death shows its decaying, and closed systems have no future of expanding. Only an open system universe can expand, ours is a closed system universe.



Well-Known Member
I am not Christian and I believe it is decaying. The half-life of Carbon 14 shows its decaying, Heat Death shows its decaying, and closed systems have no future of expanding. Only an open system universe can expand, ours is a closed system universe.


Heat death is a proposed theory of how the universe will end, it is not happening at this moment. In fact it says the exact opposite of what you are trying to say; the universe is continuously expanding and will end when it expands to a point where it can no longer sustain itself then begin to contract. I'm not sure what the half life of Carbon 14 has to do with the universe.


Well-Known Member
Heat death is a proposed theory of how the universe will end, it is not happening at this moment. In fact it says the exact opposite of what you are trying to say; the universe is continuously expanding and will end when it expands to a point where it can no longer sustain itself then begin to contract. I'm not sure what the half life of Carbon 14 has to do with the universe.

I totally disagree with your information, all closed systems, including our universe, disintegrate over time as they decay to a lower order of available energy and organization. Entrophy always increases and never decreases in a closed system. All scientific observations that I have studied confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder. Because the avialible energy is being used up and there is no source of new energy, the universe couldnot have always existed, nor was designed to always exist. If the universe had always existed, it would now be uniform in temperture, suffering what is known as heat death, which occurs when it has reached a maximun state of entrophy.

It is a fact that our sun and stars are right now burning out. Because they have not burned forever, and are currently burning, they didnot always exist.

All this points to an obvious creation of our universe by a being, a power, that has prebounded plans for it.



Well-Known Member
I totally disagree with your information, all closed systems, including our universe, disintegrate over time as they decay to a lower order of available energy and organization. Entrophy always increases and never decreases in a closed system. All scientific observations that I have studied confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder. Because the avialible energy is being used up and there is no source of new energy, the universe couldnot have always existed, nor was designed to always exist. If the universe had always existed, it would now be uniform in temperture, suffering what is known as heat death, which occurs when it has reached a maximun state of entrophy.

It is a fact that our sun and stars are right now burning out. Because they have not burned forever, and are currently burning, they didnot always exist.

All this points to an obvious creation of our universe by a being, a power, that has prebounded plans for it.


Interesting. Can I have a link to your peer reviewed study on the subject? Sounds like big stuff if it's scientifically sound.


I Fly Space.
I totally disagree with your information, all closed systems, including our universe, disintegrate over time as they decay to a lower order of available energy and organization. Entrophy always increases and never decreases in a closed system. All scientific observations that I have studied confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder. Because the avialible energy is being used up and there is no source of new energy, the universe couldnot have always existed, nor was designed to always exist. If the universe had always existed, it would now be uniform in temperture, suffering what is known as heat death, which occurs when it has reached a maximun state of entrophy.

It is a fact that our sun and stars are right now burning out. Because they have not burned forever, and are currently burning, they didnot always exist.

All this points to an obvious creation of our universe by a being, a power, that has prebounded plans for it.


Wow! It's so obvious you can even predict the future. How can you tell us where we're going if you don't even know where we came from? You can't, you're just standing in the middle with suppositions. The universe could not have always existed? Why not? You weren't there to know if a previous one expanded, contracted and exploded into the universe we currently live in today.


Well-Known Member
Wow! It's so obvious you can even predict the future. How can you tell us where we're going if you don't even know where we came from? You can't, you're just standing in the middle with suppositions. The universe could not have always existed? Why not? You weren't there to know if a previous one expanded, contracted and exploded into the universe we currently live in today.

We came from God, thats easy to tell others. But others will not listen to that, they would rather believe that we came from an explosion of nothing, that then created something, which over time birthed planets, which over time created spools of chemicals, which over time evolved into ampibians, which over time developed legs and walked out from the chemicals, which over time evolved into Apes, and that we are continous with the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes.



Freak of Nature
I have been posting on similair thoughts ill copy paste them in a new thread " discussing the new unified theory that includes gravitons"

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
We came from God, thats easy to tell others. But others will not listen to that, they would rather believe that we came from an explosion of nothing, that then created something, which over time birthed planets, which over time created spools of chemicals, which over time evolved into ampibians, which over time developed legs and walked out from the chemicals, which over time evolved into Apes, and that we are continous with the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes.


Actually, researchers now have proof that great apes use vocal communication to express ideas to each other about their environment. Check out the story:

Chimp "Dinner Conversation" Proof of Ape Speech?

But more to the point, why would it not be possible for God to have created the universe by using an explosion that birthed planets and pools of chemicals from which simple organisms emerged and eventually developed over time into more complex organisms which eventually over time developed into humans?

As a matter of fact, I am betting if there is a God, then He/She would most likely construct the universe by relying on the laws of physics rather than just snapping His/Her holy fingers or waving a magic holy wand.


Well-Known Member
But more to the point, why would it not be possible for God to have created the universe by using an explosion that birthed planets and pools of chemicals from which simple organisms emerged and eventually developed over time into more complex organisms which eventually over time developed into humans?

As a matter of fact, I am betting if there is a God, then He/She would most likely construct the universe by relying on the laws of physics rather than just snapping His/Her holy fingers or waving a magic holy wand.

Human life has arisen once, why people need this " Explosion of luck" to conclude their arguement, is beyond me. I mean, what is the maximun amount of luck you need to support your view of the orgin of the Universe? What is the scale of reason of such an explosion happening, 1 in 100 billion billion? If DNA and its copying machinery arose spontaneously from a lucky explosion, then we can assume that life is indeed rare in the Universe and give its orgin to anything we can imagine- " Other than God Creating it spontaneously."

We would rather give it to self creating Luck, or some invisible " Primeval Soup", which the lucky nothing produced one incredible day in time-- time which began itself.

If the human mind cannot comprehend God, then it will never comprehend the orgin of all things.



I Fly Space.
We came from God, thats easy to tell others. But others will not listen to that, they would rather believe that we came from an explosion of nothing, that then created something, which over time birthed planets, which over time created spools of chemicals, which over time evolved into ampibians, which over time developed legs and walked out from the chemicals, which over time evolved into Apes, and that we are continous with the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes.


I came from space. Thats easy to tell everyone too. :cool: