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The three biological sons of Mary, are Jesus, Joseph and 'James the younger brother of Jesus,' who was sired by Cleophas=Alphaeus the second husband of Mary.

May I ask what scripture is used to support that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had offspring sired by Cleophas=Alphaeus. At what point did she remarry? Why did Jesus direct that she be cared for by John "the beloved" if she had a husband?


Well-Known Member
May I ask what scripture is used to support that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had offspring sired by Cleophas=Alphaeus. At what point did she remarry? Why did Jesus direct that she be cared for by John "the beloved" if she had a husband?

James the younger, is the brother of Jesus and therefore he is the son of Mary, and James' biological father is Alphaeus who is also called Cleophas the husband of Mary. how many more time must this be repeated?

GALATIANS 1: 19, And I saw no other APOSTLE, save Jame's the brother of the Lord, James the son of Alphaeus who is also called Cleophas the husband of Mary, whose son James is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus.

If you were to re-read my post 207, you will see that I have already explained why Mary could not go back to the house of her legal husband Cleophas and needed someone to support her after the death of her First born. It is finished.
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GALATIANS 1: 19, And I saw no other APOSTLE, save Jame's the brother of the Lord, James the son of Alphaeus who is also called Cleophas the husband of Mary, whose son James is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus.

There are six Marys mentioned in the Bible. I sincerely feel that you are confusing the various Marys and James etc....just my opinion.

1. Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli, though the genealogy given by Luke lists Mary’s husband Joseph as the “son of Heli.” Says M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia (1881, Vol. III, p. 774): “In constructing their genealogical tables, it is well known that the Jews reckoned wholly by males, rejecting, where the blood of the grandfather passed to the grandson through a daughter, the name of the daughter herself, and counting that daughter’s husband for the son of the maternal grandfather (Numb. xxvi, 33; xxvii, 4-7).” It is undoubtedly for this reason the historian Luke says that Joseph was the “son of Heli.”—Lu 3:23.

In the account in Galatians, “But I saw no one else of the apostles, only James the brother of the Lord.” James (not the original apostle James the son of Zebedee nor James the son of Alphaeus, but the half brother of Jesus) was evidently viewed as an “apostle” in the wider sense, namely, as “one sent forth” by the Jerusalem congregation. This would allow for the Acts account to use the title in the plural in saying that Paul was led “to the apostles” (that is, Peter and James).—Compare 1Co 15:5-7; Ga 2:9.


Well-Known Member
There are six Marys mentioned in the Bible. I sincerely feel that you are confusing the various Marys and James etc....just my opinion.

1. Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli, though the genealogy given by Luke lists Mary’s husband Joseph as the “son of Heli.” Says M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia (1881, Vol. III, p. 774): “In constructing their genealogical tables, it is well known that the Jews reckoned wholly by males, rejecting, where the blood of the grandfather passed to the grandson through a daughter, the name of the daughter herself, and counting that daughter’s husband for the son of the maternal grandfather (Numb. xxvi, 33; xxvii, 4-7).” It is undoubtedly for this reason the historian Luke says that Joseph was the “son of Heli.”—Lu 3:23.

In the account in Galatians, “But I saw no one else of the apostles, only James the brother of the Lord.” James (not the original apostle James the son of Zebedee nor James the son of Alphaeus, but the half brother of Jesus) was evidently viewed as an “apostle” in the wider sense, namely, as “one sent forth” by the Jerusalem congregation. This would allow for the Acts account to use the title in the plural in saying that Paul was led “to the apostles” (that is, Peter and James).—Compare 1Co 15:5-7; Ga 2:9.

Quote...starlite----There are six Marys mentioned in the Bible. I sincerely feel that you are confusing the various Marys and James etc....just my opinion.

Well in my opinion there are only three.
Mary number 1. The Mary as recorded in Romans 16: 6, an unidentified woman in Rome.

Mary number 2-3 and 4. Mary the biological mother of Jesus her son, who was sired by Joseph the Levite, who is the son of 'Heli' the Father of Mary.
Mary the mother of young Joseph, the son who was sired by the step father of Jesus, who is Joseph of the tribe of Judah, the son of Matthan.
And Mary the mother of James the younger of her three biological sons, who is the Apostle and the brother of Jesus who was the first to sit on the Episcopal throne of the church of the circumcision in Jerusalem and who was sired by Alphaeus who is also called Cleophas. These are all one and the same woman, Mary the biological mother of Jesus, Joseph and James the younger.

Mary number 5 and 6. Mary Magdalene, the woman of ill repute who according to Luke had wet the feet of Jesus with her tears and anointed them with expensive perfume,and wiped them with her hair, while in the house of Simon= Lazarus (Meaning without hope or Terminal) with the deaded skin disease, and Mary the sister of Simon=Lazarus, of who John says in John 11: 2, "This Mary was the one who poured the perfume on the Lord's feet and wiped them with her hair, it was her brother who was sick etc." are the one woman.

Quote...starlite-------Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli.
Correct, Mary the Mother of Jesus is the daughter of 'Heli.'
though the genealogy given by Luke lists Mary’s husband Joseph as the “son of Heli. Incorrect, Joseph the biological father of Jesus, is Joseph the Levite and son of Heli the father of Mary, and he is a descendant of Nathan who is both the stepson and son in law of David, but is the biological son of Uriah who married into the tribe of Levi by becoming the husbamd of Bathsheba the daughter of Ammiel who is the Son of Obed-Edom the Levite, and this Joseph can in no way be confused 'even by a blind man,' with the step father of Jesus, who is Joseph of the tribe of Judah who is the son of Matthan, a descendant of Solomon the half brother to Nathan the son of Uriah who had married the daughter of David.
Zechariah 12: 12, "And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; (This would have included Solomon of the house of David) the family of the house of Nathan (The son of Uriah) apart, and their wives apart."

As long as you are held captive by the deceptive teaching of the Anti-Christ, which was spread throughout the entire world that denies that Jesus was a norman human being, you will remain blind to the truth of the salvation that lays in the story of Christ and the resurrection.
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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Quote...starlite-------Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli.
Correct, Mary the Mother of Jesus is the daughter of 'Heli.'
though the genealogy given by Luke lists Mary’s husband Joseph as the “son of Heli. Incorrect, Joseph the biological father of Jesus, is Joseph the Levite and son of Heli the father of Mary

See, I see what you are saying in the same way Starlite did. The way this is worded is like saying Joseph and Mary are brother and sister. :eek:


As long as you are held captive by the deceptive teaching of the Anti-Christ, which was spread throughout the entire world that denies that Jesus was a norman human being, you will remain blind to the truth of the salvation that lays in the story of Christ and the resurrection.

Actually, I believe that the truth has set me free....I am no longer held captive to false teachings.

Five days before Jesus’ last Passover, he and his disciples were guests again in Bethany, this time at the home of Simon the leper, where Mary and her family also were. Martha was serving the evening meal; Mary again gave her attention to the Son of God. As Jesus was reclining, Mary “took a pound of perfumed oil, genuine nard, very costly” (worth about a year’s wages) and poured it on his head and feet. Not generally appreciated at the time, this act done out of love and regard for Jesus in reality signified the preparation for Jesus’ death and burial so near at hand. As before, Mary’s expression of love was criticized by others, and as before, her love and devotion were defended and greatly appreciated by Jesus. “Wherever this good news is preached in all the world,” he declared, “what this woman did shall also be told as a remembrance of her.”—Mt 26:6-13; Mr 14:3-9; Joh 12:1-8.

The above incident, Mary’s anointing of Jesus, as reported by Matthew, Mark, and John, should not be confused with the anointing mentioned in Luke 7:36-50. The two events have some similarities, yet there are differences. The earlier event, reported by Luke, took place in the northern district of Galilee; the later, in the south at Bethany in Judea. The earlier was in the home of a Pharisee; the later, in that of Simon the leper. The earlier anointing was by an unnamed woman publicly known to be “a sinner,” probably a prostitute; the later was by Martha’s sister Mary. There was also more than a year’s difference in time between the two events.

This link is one of many that answers the question....How many Mary's are named in the Bible?
Bible Studies: Mary's in bible, mary the mother of jesus, mother of jesus


Well-Known Member
Excuse me please, but, all the Bible translations I checked only mentioned James, the brother of Jesus and nothing more.

James the Apostle is the son of Alphaeus also called Cleophas. And when Paul refers to the Apostles, He is referring to those who had been divenly commissioned to represent Christ.
Galatians 1: 19.
King James--But other of the Apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.
Amplified---But I did not see any of the Other Apostles--the special messengers of Christ--except James the brother of the Lord.
Living New Testament--- And the only other Apostle I met at that time was James, our Lord's brother.
Revised Standard---But I saw none of the other Apostles except Jame's the Lord's brother.
The Full Life Study Bible---I saw none of the other Apostles only James, the Lord's brother.
The Gideons---But I saw none of the other Apostles except James, the Lord's brother.
New World Translation--- But I saw no one else of the Apostles, only James the brother of the Lord.

Quote...starlite---all the Bible translations I checked only mentioned James, the brother of Jesus and nothing more. 'Which of all the Bible Translations that you read did not mention that James the brother of the Lord was not one of the Apostles?"

According to the subject guide in Young's Analytical concordance to the Bible, Apostle: (Men divinely commissioned to represent Christ,) apart from the chosen twelve plus Paul and Barnabus who is Joseph the Levite from Cyprus, name me any other who was divinely commissioned to represent Christ?

Quote from post 225 by starlite....but the half brother of Jesus was evidently viewed as an “apostle” in the wider sense, namely, as “one sent forth” by the Jerusalem congregation. And where might we find any referrence to this apart from yourself?
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Surely you remember that David is the father of Yahshua and that Yoseph is his adoptive father?

I agree with your comments on David. In telling Mary that she would have a son called Jesus, the angel declared that “Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father.” (Lu 1:32) “Jesus Christ, son of David,” was both the legal and the natural heir to the throne of David. (Mt 1:1, 17; Lu 3:23-31) Paul said that Jesus was the offspring of David according to the flesh. (Ro 1:3; 2Ti 2:8) The common people also identified Jesus as the “Son of David.” (Mt 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 21:9, 15; Mr 10:47, 48; Lu 18:38, 39) It was important to establish this, for, as the Pharisees admitted, Messiah would be David’s son. (Mt 22:42) The resurrected Jesus himself also bore witness, saying: “I, Jesus, . . . am the root and the offspring of David.”—Re 22:16; also Re 3:7; 5:5.

And yet, that Yahweh was truly the Father or Life-Giver to this firstborn Son and that this Son was actually a creature of God is evident from Jesus’ own statements. He pointed to God as the Source of his life, saying, “I live because of the Father.” According to the context, this meant that his life resulted from or was caused by his Father, Yahweh. Yahweh’s angelic messenger had informed the virgin girl Mary that she would ‘conceive in her womb’ as the result of God’s holy spirit coming upon her and His power overshadowing her. (Lu 1:30, 31, 34, 35)

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
I agree with your comments on David. In telling Mary that she would have a son called Jesus, the angel declared that “Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father.” (Lu 1:32) “Jesus Christ, son of David,” was both the legal and the natural heir to the throne of David. (Mt 1:1, 17; Lu 3:23-31) Paul said that Jesus was the offspring of David according to the flesh. (Ro 1:3; 2Ti 2:8) The common people also identified Jesus as the “Son of David.” (Mt 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 21:9, 15; Mr 10:47, 48; Lu 18:38, 39) It was important to establish this, for, as the Pharisees admitted, Messiah would be David’s son. (Mt 22:42) The resurrected Jesus himself also bore witness, saying: “I, Jesus, . . . am the root and the offspring of David.”—Re 22:16; also Re 3:7; 5:5.

And yet, that Yahweh was truly the Father or Life-Giver to this firstborn Son and that this Son was actually a creature of God is evident from Jesus’ own statements. He pointed to God as the Source of his life, saying, “I live because of the Father.” According to the context, this meant that his life resulted from or was caused by his Father, Yahweh. Yahweh’s angelic messenger had informed the virgin girl Mary that she would ‘conceive in her womb’ as the result of God’s holy spirit coming upon her and His power overshadowing her. (Lu 1:30, 31, 34, 35)

I'll give you that. So the malach had a turkey baster and used artificial insemination to put the seed of David into Miriam. ;) Now I like to say that we are all sons and daughters of Elohim but really I have to refrain from that because some choose not to be and rather be the sons and daughters of Ha-Satan so I will use this analogy. If a woman goes to a sperm bank and receives the sperm of a man and then has it placed inside of her by way of artificial insemination then is the one who did the placing be considered the father? J


Quote from post 225 by starlite....but the half brother of Jesus was evidently viewed as an “apostle” in the wider sense, namely, as “one sent forth” by the Jerusalem congregation. And where might we find any referrence to this apart from yourself?

If you google the word apostle, various sites discuss the meaning of the word.

The Greek word a·po′sto·los is derived from the common verb a·po·stel′lo, meaning simply “send forth (or off).” (Mt 10:5; Mr 11:3) Its basic sense is clearly illustrated in Jesus’ statement: “A slave is not greater than his master, nor is one that is sent forth [a·po′sto·los] greater than the one that sent him.” (Joh 13:16) In 2 Cor. 8:23 and Phil. 2:25 the word "messenger" is the rendering of the same Greek word, elsewhere rendered "apostle."


If a woman goes to a sperm bank and receives the sperm of a man and then has it placed inside of her by way of artificial insemination then is the one who did the placing be considered the father? J

Once again, a thought provoking illustration and a question hard to answer. Isaiah 55:8,9....I wonder what God's thoughts are on this :coffee2:

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
The Jewish authorities were always looking for ways to trap Jesus according to his own words and then accuse him. And it was after he had preached that if a divorced person remarried while their original spouse was still alive, that they were guilty of ‘adultery.’
Choosing Mary from among the crowd who were listening to Jesus, the hypocrites made her stand before the people, then turning to Jesus and in their most patronising voices they said, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the very act of adultery (Not according to the law of Moses, but to the new teaching of Jesus) in our law Moses commanded that such a woman (An adulteress) must be stoned to death. Now, what do you say?"
Now, listen to what the scriptures say, They said this so that they could trap Jesus and accuse him.
This woman was not guilty according to the law, in fact, if she had been caught in the very act of having sexual intercourse with another man other than the one to who she was currently Married, the authorities who thought nothing of stoning the innocent stephen to death would have been compelled by the very law of Moses, to have her stoned to death irrelevant to what Jesus said. For the sake of her Lord, her first born who had asked her to sin no more, she ceased to live with her legal husband Cleophas, and it was for this reason that Jesus on the cross, unable to support his mother any longer, gave her into the care of his beloved disciple.

Where does scripture claim that this woman was the mother of Yahshua that they took from the crowd and accused of adultery?

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Once again, a thought provoking illustration and a question hard to answer. Isaiah 55:8,9....I wonder what God's thoughts are on this :coffee2:

The verse pretty much discredits all that anyone can say with exception to where things can be shown scripturally as fact. Fact is that Yahshua is son of David on earth and son of Elohim after death as being the only begotten son after death. But again all that serve and obey the true words of Yah can say they are the sons of Yah.


Could somebody explain to me why the physical body of Jesus was resurected when it was not nessessary ?

I'm not convinced that there was a physical body that was resurrected. I mean who here has first hand knowledge. We only know what we have been told. I don't think it was necessary because we are not our bodies, we are our essence.

ps I just love giraffes