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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
But He wasn't just a spirit. He specifically said He wasn't. Besides, His spirit could not be resurrected, because it had never died. To resurrect is to bring back to life. How can something that can't die in the first place be brought back to life?

Whose jesus we talking about here? Her jesus or your jesus. I mean with over 22,000 different sects of christianity one can't be altogether to sure. ;)

But I will say this on spirits. If you are not to sure on the fact that one can actually die, just wait until you taste the flaming brimstone of that lake. :D


Well-Known Member
Because he (Jesus) became flesh and blood when he was born....That's why he had to be resurrected as a spirit....remember you had posted that flesh and blood cannot enter the heavenly realm.

Isaiah 42: 1, The Lord says, "Here is my servant, whom I strengthen--the one I have CHOSEN, with whom I am well pleased. I have filled him with my spirit, and He will bring justice to every nation etc."

No! He was born flesh and blood as all human beings are born, and who are all the sons or descendants of God, having descended from Adam the Son of God, see Luke 3: 38, he was born of the spirit when he was filled with the spirit of the Lord and made high priest by our Father and saviour, for Jesus the man, 'I think we should repeat that for those who are slow to understand,' For Jesus the man, did not take upon himself the honour of high priest, in stead, after he had been made perfect through sufferings, God made him high priest in the line of succession to Melchizedek with these words, "You are my Son, TODAY I have become your Father." before he became high priest, after he had been made prefect, and was filled with the immortal spirit of the Lord, Jesus was a human being like the rest of us who must all die the first death of the body, after which our spirits go off into judgment to either be given the lot of eternal life, or cast back into the refining fire of another cycle of physical universal activity in which those spirits who were rejected will die the second death, which is that of the spirit=mind.

But if the spirit of the man Jesus could never die then why did he make his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to our Saviour who was able to save him from death, not the first death, which is that of the body, something which all human beings must experience, even Jesus and those whose corruptible physical bodies that are to be destroyed in a moment, in the twinkling of and eye and converted to incorruptible energy.--------- I pray each and ever day for you and all those who are locked away where the light of truth cannot reach,in the prison of darkness created by the Anti-Christ and his disciples who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being.

Luke 9: 35, A voice said from the cloud, "This is my Son, whom I have CHOSEN--listen to him."

For the word of God can be likened to a star that's being ever brightened
By the mind of man reaching ever higher--But those who deviate, they're liars
In God's Word, man's mind can grow, but those outside--they're like the snow
That settles on the desert sand, and the'll melt away before 'I AM.'......S-word

So hold your pen tightly and close your eyes slightly
Then call for the spirit within to awake
For it's He who I walk with-- who in you I would talk with
And here's the request that to Him I would make.
Arise! Let your light shine, for now is the right time
To scatter the darkness and shine forth your light
Release all your children held fast in the prison
Of those teachers of darkness, those Sons of the night.....S-word.
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Whose jesus we talking about here? Her jesus or your jesus. I mean with over 22,000 different sects of christianity one can't be altogether to sure. ;)

But I will say this on spirits. If you are not to sure on the fact that one can actually die, just wait until you taste the flaming brimstone of that lake. :D

Are you referring to that second death thing? :D


Well-Known Member
But He wasn't just a spirit. He specifically said He wasn't. Besides, His spirit could not be resurrected, because it had never died. To resurrect is to bring back to life. How can something that can't die in the first place be brought back to life?

The spirits of human beings can die after the first death of their bodies. I see that you must be a follower of the deceivers of John's day, and refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being?


I pray each and ever day for you and all those who are locked away where the light of truth cannot reach,in the prison of darkness created by the Anti-Christ and his disciples who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being.
I do not accept apostate teachings and I would appreciate your refraining from inferring that I follow the Anti-Christ. I do invite the opinions of others and do respect their beliefs....which I would expect in return...thank you


But He wasn't just a spirit. He specifically said He wasn't. Besides, His spirit could not be resurrected, because it had never died. To resurrect is to bring back to life. How can something that can't die in the first place be brought back to life?

If this is too confusing please let me know:
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The account of the creation of man states that God formed man from the dust of the ground and proceeded to “blow [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]into his nostrils the breath [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]of life, and the man came to be a living soul [[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ne´phesh[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]].” (Ge 2:7) [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Ne´phesh[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] may be translated literally as “a breather,” that is, “a breathing creature,” either human or animal.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Therefore, when God created man in Eden and blew into his nostrils “the breath [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] of life,” it is evident that, in addition to filling the man’s lungs with air, God caused the life-force, or spirit ([/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ru´ach[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]), to vitalize all the cells in Adam’s body. One might compare it to another invisible force, electricity, which may be used to make various types of machines operate—causing stoves to produce heat, fans to produce wind, computers to solve problems, television sets to produce figures, voices and other sounds—yet which electric current never takes on any of the characteristics of the machines in which it functions or is active. And when the plug is pulled the electricity ceases to generate the force needed to operate the appliances.
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Ecclesiastes 12:7 states that at death the person’s body returns to the dust, “and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it.” The person himself was never in heaven with God; what “returns” to God is therefore the life-force force that enabled the person to live. Jesus at the time of his death said , “Into your hand I entrust my spirit,” meant that God was being called upon to guard, or care for, that one’s life-force. When he had said this, he expired.” Notice that Jesus expired. When his spirit went out he was not on his way to heaven. Not until the third day from this was Jesus resurrected from the dead. Then, as Acts 1:3, 9 shows, it was 40 more days before he ascended to heaven. So, what is the meaning of what Jesus said at the time of his death? He was saying that he knew that, when he died, his future life prospects rested entirely with God. That there be an actual and literal transmission of some force from this planet to the heavenly presence of God is not necessarily required. A person’s entrusting his spirit evidently means, then, that he places his hope in God for a future restoration of such life-force to himself through a resurrection.[/FONT]​



Well-Known Member
I do not accept apostate teachings and I would appreciate your refraining from inferring that I follow the Anti-Christ. I do invite the opinions of others and do respect their beliefs....which I would expect in return...thank you

As has been pointed out previously, the virgin birth is not scriptural. Both Isaiah, and Matthew who transcribed Isaiah’s words, simply state that an unmarried female would conceive and bear a child. If as you say, Jesus was born of a virgin, this would have been the greatest of all the miracles associated with Jesus, and surely would have been emphasised by all the disciples, but not one of them mention it, in fact Matthew only reaffirms Isaiah words that an unmarried woman would fall pregnant and bear a child. Luke, who reveals Joseph the son of Heli, to be the biological Father of Jesus, speaks also of an angel telling the young virgin Mary that she was going to become pregnant etc, as happened with Sarah, who like Mary, was also informed by angels that she was to become pregnant, and was to bear the child of God’s promise according to the working of the Holy Spirit, which child was also sired by her half brother.

Whereas Mark and John ignore the physical birth of Jesus as totally irrelevant to the story of the Son of God, and begin their account when the Man Jesus was declared to be the chosen heir to the throne of Godhead when he was filled with the spirit of the Lord and a voice was heard from heaven saying, "You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, Today I have become your Father," see the more ancient authorities of Luke 3: 22, before the false teaching of the so called and unscriptural virgin birth had been firmly established throughout the world. The other Jesus in who the majority of people believe in, was not preached by the disciples, For nowhere will you find any of the chosen twelve, having preached a Jesus who was born of a virgin birth, that other Jesus was preached by the deceivers who refused to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, and they convinced an apostate people to accept that the man Jesus was born to a mortal women, having been sired by the creator of the Cosmos who is definitely not a human being.
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As has been pointed out previously, the virgin birth is not scriptural. Both Isaiah, and Matthew who transcribed Isaiah’s words, simply state that an unmarried female would conceive and bear a child. If as you say, Jesus was born of a virgin, this would have been the greatest of all the miracles associated with Jesus, and surely would have been emphasised by all the disciples, but not one of them mention it

First, I want to say "Thank you" for being respectful......
Christ Jesus himself said : “Before Abraham came into existence, I have been.” “No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.” “I am God’s Son.” And God himself repeatedly bore testimony to the same, as at the Jordan when Jesus was baptised, and when Jesus and three of his apostles were on the mount of transfiguration.—John 8:58; 3:13; 10:36; Matt. 3:17; 17:5.

We are told that “the Word became flesh,” and that he was “produced out of a woman.” Had he been merely incarnated he could have dispensed with a human mother. And had he been both human and divine upon the earth he would not have hungered after fasting, nor would he have needed rest after a journey or after a strenuous day; neither could he have died as man’s ransomer, for what is divine is immortal.—John 1:14; Gal. 4:4


Well-Known Member
First, I want to say "Thank you" for being respectful......
Christ Jesus himself said : “Before Abraham came into existence, I have been.” “No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.” “I am God’s Son.” And God himself repeatedly bore testimony to the same, as at the Jordan when Jesus was baptised, and when Jesus and three of his apostles were on the mount of transfiguration.—John 8:58; 3:13; 10:36; Matt. 3:17; 17:5.

We are told that “the Word became flesh,” and that he was “produced out of a woman.” Had he been merely incarnated he could have dispensed with a human mother. And had he been both human and divine upon the earth he would not have hungered after fasting, nor would he have needed rest after a journey or after a strenuous day; neither could he have died as man’s ransomer, for what is divine is immortal.—John 1:14; Gal. 4:4

Jesus said, "I am God’s Son.” and this is verified by scripture where the Lord Almighty declared him to be high priest, when he said,"You are my Son, Today I have become your Father." Before Jesus was, ‘I Am,’ (Not I WAS) this does not mean that I existed before the man Jesus who was chosen as the cornerstone to the new Temple of God that is being formed in the kingdom of God within you; Jesus, who grows in wisdom, knowledge and insight with each living spirit who is gathered to him, who is the glorious enclosure and compilation of all the spirits who inherit the new Kingdom of God on earth; the new multi-celled being of Light which is to supersede the old tent of God on earth, for the invisible mind that is God, cannot stop evolving. The mind that ceases to evolve is the mind that is dead. Before I came into existence, the Omega who is the end result of this cycle of universal activity, ‘Was.’

I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and End, the Alpha and Omega, the Father and Son.

Just as the Alpha and the Omega are one, so too, the first matrix cell from which the body in which you the mind=spirit have and are continuing to develop, are one: and spiritually=mentally, you are able to visit any moment in your past which has made you who you are, so does the Son of Man who was the heir that was chosen to stand before the Face of the Godhead of the previous world which preceded this one, of which Peter says in his letters, is reserved up against that great day of fire when this whole world will roll up as a scroll with a hissing noise and the elements of this universal body will become so excited they will burn up and fall as massive columns of fire beyond all measure in height and depth into the Great Abyss (Black Hole) which is the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven.

When an observer sees your body they see it as you, but you, the invisible Godhead to that body are invisible to that observer and so, in reality, they do not see, nor do they know ‘YOU.’ And as you the observer look out at the greater body in whose image and likeness we were created, you do not see, nor do you know the invisible Godhead who has developed within that Body that is the Logos from who all things came into existence, by whom all things came into existence and for who all things exist, the divine animating principle that activates the Cosmos and pervade all that exists, and who is made manifest as the visible universal body in which the Godhead who chose Jesus as the first fruits, the first of many brother to be redeemed from the dead past of the Omega, and the cornerstone to his new Temple on earth, had developed.

Jesus was filled with the Spirit that came down from heaven, the mind of the Godhead from the previous world, the invisible mind that had developed in the universal body that is the invisible Logos made manifest, For no man has ascended to heaven ‘Except,’ he who came down, even the Son of Man who ‘IS’ in heaven. And that one exception is spoken of in Genesis who at the age of the cycles in one calendar year,365, was carried to heaven, where he was chosen as the heir to the previous Son of God, and was stripped of his mortal garments and rubbed with the sweet smelling ointment of God which shone with the brilliance of the sun, and there, clothed and girded in fire, he was to serve God before the body of Adam (mankind) into all eternity.

But I’ve just run out of time, the wife who is doing the first wash after more than a week of torrential rain, wants me, no rather is demanding that I get up off of my fat posterior and start mowing the weeds which at this time of the year, grow at the rate of 4 inches a day. See you later.
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Not your average Mormon
Whose jesus we talking about here? Her jesus or your jesus. I mean with over 22,000 different sects of christianity one can't be altogether to sure. ;)
The one who, in every translation of the Bible I'm aware of, pointed out that He had a body of flesh and bones.

But I will say this on spirits. If you are not to sure on the fact that one can actually die, just wait until you taste the flaming brimstone of that lake. :D
What makes you think I'm going to?


Not your average Mormon
If this is too confusing please let me know:

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The account of the creation of man states that God formed man from the dust of the ground and proceeded to “blow [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]into his nostrils the breath [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]of life, and the man came to be a living soul [[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ne´phesh[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]].” (Ge 2:7) [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Ne´phesh[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] may be translated literally as “a breather,” that is, “a breathing creature,” either human or animal.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Therefore, when God created man in Eden and blew into his nostrils “the breath [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]of life,” it is evident that, in addition to filling the man’s lungs with air, God caused the life-force, or spirit ([/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ru´ach[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]), to vitalize all the cells in Adam’s body. One might compare it to another invisible force, electricity, which may be used to make various types of machines operate—causing stoves to produce heat, fans to produce wind, computers to solve problems, television sets to produce figures, voices and other sounds—yet which electric current never takes on any of the characteristics of the machines in which it functions or is active. And when the plug is pulled the electricity ceases to generate the force needed to operate the appliances.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Ecclesiastes 12:7 states that at death the person’s body returns to the dust, “and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it.” The person himself was never in heaven with God; what “returns” to God is therefore the life-force force that enabled the person to live. Jesus at the time of his death said , “Into your hand I entrust my spirit,” meant that God was being called upon to guard, or care for, that one’s life-force. When he had said this, he expired.” Notice that Jesus expired. When his spirit went out he was not on his way to heaven. Not until the third day from this was Jesus resurrected from the dead. Then, as Acts 1:3, 9 shows, it was 40 more days before he ascended to heaven. So, what is the meaning of what Jesus said at the time of his death? He was saying that he knew that, when he died, his future life prospects rested entirely with God. That there be an actual and literal transmission of some force from this planet to the heavenly presence of God is not necessarily required. A person’s entrusting his spirit evidently means, then, that he places his hope in God for a future restoration of such life-force to himself through a resurrection.[/FONT]​
It wasn't confusing at all, and I actually agree with much of it.


But I’ve just rum out of time, the wife who is doing the first wash after more than a week of torrential rain, wants me, no rather is demanding that I get up off of my fat posterior and start mowing the weeds which at this time of the year, grow at the rate of 4 inches a day. See you later.

LOL :clap does this mean you're having a drink first? I enjoyed your post....too funny


Well-Known Member
I don't refuse to acknowledge that. I fully believe it.

O, I thought that you believed that the Son of God who was with God in the beginning and was God's creator companion, whose heavenly name you don't know, came down to earth and entered the womb of a young woman who was a descendant of Adam and therfore under the death sentence that was imposed on Adam and all his descendants, and there, taking the food that young virgin ate, which food was only dirt and water that had been converted to grain, fruit, vegatables, and meat, he formed for himself a body of living meat which was given the name Jesus, which he later took to the cross and let it die, (For IT never had a human spirit that formed in IT, IT was filled from birth with the spitual son of God which was not human ) for as you have said, He himself the immortal spiritual son of God, who was not a human, could never die, but then he raised that lump of dead meat back to life again. Could you please explain to me, what it was that actually died for the sins of mankind?
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Well-Known Member
LOL :clap does this mean you're having a drink first? I enjoyed your post....too funny

Well it's good to see that the only fault you could find in my post was a typing error, where 'M' was mistakenly used where 'N' should have been. Strange though that you should have found it so funny, but then I suppose.


New Member
Sure, words are important, but do you really think Jesus just wanted to teach us how to be nice to one another and then bail?

Jesus came and was resurrected so that we would ACT on His words, and save ourselves. The whole point of Him being resurrected is so that we could receive His Holy Spirit, as first happened at Pentecost (Acts 2). We know that the Holy Spirit is a real tangible thing because when you receive it, you will speak in tongues, just as it happened in the Bible. This is the proof of His resurrection, and a necessary step towards salvation.

From 1 Corinthians 15:
17] And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
[18] Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
[19] If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.


Not your average Mormon
Are you insinuating, and assuming, that my dear Aussie acquaintance is hard of understanding you as an insult to his intelligence?
I have no idea how intelligent or unintelligent your dear Aussie acquaintance is. I just know that conversations with some people lead nowhere. I have neither the time nor the inclination to be bothered explaining my beliefs to someone who has no interest in understanding my perspective.