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Deepak Chopra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In August 2005, Chopra wrote a series of articles on the creation-evolution controversy and Intelligent design, which were criticized by science writer Michael Shermer, founder of The Skeptics Society.[108][109][110] Shermer has said that Chopra is "the very definition of what we mean by pseudoscience".
Robert Todd Carroll has characterized Chopra's promotion of lengthened life as a selling of "hope" that seems to be "a false hope based on an unscientific imagination steeped in mysticism and cheerily dispensed gibberish".[87]
Can anyone argue against these
statements ??????????????????????????????????
or are you all for this quackery ???
Shermer is a bona-fide idiot, an intellectual dwarf in light of Chopra's brilliant mind. Chopra had the grace to invite Shermer to his own home for dinner and conversation. Shermer's shallowness of spirit and intellect shows up clearly in these sessions:
Chopra's institute has helped thousands of people back to sanity and health.
It is an established fact that spiritual practices in the East lead to longevity. No biggee. For example, elderly women in Japan practice a type of meditation called 'walking meditation', or 'kinhin', and attribute their longevity to it. Same for Tai Chi in China. The list goes on. Chopra is an accomplished meditator and ayurvedist as well as a bona fide medical doctor, specifically an endocrinologist, with Western credentials. No quacks here.