Thou art That
It seems that what you are describing ultimately equates to no reality, no consciouness, no bliss, no anything.
On the contrary, it is Absolute Joy, Ultimate Reality, and Pure Consciousness, as compared to temporal Relative Joy/Suffering which is what 'interaction' is about.
But returning to the background against which 'interaction' occurs, in the following figure/ground example, the figure is a moving element against a non-moving field. However, without the field, the figure would be non-existent. So ground is fundamental to figure; and what does not change (ie The Changeless) is fundamental to change, or, as you put it, 'interaction'. In reality, there are not two things here: no separate figure and ground. They are one and the same, 'figure' being a function of ground. And so, for example, in Hinduism, it is said that the world itself is, in fact, Brahman, or tat tvam asi; (thou art That).