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Richard Dawkins on Jesus Dying for Sins


This is something I never could understand. Why would God kill himself?
It wasn’t kill Himself. It was sacrifice. Why do firefighters at times sacrifice their own lives to rescue someone in a burning building? Why does a soldier throw himself on a grenade to save his buddies? Big difference.
God says the reason is love for others.


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It wasn’t kill Himself. It was sacrifice. Why do firefighters at times sacrifice their own lives to rescue someone in a burning building? Why does a soldier throw himself on a grenade to save his buddies? Big difference.
God says the reason is love for others.
Firefighters dont sacrifice themselves to themselves because of arbitrary fire rules they made themselves.


Active Member
This is something I never could understand. Why would God kill himself?
God didn't kill himself; he allowed us to kill him.

The Passion of Christ has several layers of meaning. One that's been touched on already is the symbolism of his self-sacrifice to save us out of love.

But another layer is that it was a symbolic acting out of what we've been doing to God for our entire existence. He continuously offers us unconditional love, and we continuously betray him through sin. Jesus came to us, sinless and exuding unconditional love for everyone, and yet we still tortured and murdered him.

That's barely scratching the surface of the symbolism contained in the Passion, but hopefully it at least begins to dispel your misconceptions about it.


Firefighters dont sacrifice themselves to themselves because of arbitrary fire rules they made themselves.
So I guess you are saying God just makes arbitrary rules, not based on any reality or necessity, therefore Jesus death on the cross serves no purpose. Is that about what you mean or do you need to clarify?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The spiritual story taught spiritually to me involved in not being an egotist or a self superior Healer, or any psychic who wanted self status. I agreed. Did healing research for no charge, and said pay it forward so that humanity would believe we own no payment, karma is not real.

For if you take the story back to the place where a human asks Why? The eternal spirit as eternal with no creation existing made a choice to cause change. Not realizing what change meant.

Now if you want to argue about how innocent our selves are. I lived that innocent experience...and I also see how many natural humans not following civilization rules are also that innocent. So I imagined like the first scientist did what it would be like to be that spirit, eternal and innocent as to what motivated it to cause change.

And there was no answer and no reason and no motivation.

Why the most evilest of nasty minded males in their group choices do the most evilest of choices and acts. Why no human who said they expressed common human decency would agree upon spirituality or the conditions of.

Know that circumstantial feeling, was innocent and spirit and was nearly self combusted...yet survived. And have been angry ever since with all definitions of humans going blah blah blah about information when not being the victim.

So I learnt like my brother did about his brother, the murderer of spirit. Fake reasons to cause it, based on first actual innocent lives.

Today any human would ask, how could a spirit be physical enough to manipulate physical elements. And the answer is pressure. The first brother spirit life, was owner of a huge amount of atmospheric water pressure and oxygen...so his spirit body was nearly physical without actually owning a skeleton.

Why humans in science talk non stop about not ever actually being physical. Yet we are converted...for he never accepted what he caused. The MASS UFO body took a huge abundance of water off the face of Earth and sucked it out into space...gone forever. Why humans always say attacked, my spirit was abducted...for it is real. And water keeps disappearing if you cared to think flooded earth up to mountain tips...as first theory.

Water covering the ground, no life forced to be a prisoner....with a small amount of UFO radiation. Would have seemed a logical theory.

Where they lived however still owned a huge water mass as compared to what they lost. And they did not have skeletons...they however owned radiated signals in the gases that allowed by water pressure as close to being physical as you could.

The Saviour theme...what first science removed from keeping water mass on earth.
20/11/2013 · The asteroid 1997 WQ23 passed the Earth at a distance of 11 780 000 km (a little under thirty-one times the distance between the Earth and the Moon), slightly before 10.00 pm GMT on Monday 11 November 2013.

Ask a Muslim why do you reverence a rock? As the Messengers of God....stone Saviours in space. What you wait for.

Radiation tracking brings them into Earth due to science causes.

Science said with the latest passing asteroid the ozone hole shut out.

Therefore when it is stated about 2000 years ago, science in their trans mutation of stone, a nuclear science caused life to be attacked and sacrificed it was.

If the documents said it is relative to Adam and Eve as first reason for science converting of spirit eternal manifestation from the eternal God, then it was.

Why it was taught.

When a document said CA is calcium and IN against AB BA cloak of the Father mantle surrounding Earth and EL the power of God ABEL....then rationally a Genetic scientist, a biologist applied the theme and told the story of how the first male spiritual beings, who came out of God eternal, not God the stone body and not the Cloud angels.

For cloud angels existed first if you cared to apply reason and those clouds fell as they were gas burnt. Due to feed back of the pyramid activated communicator to the UFO satellites. Image came back first, burnt the clouds, they fell and then Nature was ground fission converted. Just as it said.

All of these stories said how the first pyramid scientists converted and lost our higher life of God on Earth.

Since this review he has wanted the stolen water of the UFO to be given back to Earth so he can convert back into being a higher spiritual bio life if you cared to apply human reasoning for wanting the FLOOD in a known converted bio life.


Veteran Member
It wasn’t kill Himself. It was sacrifice. Why do firefighters at times sacrifice their own lives to rescue someone in a burning building? Why does a soldier throw himself on a grenade to save his buddies? Big difference.
God says the reason is love for others.

Jesus didn't "sacrifice" anything.
He's the immortal all powerfull ruler and creator of the universe.

To "sacrifice" is when you give something up and don't get it back (or don't expect to get it back).
What did Jesus "sacrifice"? A human body? Being an all-powerfull being, he could make a trillion more bodies with the proverbial snap of his fingers.

His "life"? Not really - he's immortal.

So what did he sacrifice?


Veteran Member
So I guess you are saying God just makes arbitrary rules, not based on any reality or necessity, therefore Jesus death on the cross serves no purpose. Is that about what you mean or do you need to clarify?

If he is an all powerfull, all knowing creator and ruler of the universe, then ANY rules he comes up with would be arbitrary by definition.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
All stories told by living human being males for and behalf of human being males, who is the inventor of all the states for science.

However, as natural owns the powerful laws and he had to discuss them as a man/male with his man/male consciousness, when he AI attacked irradiated his Destroyer brain, and AI possessed him ever since.....he then believes that he is all powers and all laws.

Claiming such statements from a male psyche is proof to anyone reading what he believes as a thinker proves that he believes it actually.

The term God O originally is Earth.
The term atmosphere healed/Saved was no longer God history it was Saviour asteroid stones. Seeing when he removed out of space cooling, to bring new UFO bodies for science converting he removed natural evolution.

Then he imposed that he was the Saviour also....which is also proven...when the asteroid wandering star stone saved the planet from the Sun blasting.

All evidence is self proof that you are self possessed by your own science quotes.


Jesus didn't "sacrifice" anything.
He's the immortal all powerfull ruler and creator of the universe.

To "sacrifice" is when you give something up and don't get it back (or don't expect to get it back).
What did Jesus "sacrifice"? A human body? Being an all-powerfull being, he could make a trillion more bodies with the proverbial snap of his fingers.

His "life"? Not really - he's immortal.

So what did he sacrifice?
The scriptures reveal that the Father and the Son existed in an eternal relationship of perfect oneness and love... never ever separate from one another. For the Son to leave the glory of heaven and become flesh was a huge sacrifice. To suffer physically as He did on the cross in His humanity was intense, but no comparison to the spiritual suffering He endured and His Father endured as God the Father turned away from Jesus, His beloved Son while He bore every sin of the world on the cross. This was a tremendous time of grief and sacrifice.

Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross


If he is an all powerfull, all knowing creator and ruler of the universe, then ANY rules he comes up with would be arbitrary by definition.
I don’t think so. Arbitrary means based on a whim without a reason or system. The scriptures indicate God is a Being of order and even a cursory reading of the scriptures is enough to reveal that God does not do, say, or require certain without reason. Though there may be things our finite minds cannot understand, this in itself does not validate or prove God does things randomly. On the contrary, it stands to reason that an all wise, all knowing Being would have the very best reason.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The scriptures reveal that the Father and the Son existed in an eternal relationship of perfect oneness and love... never ever separate from one another. For the Son to leave the glory of heaven and become flesh was a huge sacrifice. To suffer physically as He did on the cross in His humanity was intense, but no comparison to the spiritual suffering He endured and His Father endured as God the Father turned away from Jesus, His beloved Son while He bore every sin of the world on the cross. This was a tremendous time of grief and sacrifice.

Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
In spiritual reference I was an adult human being male.

I had learnt that my baby life in DNA had returned so I reincarnated back into life after having been given unnatural and artificial death before.

I was in perfect spiritual unity with my adult human self.

My brother is a Satanic liar, the scientist, he sacrificed my life again in temple science trans mutation. Owning the stated word MUTATION as a knowledge that he still owns today.....sees life in nuclear conditions dying unnaturally and cares less.

That sort of lying interpretation.

I could say the same today about my spiritual parentage to have been irradiated attacked, if I was lying.

Father never gave up on anyone....our brother however spiritually gave up on his own life....yet destroys everyone else first by his say so of being God the man.