There doesn't seem to be much that you like about America.Yea with some people the quality of education improves when you throw money at it. Particularly other people's money. That's how people get smarter. Right Throw tons of other people's money at it to pay off ones union buddies in exchange for votes by the teachers union. What a wonderful report card....
States -Education Report Card
Report Card on American Education: K-12 Performance, Progress and
That's what these grievance messages teach and how they affect those susceptible to them. The typical MAGA conservative dislikes most of the people living there because of their color, sex, sexual preference, ethnicity, etc.. He now thinks that elections and trials are corrupt. You find the schools unacceptable. You treat taxes like they're a punishment rather than the cost of living in a social democracy.
I'm with you, however, on there not being much in America for me, but for entirely different reasons. My criticisms would be the advent of MAGA, conservative indoctrination media and what it turns one's neighbors into, gun culture, rampant racism, excessive tantrumming and entitlement, political uncertainty and instability, theocratic tendencies, overpriced, and too much extreme weather compared to other latitudes.
Since the best of America can be enjoyed from abroad thanks to modern telecommunications and Amazon, there's no argument for being there after retirement if there are no family commitments or other impediments to relocating.