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Riley Gaines attacked by "transgender terrorists".

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I don't condone violence, but I can understand (intellectually) the reaction. A person with a large platform that is adding to the stigmatization of a group of people who have traditionally been marginalized certainly has the right to free speech, but for the marginalized group that is enduring constant stigmatization in the media and being legislated against, this has got to feel very much like self-defense.

Consider this in terms of Martin Luther King Jr.'s words about riots and race relations:

"Let me say as I've always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. ... But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation's summers of riots are caused by our nation's winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again."
I can't understand the people's reaction, I am sorry.
She isn't a politician. There's a left-wing Government which supposedly protects minorities.
She has never stigmatized any group. She has just focused on sports and trans people and what can be done to solve the controversy.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I can see that view. There's the lunatic fringe for just about every issue, and dosent reflect the majority of people on a personal level.

This is reasonable. I think we need to be careful about how we define a group of people in the context of a few incidents as well as what is occurring in the wider picture to that group.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is reasonable. I think we need to be careful about how we define a group of people in the context of a few incidents as well as what is occurring in the wider picture to that group.
It depends on how many is a "few". I have opinions on others that are treated as only a "few" but get discouraged from expressing it on certain internet platforms.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Funny how no one cared what transgender people did until the last few years, when this trans stuff has exploded into the public in a ridiculous way, with radical activists pushing it on kids and so on. Honestly, the LGBTs had nothing realistically left to fight for after gay marriage because we had legal equality after that, along with public support and sympathy. Now that's quickly eroding, along with a backlash.

Do you think that trans folks should remain out of the public sphere?

I see folks on this forum suggesting that trans people be specifically vetted before purchasing a gun and it seems to be playing into a larger agenda of eroding the gains by the LGBTQ community.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
It depends on how many is a "few". I have opinions on others that are treated as only a "few" but get discouraged from expressing it on certain internet platforms.

Mind elaborating? I am not sure I understand.

Edited to add: I suspect you are referring to conservatives on this forum feeling outnumbered? If so, I hope I am remaining respectful in my discussions and debate in this manner.
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Veteran Member
Funny how no one cared what transgender people did until the last few years, when this trans stuff has exploded into the public in a ridiculous way, with radical activists pushing it on kids and so on. Honestly, the LGBTs had nothing realistically left to fight for after gay marriage because we had legal equality after that, along with public support and sympathy. Now that's quickly eroding, along with a backlash.

This narrative that transgender people are so oppressed by society is as much hogwash as thinking black people are so oppressed. We ain't. Most people didn't give a damn, honestly. It wasn't on their radar. Well, that was when it was just something a small number of adults did.
There were never any radical activists pushing anything on kids. The whole gender-bender phenomena is coming from the kids. But if you're a republican, or a phony media devote, you're not going to know that, or care.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Do you think that trans folks should remain out of the public sphere?

I see folks on this forum suggesting that trans people be specifically vetted before purchasing a gun and it seems to be playing into a larger agenda of eroding the gains by the LGBTQ community.
First of all, I do not see why trans people need to tell everyone and be "out". I certainly don't because it's really not relevant and no one's business. It's literally your personal medical history. It is not the same as being gay.

Regardless of that, I never said transgender people shouldn't be in the public sphere. I'm just saying that maybe our representation to the public shouldn't be unhinged loons.

With the comments on trans people and guns, it mostly seems to be throwing the proposals of the gun control crowd back at them. It's not helpful, though. There's some level headed trans people in media, like Blaire White, but she's not the type they're inviting to the White House.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
DISCLAIMER: MTG's words, not mine as it applies to title.

Trans people , at least in the news, are getting pretty violent lately. First a shooting , now assaulting athletes.

Whatever the reason, this crazy out of control behavior is not acceptable.

Violence begets violence. Violence is simply a matter of who is stronger, tougher, meaner. If that's the way we choose to resolve our political disputes, then that will have its own consequences.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Violence begets violence. Violence is simply a matter of who is stronger, tougher, meaner. If that's the way we choose to resolve our political disputes, then that will have its own consequences.
It's why if things don't change, we will have a second civil war.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
There were never any radical activists pushing anything on kids. The whole gender-bender phenomena is coming from the kids. But if you're a republican, or a phony media devote, you're not going to know that, or care.
Yeah, that's just totally wrong. It's hilarious how you want to insult others when you're so dismally misinformed yourself. We have dozens of examples of videos and other proof of, for example, preschool and elementary school teachers bragging about how they go out of their way to talk about gender and sexuality stuff with their students, seeking validation from their students (which is a sign that something is off psychologically in these teachers), festooning their classrooms in pride flags and so on, reading them books that encourage transitioning, etc. And that's just teachers. There's examples of doctors influencing their young patients in that direction, too.

There's also a social contagion aspect as this has blown up on social media. There's TikTok videos of young women (not even trans men) showing after their double mastectomy scars (sometimes they have the nipples totally removed, too) under the top surgery hashtag, and presenting it as so cool, sexy and liberating to have your breasts removed. I've seen compilations of such videos. Even outside of surgery, transitioning tends to be presented as a sort of cure all in some ways. So you have teenagers who are confused watching this stuff and often they don't even have gender dysphoria, but other issues, but they start listening to it and thinking that maybe that's the solution to their issues. It's also become a bit of a trend, especially among teen girls, much like being "bi" was in the 2000s. Except that this is causing actual harm.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Honestly, the LGBTs had nothing realistically left to fight for after gay marriage because we had legal equality after that, along with public support and sympathy.
No, there's still things like housing, employment, and entirely removing gay and trans panic as a court defense for murder.
Now that's quickly eroding, along with a backlash.
And that is the fault of Republicans who tend to hate everyone not like them, whoever their preacher tells them to hate, and they turned partisan political opinion shows masquerading as news to havs their bigotry affirmed and reinforced.
This narrative that transgender people are so oppressed by society is as much hogwash as
Having treatment banned for a medical condition you have isn't oppressed?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I have checked out the tweets under MTG's main tweet and tweeted video.
I am speechless. Some people expressing no sympathy towards R. Gaines and dissing Greene.


Well-Known Member
DISCLAIMER: MTG's words, not mine as it applies to title.

Trans people , at least in the news, are getting pretty violent lately. First a shooting , now assaulting athletes.

Whatever the reason, this crazy out of control behavior is not acceptable.
The Left has often used violence and intimidation to force their agenda down societies throat.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
No, there's still things like housing, employment, and entirely removing gay and trans panic as a court defense for murder.

And that is the fault of Republicans who tend to hate everyone not like them, whoever their preacher tells them to hate, and they turned partisan political opinion shows masquerading as news to havs their bigotry affirmed and reinforced.

Having treatment banned for a medical condition you have isn't oppressed?
What housing and employment discrimination?

Minors not being allowed to have dangerous puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones (which, by the way, are being used off label as they're not approved by the FDA for such uses) and sex change surgery is not oppression. However, the worrying part is when they try to ban it for adults, which is just wrong. I am also not happy with them banning Medicaid coverage for transitioning in Florida, which will only make things harder for poor trans people. But my point was that we did not have any laws of that sort until lately. We could go to the doctor, get treatment, change our legal docs and live our lives. No one cared. We have to ask ourselves why they care so much now.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
DISCLAIMER: MTG's words, not mine as it applies to title.

Trans people , at least in the news, are getting pretty violent lately. First a shooting , now assaulting athletes.

Whatever the reason, this crazy out of control behavior is not acceptable.
It looked like a noisy protest to me.
What was the act of "terrorism"?
Who was shot, knifed, or bombed?