Regardless of your faith what sort of rituals do you practice?
My answer: I participate in prayer, communion and bible studies along with others
Do you think that ritual is important to your faith?
My answer: I think that it acts as a reinforcing agent to keep me strong in my faith
Tell me what you think...
I interpret a ritual somewhat differently than you have used in your op.
A ritual to me would be saying the same prayer, or singing the same song every day. My church doesn't take communion weekly, but view it as a special celebration. If we did it every time we had church it would be more of a ritual instead of a special occasion. Not saying that this is wrong, if that is how someone wants to worship I am not condemning it. It is whatever makes the believer happy... We always have different songs each service and nothing is ever programed most of our service is spontaneous and we try to follow what we feel is the leading of the Holy Spirit or God in our service. Sometimes it seems that God's presence is so stong that we have just ended up with a praise and worship service and the preacher felt no need to preach.....
So I can't say that my Bible reading or study is a ritual but as a time of closeness and reflection with God.
I don't really feel that rituals are needed, I like the spontaneous freedom that comes with worshipping according to how you feel at the time. It's a personal worship and different for everyone....
Prayer and faith keep me strong in my faith....