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Rock Music And The Devil?


†ßig Dog†
SnaleSpace said:
If you like Electronica, I'd recommend LTJ Bukem. Man's the best ambient D'n'Bist I've heard. British though you might have to import from somewhere. I think Amacon's got most of his stuff.
I'll have Rebecca check it out! (And I did realize that meatloaf was not his given name.) ;)


†ßig Dog†
YmirGF said:
What I want to know Jgallandt is who the heck is Brian? You are a forward thinker, you devil. Admittedly, my little lady has threatened to trade me in, but I have never thought of getting her a "Brian"... Good plan... I'll check the mall.
Brian from the Beach Boys! I was dyslestic.. or how ever you spell it. Should have been Brain....


Veteran Member
jgallandt said:
I'll have Rebecca check it out! (And I did realize that meatloaf was not his given name.) ;)
No No sorry I've been confusing (again, I blame my english teachers. They should have made me listen:banghead3 ).

It's a line from the movie Fight Club. The character Meatloaf plays dies and then the following occurs:

Random Dude : I understand sir, in death the members of Project Mayhem HAVE a name

Members of Fight Club: [Chanting] His name is Robert Paulsen.

Yeah sounds nuts, but if you watch the movie, all will become... muddier.


Veteran Member
I'm just wondering why people think that rock music holds hands with the devil. I'm sure the Pastor Ed would agree with the concept of rock music=devil.



Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
I just wonder why people think that rock music and the devil go hand in hand. I'm sure that Pastor Ed or whoever he was would agree with rock music=devil, but then again, he's a little nutsy.
A little? That man is Grade A Squirrel food.

Most people don't think this. In my short experience in this life, only Christian conservatives hold to the evilness of Rock.

Where's the Love Regis.


Nita Okhata
beckysoup61 said:
I'm wondering if someone can tell me the link that some people think there is between rock music and the devil?
There is???
Uh oh.... I'm in trubble now!

Hey... is Christian rock music 'of the devil' as well? :areyoucra


†ßig Dog†
SnaleSpace said:
No No sorry I've been confusing (again, I blame my english teachers. They should have made me listen:banghead3 ).

It's a line from the movie Fight Club. The character Meatloaf plays dies and then the following occurs:

Yeah sounds nuts, but if you watch the movie, all will become... muddier.
Sounds like my kind of movie! I'll have to rent it!


the Great
beckysoup61 said:
I'm wondering if someone can tell me the link that some people think there is between rock music and the devil?

I'm just wondering why some people think, that the bands I like, Pink Floyd, The Who, Led Zeppelin, etc., are of the devil?

to sell albums... the stones started devil worship in rock and fools believe anything.


Veteran Member
constantine said:
to sell albums... the stones started devil worship in rock and fools believe anything.

The Rolling Stones did not start devil worship, it's been around quite a bit longer then that; but for my own curiousity, how did the Stones start devil worship in rock?


the Great
beckysoup61 said:
I highly doubt the Rolling Stones started devil worship. It's been around longer then that. :) But, enlighten me, how so did the Stones start devils worship in rock?

bible thumpers call everything evil so to call the stones satanists and boycott against them they just sold more albums cause hey its a hell of alot cooler to worship satan then be christian..and christians started it all ...along ,long time before rock n roll... :jam:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A few other things called satanic;
... X Files ...
I've never heard anyone call The X-Files satanic before. If it is, then I'm addicted to a satanic show.

Take KISS for example. Their name stands for Knights In Satans Service, and the Lightning bolt S's in their name are Satanic and Nazi symbols.
I never understood where people get Knights In Satan's Service. The only time I've ever made a big complaint was when a convienence store associate was giving me s*** about "advertising a satanic rock group." It was a KISS shirt I was wearing, and I actually called the store, demaned to speak to a manager, and explained the poor customer relations.

I'm shocked no one mentioned the subliminal messages when you play certain songs backwards. Such as Stairway to Heaven. I forget the reverse words, but it definitly sounds like Queen was singing "It's fun to smoke marjiuanna" when you play "Another one bites the dust" backwards.
But if you want "devil music," then play Slipknots "Heretic Anthem." I enjoy playing that, along with a thorough session of Korn, Children of Bodom, Disturbed, and Demon Hunter for my Mennonite neighbor who threathened to shoot my dogs just for walking onto his propterty a few feet.


Proud to be a Sinner.
Backmasking is generally a load of ****e.

There's even reports of "You can #^@% me i'm not too young" in britney spears' music, basically it's all a case of when you are looking for it you will find it.

Tho pink floyd did one as a joke "You have found the hidden message"

Pussyfoot Mouse

Super Mom
beckysoup61 said:
I'm wondering if someone can tell me the link that some people think there is between rock music and the devil?

I'm just wondering why some people think, that the bands I like, Pink Floyd, The Who, Led Zeppelin, etc., are of the devil?
Because anything that good has got to be bad! ;)


Veteran Member
Pardus said:
Backmasking is generally a load of ****e.

There's even reports of "You can #^@% me i'm not too young" in britney spears' music, basically it's all a case of when you are looking for it you will find it.

Tho pink floyd did one as a joke "You have found the hidden message"
The Floyd always were good at not taking life too seriously :bounce

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

Is that good in the bad sense, or bad in the good sense??? Or can it make ANY sense???


Citizen Mod
I am sure that when Rock ‘n’ Roll came on the scene that there were some concerns about how this was affecting some children in ways that parents didn’t’ approve but I think that was mostly a generational observation. Our grandparents didn’t have too many ways to feel offended in the way of lyrics and the instruments musicians used produced a more time-respected sound. As rock ‘n’ roll progressed, electronic instruments were introduced, which some parents thought that this was taboo. Strong lyrics that singers sang about were heavily impressed on a society to reflect the times and bands weren’t ashamed about speaking their feelings for their whole generation.

I listen to a lot of International Rock ‘n’ Roll. I may not understand what these bands are singing about but it does not change my opinion whether I enjoyed the song are not. The distortion effect that is added to guitars is not an invention of the devil. I believe that music is a preference in that we can choose what to listen to and what we don’t want to listen to. I do not find any lyrics offensive and I do not believe GOD is offended either.


A fool
Pshhh well if rock music is satanic then where does that leave me with black metal in which the lyrics are constructive around satanism (and not the fluffy LaVeyan kind). I must be UBER-satanic :D