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Rock Music And The Devil?

Pussyfoot Mouse

Super Mom
NetDoc said:

Is that good in the bad sense, or bad in the good sense??? Or can it make ANY sense???
I'm not sure that it makes any sense. Can music really be evil? So I'm gonna say, it's bad in the good sense...I think. :sarcastic
I love Rock n' roll! :D


Veteran Member

Yes, another bumped thread, but I thought it would be interesting to revive this one as well, since we have a few new members.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There's even reports of "You can #^@% me i'm not too young" in britney spears' music, basically it's all a case of when you are looking for it you will find it.
I did find out, even Weird Al has a backmask in his song Nature Trail to Hell. While played foward, you can't understand this part, but when played backwards, as clear as the Pink Floyds "hidden message," you can hear "Satan eats cheese whiz."


Mother Heathen
Biblically speaking, if it's not of Christ...then it's of the adversary. I could quote scripture...

Mind you, ANYTHING that isn't of Christ is supposedly of the adversary, per scripture. And then...it depends on how an individual interprets scripture...

I for one...LOVE to rock out. And I'm of the belief that what really matters at any given moment...is where your heart is.

Granted, that doesn't exactly excuse any behaviour that isn't Christ like and I'm not making excuses.

One of my greatest weaknesses is my love for music.


Charismatic Enigma
beckysoup61 said:
I'm wondering if someone can tell me about the link that some people think that there is between rock music and the devil?

I'm just wondering, why some people think, that the bands such as, Pink Floyd, The Who, Led Zeppelin, etc., are of the devil? (These are just a few that are my favorites!)

Ask the Pope, rock music and Harry Potter are evil apparently!

There was me thinking god gave free will and inspiration for us to use as we please!


Well-Known Member
Elder Cook from the quorum of the 70 might be in the presidency, proselyte Michael Phillip "Mick" Jagger. in 13 lines of defiance he related a story of Mick; Elder Cook asked Mick , "I had heard that your music doesn’t effect some people yet others say your music dose have a great effect to them what do you make of it?" Mick responded and said something to this effect, "our music is calculated to drive the kids to have sex" he then added, "its not my fault what they do it is up to them. I’m just making allot of money." Mick latter add, "that you take what ever you waited, do what ever you waited, there where no commandments, there was no God and it didn't matter there was no judgment day you just do what you want."

this is just a snippet from the cd Elder Cook made it clear that he wasn't speaking ill about Mr. Jagger just what he represented, it is very clear in the cd elder cook didn’t speak ill of my Jagger he brought the story back to his point that there are some music that is wholesome and some music of the devil.

i find this philosophy with allot of rock stars, rappers even country music and others even classical will have this effect on people...


Well-Known Member
There is more to it than many folks realize, although music itself is neutral, people can use it for good or evil. Many rockers follow the teachings of Crowley, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Not all do, but many do, that is a simple proven fact. If you agree with that philosophy, and are not a born-again believer in Christ, then you will be all for it. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God will guide you if you stay in the Word, Pray, Fellowship, and stay filled with the Spirit, you will have discernment of right and wrong, good and evil. Ask God for wisdom who will give it to anyone who asks. Being in my forties and having gone down the rock and roll road, I can say, that as much as I enjoyed and still sometimes listen to (very rarely) it, it has lead me astray many times, and has influenced me to sin and the sin brought much pain and destruction into my life. I hope everyone finds the truth about the people they listen to, for anything you see, hear, read, watch on tv, movies, can influence your beliefs and behaviours. God bless.


Lord of the Badgers
joeboonda said:
If you agree with that philosophy, and are not a born-again believer in Christ, then you will be all for it. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God will guide you if you stay in the Word, Pray, Fellowship, and stay filled with the Spirit, you will have discernment of right and wrong, good and evil.
Indeed. If we look in the works of the New Testament it is abundantly clear that Christ hated all sinners, and that he always sided with those who thought themselves righteous. :rolleyes: ;)


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
Indeed. If we look in the works of the New Testament it is abundantly clear that Christ hated all sinners, and that he always sided with those who thought themselves righteous. :rolleyes: ;)

Ha ha, we know Christ loves all sinners, (hates the sin), and loves us so much he died to pay for our sins so we don't have to. Of course he exposed SELF-righteous people, who went about trying to establish their OWN righteousness INSTEAD of putting on Christ's righteousness, by simply trusting in Him that His death on the cross paid for all our sin, and having trusted Him, He gives us His righteousness in place of our own which is nothing but dirty rags. What I was saying, is if you ARE indeed a believer in Christ, then the Bible says you should fellowship with other BELIEVERS, NOT SELF-RIGHTEOUS people, but CHRIST-RIGHTEOUS people. Do you dig?


Lord of the Badgers
joeboonda said:
Ha ha, we know Christ loves all sinners, (hates the sin), and loves us so much he died to pay for our sins so we don't have to. Of course he exposed SELF-righteous people, who went about trying to establish their OWN righteousness INSTEAD of putting on Christ's righteousness, by simply trusting in Him that His death on the cross paid for all our sin, and having trusted Him, He gives us His righteousness in place of our own which is nothing but dirty rags. What I was saying, is if you ARE indeed a believer in Christ, then the Bible says you should fellowship with other BELIEVERS, NOT SELF-RIGHTEOUS people, but CHRIST-RIGHTEOUS people. Do you dig?
Oh i dig. However, notice i didn't say self-righteous, i said "those who thought themselves righteous" which can apply to those who think themselves Christ-righteous.

If you agree with that philosophy, and are not a born-again believer in Christ, then you will be all for it.
directly contradicts the notion that Christ loves all sinner - after all, if he loved the sinner, the sinner wouldn't be in for anything other than forgiveness now would he?

And saying;
If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God will guide you if you stay in the Word, Pray, Fellowship, and stay filled with the Spirit, you will have discernment of right and wrong, good and evil.
is a declaration of righteousness, "i'm righteous because i'm Christian". Being a Christian doesn't make you righteous, and declaring yourself righteous because of your beliefs is self-righteousness.


Well i love Metal, Black/Death/Nu metal/Rock, And i have had to put up with this constant argument since i can remember! Just because i have tattoos and wear band t-shirts doesnt mean im a bad person, but people are so closed minded!

I think it has got to do with the 'Hedonistic' side of metal, Drugs, Drink etc! There are very few metal bands who actually worship 'Satan' and i know many who are Christians!


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
Oh i dig. However, notice i didn't say self-righteous, i said "those who thought themselves righteous" which can apply to those who think themselves Christ-righteous.


directly contradicts the notion that Christ loves all sinner - after all, if he loved the sinner, the sinner wouldn't be in for anything other than forgiveness now would he?

And saying;

is a declaration of righteousness, "i'm righteous because i'm Christian". Being a Christian doesn't make you righteous, and declaring yourself righteous because of your beliefs is self-righteousness.

Don't get me wrong, I am a poor miserable sinner saved by the grace of God. The Bible is very clear on how to be saved, we hear the good news that Jesus paid for our sins, and then we simply believe in Jesus, and we are saved. That does not make me any better a person than anyone else, but it is how the Bible teaches one becomes saved, only through trusting in Christ. Christ condemns sin and warns the unrepentant wicked that there will be a separation of the wicked and the righteous and the wicked shall be told to depart from God. Just because he hung out with sinners, doesn't mean he condones sin, he came to SAVE the sinners, of which I am one of the worst. Don't try to make me look self-righteos, I have the righteousness of Christ imputed unto me as a free gift, according to the Word of Almighty God. Who's righteousness are you depending on? Your own? Or Christs.


Veteran Member
Westy said:
I think it has got to do with the 'Hedonistic' side of metal, Drugs, Drink etc! There are very few metal bands who actually worship 'Satan' and i know many who are Christians!

That's actually the best logical argument against rock music that I've heard. The lavish and hedonistic lifestyle that some of these bands live like is probably why it is classified as "bad" and "evil".


Mother Heathen
joeboonda said:
There is more to it than many folks realize, although music itself is neutral, people can use it for good or evil. Many rockers follow the teachings of Crowley, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Not all do, but many do, that is a simple proven fact. If you agree with that philosophy, and are not a born-again believer in Christ, then you will be all for it. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God will guide you if you stay in the Word, Pray, Fellowship, and stay filled with the Spirit, you will have discernment of right and wrong, good and evil. Ask God for wisdom who will give it to anyone who asks. Being in my forties and having gone down the rock and roll road, I can say, that as much as I enjoyed and still sometimes listen to (very rarely) it, it has lead me astray many times, and has influenced me to sin and the sin brought much pain and destruction into my life. I hope everyone finds the truth about the people they listen to, for anything you see, hear, read, watch on tv, movies, can influence your beliefs and behaviours. God bless.

I'm of the belief that there really isn't such a thing as neutrality.


Well-Known Member
dawny0826 said:
I'm of the belief that there really isn't such a thing as neutrality.

I understand that, but what I am saying is that a computer is neutral, it can be used for good or for bad, depending on the person using it. Same with music, however, with music itself, even without words, the notes and sounds can be constructed to do many things, arouse many different emotions, even passions within us, even change our heartrate and chemicals we put out, as with certain drum beats etc. But again, all that depends on the person making the music. Jesus said that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I think whatever is in a person will, many times, (if they are a good musician, lol) come out in their music.


joeboonda said:
I understand that, but what I am saying is that a computer is neutral, it can be used for good or for bad, depending on the person using it. Same with music, however, with music itself, even without words, the notes and sounds can be constructed to do many things, arouse many different emotions, even passions within us, even change our heartrate and chemicals we put out, as with certain drum beats etc. But again, all that depends on the person making the music. Jesus said that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I think whatever is in a person will, many times, (if they are a good musician, lol) come out in their music.

Well you can say this about anything, not just music.

In history how many people have read the bible, taken it a bit too literally, gone on a killing spree then said god/the bible told them to do it??


Well-Known Member
I think this perception of Rock as satanic or whatever has to do with the very tribal, earthy tones Rock drum-and-bass play to, balanced by the harmonic highs of the guitars: the effect is a resonance of very low frequency which energises the spine and thus stirs the "serpent" force or Kundalini in the one who "rocks out", or dances to it etc. This, coupled with the apparent hedonism of "classic" rockstars, makes it no wonder that orthodox sources condemn it as a negative influence in culture.

I however, personally love it: it is and always was my favourite style of music. Rock on, people! :drums:


Active Member
well because people with a weak will can and are led astray via media. there are lots of songs out there that talk of various symbolism, out right hatred for god, and promote non religious ideals of how one should live life. here are some examples of what i mean, and think of the words of these songs from what you were taught in church for a minunte
1. he dreamed a god up and called it christanity,
god is dead, and no one cares, if there is a hell, i'll see you there.
nine inch nails

2. i'm tired of you b***hes tryin to smoke for free, b***h,
i want some p***y or some motha f**kin money,
dayton family

3. i'm a creep, i'm a winner, what the hell am i doing here, i don't belong here

4. satan is of the nobelest blood,
destroying with amosity to benifit the the aryan race,

example 1. is an obvious out right hatred of the concept of god and religion, christanity in paticular
example 2. is about drugs and women equated as prositutes
example 3. is obvious self loathing and no worth
example 4. satan is nobel and support of racism which does have ties into religion but is too deep a topic for this thread.

however, music and all media can also be a very useful tool, if you know what to look for.

10 years ago i would have agreed that there was no connection, but as we get older we get wiser. compare the bulk of society of the 1950's and compare society today. yes there was a counter culture in those times, but it was for the most part underground. life was totally different then than now and media has been a major impact on the difference.