Name calling is not helping.
Then why did some bunghole pastor recently say
What is that word?
Is it not name calling?
Similarly you called Trump by many names in many posts. I am not searching for them to show you but in this very post you use a vulgar slang against pastors who may be wrong in what they do but shouldn't be compared with any holes.
Amd as it is not unusual for an abortion to be necessary to preserve the health, fertility and even life of someone with a hard pregnancy they need to be legal and subject to medical privacy laws.
Doctors are the judges. And judges should be allowed to make the calls (case by case though).
If you leave it up to the 'hosts' (the women) - then many would not make the right decision for the unborn.
And if you continue on that path and allow many to make the wrong decision - then you will have widespread chaos.
It will spread like a disease.
There is no golden rule that could apply to every scenario. When you make a rule - there is always someone who will think that the 'rule' is unfair in her circumstance.
Buying liquor when you are under 21 years old is illegal. There are many 20 year old responsible adults, who could say - the law is unfair for them. But the law had to make it illegal to purchase at some stage. It is saving many other 20 years old folks from destroying their lives and others with them.
If they are allowed to buy liquor freely at any age - you would see many more death and destruction. Many more car accidents etc.,
So, the same law that could hurt some - could also benefit many (born or unborn).
And vice versa!
The same law you are seeking could benefit some but could hurt many more.
Anytime someone is wrongly effected by a law - that is a loss. Religious teachings and those who make law from it by using it as a basis - do not ignore that fact.
God told us about right path and we have to pay attention to it. The path is usually good for the majority.
God did not specify - Susan is responsible and there is one law for her and thus she is allowed to do a certain act.
God did not specify - Jennifer is not allowed because a different law applies to her because she is irresponsible.
Godly rules are not personal. It is general rules. It is not incident specific. So, we have to make the best of it and follow what aligns with what is given to us. It may not be perfect for everyone. But it cannot be ignored either.
Yes, they have taken it as a sign of possession and making a pact with the devil. Left handedness, moles and birthmarks have even been death sentences.
Not anymore!
Not religion talking! If this is true then these Pastors are going overboard with their limited knowledge.
Their culture or background maybe responsible;
Their personal superstitions maybe responsible;
Their ignorance maybe responsible;
But not the religion (in most cases especially because many don't know how to understand their doctrines).
Then why did some bunghole pastor recently say autism is demonic possession? Garbage like that is more common than you realize, with some dismissing all mental illness as demonic possession.
I would call out to those Pastors and say the following to them...
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!"
While certain major religions do mention demonic presence. Yet it also say that - their path is not meant to cross with our path (different realms in general). However in certain circumstances - it could (rare though).
Since it is not meant to be - there are no documented and proven evidence of their presence. So, the Pastors should not try to paint all mental illnesses and unexplainable medical conditions with the same brush and call it "demonic possessions". That is ignorance talking!
All liquids are not water! Oil is oil, water is water!
Being against the actions of a state is not being against the people of the state. And do not Israel is hardly only Jews living there.
Israel is a Jewish country. Israel's constitution defines itself as a Jewish democratic state. It was created in 1948 as a homeland for the Jewish people.
So, it is a Jewish state in every which way.
At least 74% of its population is Jewish. The official language is Hebrew.
You cannot erase the history how it was created and suddenly try to separate the Jewish elements from the equation and say there are others living there. So, when you talk about Israel - the Jews take offense and turn the argument into something it is not. It is not an argument against their religion.
Their religion has good roots and good teachings
but the regime of Israel is horrible. They show no regards for human lives.
In the name of 'defense' - they try to exterminate an entire population of people (including innocent women and children) from another religious background.
A one day's barbaric attack is met with systematic months and months of annihilation by bombing and killing. It is incomparable and totally incomprehensible. They have turned their military force into a killing machine and worst part is - they think they are doing it in the name of 'defense'. So they think they are on the right side of things.
They are NOT!
When the retaliatory attacks are wiping out the entire enemy with innocent men, women and children - you are
NOT doing the right thing.
When you talk against this regime (Bibi & co.) - their supporters find a way to call it "antisemitism".
They use the past incident (holocausts) and then try to implicate folks are out there to get them again. They are using it as a free sympathy pass quite effectively for years.
Ukraine is defending themselves,
And dying in the process with no chance of accomplishing their goal. At this point - most of them are fighting because of peer pressure.
Ordinary citizens (farmers, carpenters, plumbers) won't care whether they are under one oligarchy type ruling or another because in reality - they are all dictators.
One side do it as a compact group - while they fake they have a democracy and the other side has a single powerful mouthpiece.
So, ordinary citizens won't care because their lives would be equally effected by either side. It won't be whatever they are promised. It is not worth for them to die for either result.
Ukraine's govt is corrupt! Do your own research - "Corruption in Ukraine".
They will remain corrupt.
For the majority of people - peace is better than death.