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Satan and Science.


Stripling Warrior
But it sure does get old hearing the same old song and dance from those fundies, acting like science is the enemy, cause it disagrees with what a bunch of pig ignorant sheep herders wrote a long time ago. yeah, i know, some of it was written by a king, etc, and so forth, but that would only have made him about as knowledgeable as a kid in the 3rd grade nowadays, eh?

Hey, Science is not the enemy. I look at it like this: Atheists are like people on one end of a large table working on a puzzel and thiests occupy the other sides of the same table working on puzzels of their own. All sides lambast the other saying that their puzzel is the only one that will produce a picture and that everyone else is simply forcing pieces together. There are certainly those who ARE simply forcing pieces together but eventually those who are not will overtake the rest and the puzzel will be completed.

I can just hear the great pause of astonishment that will ensue when it is realized that it took the efforts of those putting the pieces together properly to help the others finish what they were working on because no one was working on their own exclusive puzzel; everyone was working on different parts of the same one; the message will read the truth and harmony will be realized wherein there is now discord and debate. This is a simplistic analogy that does not cover all the bases of belief, action, obedience, knowledge, justice, mercy and so on, but I think you get the idea.
The way I see it, if God exists, which I believe, as the Creator of everything he also set up all scientific principles and laws. So, there could be no contradiction between spiritual and physical reality. The universe operates in dualities, of inner and outer, mind and body, spiritual and physical. Originally, those dualities would harmonize together. Good and evil however, while a type of duality, each seek the destruction of the other. The conflict between God and Satan reflects itself in a struggle between our minds and bodies. The dualities, such as religious faith and scientific discovery, are cast into the position of conflict rather than harmony. Adam's children, Cain and Abel, were cast into the position of relative evil (not absolute) and relative good. The solution was not for Cain to kill Abel, or vice-versa. Instead they should have found the way to harmonize.

Science is somewhat crippled because it at present has no way to understand or accept what we perceive through our five spiritual senses, only the physical senses. Science can be controlled by the spirit of Cain if and when it disguises a resentment against religious faith, a possible anger against God. Religious people though should not fear science, if it is practiced guided by a wonder and awe of the things around us. Religious people as well need to be open to the spirit of discovery and growth, rather than only clinging to traditional concepts, which sometimes give religion a bad name.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
My view, as well as most of the LHP's view, is that what most of you call God is nothing more than the 'Ordered Universe' or the 'Natural Order of Things', the objective universe.

The psyche exists outside of this 'God' and it is exactly this psyche that much of 'organized' religion is determined to control.

The Egyptian word Neter (commonly thought of as the Gods) actually means Nature, and perhaps more accurately means 'Principle'.

So, what we have is something called (God/Divinity) that was brought into existence by something else. This something else is Vibration, AUM.

Vibration is the Mother of Order.

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Well-Known Member
Religion and science are both creations of man. Religion's downfall will be due to the fact that they do not correct for mistakes. Science has been wrong but when the real truth is discovered, they are happy to correct. Everything about this universe adds up. God does as well. When you find something that does not add up then refuse to correct, are you really doing God's will or seeking God???? One can never stray where truth leads regardless of our feelings. Truth is the real path to God. Let's just walk the path rather than try to bend it to our will. Mankind isn't wise enough to wander. One could end up anywhere but the real truth.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Religion and science are both creations of man. Religion's downfall will be due to the fact that they do not correct for mistakes. Science has been wrong but when the real truth is discovered, they are happy to correct. Everything about this universe adds up. God does as well. When you find something that does not add up then refuse to correct, are you really doing God's will or seeking God???? One can never stray where truth leads regardless of our feelings. Truth is the real path to God. Let's just walk the path rather than try to bend it to our will. Mankind isn't wise enough to wander. One could end up anywhere but the real truth.
Are we preaching here? :preach:
Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.
This knowledge far extends beyond the creations of Man.

Many of us are not interested in doing 'God's Will' an we don't feel 'lost' either.
Personally, I will tread my own path and bend that path any which way that My Will desires. I refuse to be caught up in the delusions that 'certain' religious paths offer.

Perhaps those of Mankind not 'wise enough' to wander about in the Dark seek refuge in these delusions? :seesaw:

Reyn Til Runa (seek the mysteries!)


Rogue Theologian
Are we preaching here? :preach:
Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.
This knowledge far extends beyond the creations of Man.

Many of us are not interested in doing 'God's Will' an we don't feel 'lost' either.
Personally, I will tread my own path and bend that path any which way that My Will desires. I refuse to be caught up in the delusions that 'certain' religious paths offer.

Perhaps those of Mankind not 'wise enough' to wander about in the Dark seek refuge in these delusions? :seesaw:

Reyn Til Runa (seek the mysteries!)

Knowledge cannot extend beyond the creations of Man.
And science cannot answer all questions.... and never will.

Science cannot be used to disprove God.
As soon as a science experiment becomes repeatable...the findings sure...
a believer can then say...
'there...you see?...that's how God did it!'


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Knowledge cannot extend beyond the creations of Man.
And science cannot answer all questions.... and never will.

Science cannot be used to disprove God.
As soon as a science experiment becomes repeatable...the findings sure...
a believer can then say...
'there...you see?...that's how God did it!'
Man did not create the Universe yet we have knowledge of it :shrug:
Science/knowledge may not answer all the questions within your lifetime, but it has the ability to answer all the questions.
Science can be used to disprove the existence of the Abrahamic god, satan, all gods, demons, angels etc. Why wouldn't it?
The ability to repeat an experiment and create the same result is what scientists look for, everything else is dismissed until then.

As a matter of fact God has yet to step up to the plate and repeat any of His 'experiments'.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If I believed that Lucifer really did exist, then I would have to believe that science does indeed come from his vast wisdom and knowledge.
But to say that "the devil" is intentionally manipulating science to mislead is logically flawed. Evolution for example is based simply on what we have dug up from the earth and observed, both through the fossil record and natural selection occurring in modern day species. This would mean that if we are supposed to believe a literal 6 to 10 thousand year old earth that was created in 6 twenty-four hour days, then it is God that is misleading us for putting fossils here for us to observe something that really didn't happen. Or it means that God wants us to believe something else, and he allowed the devil to not manipulate science, but manipulate the evidence that was supposedly left behind millions of years ago.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
If I believed that Lucifer really did exist, then I would have to believe that science does indeed come from his vast wisdom and knowledge.
But to say that "the devil" is intentionally manipulating science to mislead is logically flawed. Evolution for example is based simply on what we have dug up from the earth and observed, both through the fossil record and natural selection occurring in modern day species. This would mean that if we are supposed to believe a literal 6 to 10 thousand year old earth that was created in 6 twenty-four hour days, then it is God that is misleading us for putting fossils here for us to observe something that really didn't happen. Or it means that God wants us to believe something else, and he allowed the devil to not manipulate science, but manipulate the evidence that was supposedly left behind millions of years ago.
Oh no no no . . . it is 'Satan' that has strategically placed misinformation all about in order to confuse us and mislead us from God!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Oh no no no . . . it is 'Satan' that has strategically placed misinformation all about in order to confuse us and mislead us from God!
God still has to ok it.


Rogue Theologian
Man did not create the Universe yet we have knowledge of it :shrug:
Science/knowledge may not answer all the questions within your lifetime, but it has the ability to answer all the questions.
Science can be used to disprove the existence of the Abrahamic god, satan, all gods, demons, angels etc. Why wouldn't it?
The ability to repeat an experiment and create the same result is what scientists look for, everything else is dismissed until then.

As a matter of fact God has yet to step up to the plate and repeat any of His 'experiments'.


And of course faith is an item that needs no proving.
Science cannot take it away.

Are you part of the experiment?

You might consider your life as such.
God is sitting back waiting to see if you 'gel' into the results He wants.
If you don't...no big deal....back into the ground you go.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
If anyone was part of this 'experiment' it was the christian faith, and they failed miserably. At least the Jews have integrity and the Muslims have war. If this race of Mankind lasts long enough, we will witness the eradication of christianity at some point and it will show that just like all the other 'belief systems' throughout history, it too will come and go.



Doyamo Luminachi
Lucifer is the Principle of progress and intellectual inquiry.
Lucifer means 'Bringer of Light' or 'Light Bearer' or simply gnosis, truth and Divine knowledge.
Through Lucifer's essence, humanity first climbed down from the trees and has represented the flow of progress ever since.

But Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for enlightenment and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may actually be the key to life itself;

The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light!
A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main communication network.
Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and wonderful.

Every man and woman is a star - and we all have our own inner light


beautifully stated. thank you for spreading the light out of the darkness of ignorance. shine on!!


Rogue Theologian
If anyone was part of this 'experiment' it was the christian faith, and they failed miserably. At least the Jews have integrity and the Muslims have war. If this race of Mankind lasts long enough, we will witness the eradication of christianity at some point and it will show that just like all the other 'belief systems' throughout history, it too will come and go.


I don't hang out with congregations.
But as we stand before God the differences you speak of will disappear.
Any prophet worthy to stand before God will do so.
All will stand side by side.
The nay saying will be left at the door.


Thief, stop talking bs in my thread, okay? Anyone who has had the displeasure of dealing with you knows that you will ignore all logic, and simply attribute it all to god. You proudly sit there and say that we can't disprove god, and yet ignore the fact that you can't prove him. So seriously, you aren't welcome in my thread, if all you are gonna do is proselytize. Oh, and the proselytizing thing applies to everyone. Just cause i don't believe in god doesn't mean i buy your satan crap either.


Rogue Theologian
Thief, stop talking bs in my thread, okay? Anyone who has had the displeasure of dealing with you knows that you will ignore all logic, and simply attribute it all to god. You proudly sit there and say that we can't disprove god, and yet ignore the fact that you can't prove him. So seriously, you aren't welcome in my thread, if all you are gonna do is proselytize. Oh, and the proselytizing thing applies to everyone. Just cause i don't believe in god doesn't mean i buy your satan crap either.

Oh my...are we touchy or what?

And I suppose you really believed that a topic entitled Satan and Science...
wasn't open to all?

Science will always fall short proving spiritual life.
Finding an appropriate experiment, has been attempted for a long time.
No definitive results yet.
There will be no photographs...no fingerprints...etc.

So...each time someone says...there is no god....someone will say
Yes there is.
Each time Satan is mentioned...more argument.
And there is always some scientist hanging about making more denial...
to everything.

I have been trained in the formal application.
I don't always use it that way.
Sometimes I play the discussion as if you might be right..to show where it leads.
Sometimes I state the obvious, to show where it should have ended.

Most of the time....people just want their say so...and the last posting under their avatar.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've lately wondered about what lies outside our universe. Maybe the 'big bang' was merely some equivalent of a high school science class experiment. A substance was put in a test tube, flame added, and boom. Creating a universe 101.


Doyamo Luminachi
Divinity is both beginning and end for this reason. Everything in this
universe is made basically of spheres. (atoms, electrons, the pores in
your skin, your eyes, the planet's core, the planets themselves, the
atmospheres around them, the sun, etc.) The Universe itself is a
sphere, the core of the Divine Universe. The Divine Universe is made up
of light. If you could break through the void (the universes
atmosphere) to the Divine Universe, you would find yourself outside of
your measure of time. It would be like breaking through the Earth's
crust from the center. No matter where you break through from below the
earth to the surface, you are in the present. It is the same if you
broke through the void to the Divine Universe. Time is only relative to
the universe you are in, and so to the Divine, all is present time.


Thief, i have no problem with anyone discussing what i put forth. I just tire of people proselytizing there religions. You can discuss what i said without pushing god in my face. When you push god in my face, making comments you can't prove, at all, that don't even have anything to do with the OP, i get a little annoyed. And Luminakisharblaze? Yeah, you, that whole paragraph had nothing to do with the op. Let's stick with what the thread is supposed to be about, how about it people?


Rogue Theologian
You know, i've been thinking about this recently. I have come across plenty of theists who seem to think that if science at any point even seems to contradict something in their bible, it came from Beelzebub! You get some theists who seem to think that science in general is from Lucifer. Who think that actually thinking about things that could possibly make you question god, is caused by Morningstar!

If there is a devil (and you might say there is not?)...
Then He would desire that Man do anything but follow God.
He would proceed to tell one man the truth, and show by means of science,
how things work.
He would then tell another man the truth....God did it.
He would then stand back and let people argue about it.
He would not tell how to put the two notions together.

Essentially, my problem is this, if we can't trust our senses, how are we able to figure anything out? If using our senses, in a logical manner, is the work of the lord of the flies, what are we to do? I don't know, i'm certain i'm not really saying what i want to say here.

Science goes beyond your senses, using high tech to gain the info.
Can you trust your experiment?
And yes, you don't know what you are saying.

Crap, just discuss the basic concept i've set up here. Give me an opinion, or an observation, based on what i've said, and maybe one of you will say something that makes me figure out what i actually want to ask, lol. Then i'll ask it.

Basically, this is a simple disapproval....not a concept.
My opinion?...you seem put off by people who have faith.

This is in the debate section, cause i don't mind if it becomes a debate, but discussion is fine.:D

So you want to discuss your op?