Stripling Warrior
But it sure does get old hearing the same old song and dance from those fundies, acting like science is the enemy, cause it disagrees with what a bunch of pig ignorant sheep herders wrote a long time ago. yeah, i know, some of it was written by a king, etc, and so forth, but that would only have made him about as knowledgeable as a kid in the 3rd grade nowadays, eh?
Hey, Science is not the enemy. I look at it like this: Atheists are like people on one end of a large table working on a puzzel and thiests occupy the other sides of the same table working on puzzels of their own. All sides lambast the other saying that their puzzel is the only one that will produce a picture and that everyone else is simply forcing pieces together. There are certainly those who ARE simply forcing pieces together but eventually those who are not will overtake the rest and the puzzel will be completed.
I can just hear the great pause of astonishment that will ensue when it is realized that it took the efforts of those putting the pieces together properly to help the others finish what they were working on because no one was working on their own exclusive puzzel; everyone was working on different parts of the same one; the message will read the truth and harmony will be realized wherein there is now discord and debate. This is a simplistic analogy that does not cover all the bases of belief, action, obedience, knowledge, justice, mercy and so on, but I think you get the idea.