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Satan and Science.


Left Hand Path
When you really look at the big picture, it is overwhelmingly evident that the vast majority of good things and human triumph have come from science. Because of science; we have more respectable dwellings, the computer you use to have these conversations, modern medicine to keep people healthy, etc. I would imagine that if there is a God, he would be proud that His humans have come so far, and are now trying to clean up the bit of a mess we've made on the planet due to the industrial revolution. I would have to assume that Satan would be an enemy of science, because science makes life more enjoyable for humans. And nowadays, with the advent of technology that hasn't been available in the past, it seems as if people are developing more balanced opinions, becoming somewhat more liberal, mostly due to the fast exchange of information that takes place nowadays. I would imagine Satan would hate the fact that humans have the tool of science to make life more peaceful and enjoyable on Earth. And if you were to take God and Satan completely out of the picture, it is obviously science that has made the world what it is today, so regardless of any "Powers that Be", science kicks ***.

Do not assume on what you do not know.

Satan is opposition, a contender to the creation, as is science. Satanism is reflected in all aspects of life for it is natural among the beings of Earth to question what is.

You could say that statement to a theistic Satanists but I however, am athiestic.

The mind inside is what matters, and the accomplishments of humans give them pride to carry on through out the endless nights and achieve a higher aspect than what was previously obtained.

You look at the peace, when there is more chaos then you know. If you find solace among peace you will be destroyed.

Technology doesn't make the world any more peaceful, now we can communicate with people across the world, and we can also send powerful bombs across the world.

If there was an era of ever lasting peace it would of been before the age of flight tele-communications.

Science has obviously made the world what it is today, but the mind behind science has made what science is. The mind of an advocate of greater and lesser magics, also known as opposition, advesary, or Satan.

In the natural aspects of things Satan is what is reality, carnality, divinity, and the universe. All human possesed items exist because of the mind the created, or improvised a creation. The mind of a Devil's Advocate, the opposite of a religiously enslaved mind.


Rogue Theologian
Do not assume on what you do not know.

Satan is opposition, a contender to the creation, as is science. Satanism is reflected in all aspects of life for it is natural among the beings of Earth to question what is.

You could say that statement to a theistic Satanists but I however, am athiestic.

The mind inside is what matters, and the accomplishments of humans give them pride to carry on through out the endless nights and achieve a higher aspect than what was previously obtained.

You look at the peace, when there is more chaos then you know. If you find solace among peace you will be destroyed.

Technology doesn't make the world any more peaceful, now we can communicate with people across the world, and we can also send powerful bombs across the world.

If there was an era of ever lasting peace it would of been before the age of flight tele-communications.

Science has obviously made the world what it is today, but the mind behind science has made what science is. The mind of an advocate of greater and lesser magics, also known as opposition, advesary, or Satan.

In the natural aspects of things Satan is what is reality, carnality, divinity, and the universe. All human possesed items exist because of the mind the created, or improvised a creation. The mind of a Devil's Advocate, the opposite of a religiously enslaved mind.

You continue to give Satan qualities of personage.
Adversaries have 'minds'...having intent.
If Satan has a 'mind', He has intent....as a person would have.
Perhaps a language of creed would be a better expression.
And rebuttal would not be so...pointless.

After all....animals pursue their nature.
What need of science?philosophy?social conduct?forums?

But then again...are you not more, than they are?
You're here...are you not? What need does this forum satisfy?

If you are a reflection of your 'belief', and you believe in nothing more than what is at hand...how are you something....'more'?

Are you not slave to your nature?


everything i am
You continue to give Satan qualities of personage.
Adversaries have 'minds'...having intent.
If Satan has a 'mind', He has intent....as a person would have.
Perhaps a language of creed would be a better expression.
And rebuttal would not be so...pointless.

After all....animals pursue their nature.
What need of science?philosophy?social conduct?forums?

But then again...are you not more, than they are?
You're here...are you not? What need does this forum satisfy?

If you are a reflection of your 'belief', and you believe in nothing more than what is at hand...how are you something....'more'?

Are you not slave to your nature?

If you truly understood what he just said, you would know he is saying that Satan is NOT a human, it is INSIDE the human. It is the mind, the nature, everything you are and everything around you. If you would open your eyes, you would see what we do, but you are too benighted to even be willing to understand what it all means.

And he is more because he sees the world for what it truly is (a dark, cold place with nothing but corruption and destruction in most minds) unlike people who make up ridiculous theories just to say they will still be alive after death.



Rogue Theologian
If you truly understood what he just said, you would know he is saying that Satan is NOT a human, it is INSIDE the human. It is the mind, the nature, everything you are and everything around you. If you would open your eyes, you would see what we do, but you are too benighted to even be willing to understand what it all means.

And he is more because he sees the world for what it truly is (a dark, cold place with nothing but corruption and destruction in most minds) unlike people who make up ridiculous theories just to say they will still be alive after death.

I understand what he says...it's the way he says it.
Like you, there is this ongoing and insistent use of the name Satan.
For centuries this name has referred to a deity...Lucifer,the adversary of God.
Used correctly it is a position held by a thinking and intentional adversary. Websters' doesn't help you...I looked.

Your attempt to relabel nature is shallow. Nature is not the adversary of God. God created nature.
If you feel better, that God created Satan?....okay.

Your continual denial cannot....and never will take this away.
And coupling the practice of science to an ancient form of worship doesn't help.


everything i am
I understand what he says...it's the way he says it.
Like you, there is this ongoing and insistent use of the name Satan.
For centuries this name has referred to a deity...Lucifer,the adversary of God.
Used correctly it is a position held by a thinking and intentional adversary. Websters' doesn't help you...I looked.

Your attempt to relabel nature is shallow. Nature is not the adversary of God. God created nature.
If you feel better, that God created Satan?....okay.

Your continual denial cannot....and never will take this away.
And coupling the practice of science to an ancient form of worship doesn't help.

Your words say otherwise.
I am athiestic. I do not believe in deities. Yes in demonology, mainly christian demonology, Satan, Lucifer, Beezlebub, Bilial, Mephistopholes, "the Prince of Darkness", are the same "deity".
Your continual insistence on being so boneheaded and stubborn is starting to agitate me. You are so oblivious to what surrounds you that you have no idea you socialize with Satanists quite often and I am not talking about on RF.

I am not attempting to relabal nature at all. It is what it is. The philosophy I live by. (Would you care to explain your philosophy?) Satan is nature. The nature of every animal living on this planet.

It doesn't make me feel anything when you say God created Satan for I believe in no deity.

And because there are no deities, there is no heaven nor hell. When you die, you don't exist. Just like before you were born. You simply didn't exist. If there was no such thing as history class and you were never taught history, your mind would be completely oblivious and filled with darkness except, of course, for everything else you learned in your life. Why would it be any different when you die?

I am also not denying anything, simply stating my opinions. There is nothing to worship, praise maybe. But the only thing I would praise is myself.



Left Hand Path
You continue to give Satan qualities of personage.
Adversaries have 'minds'...having intent.
If Satan has a 'mind', He has intent....as a person would have.
Perhaps a language of creed would be a better expression.
And rebuttal would not be so...pointless.

The qualities are of life, and nature, you should know this already, this is the 5th time we have gone over this.

After all....animals pursue their nature.
What need of science?philosophy?social conduct?forums?

Of course nature pursues itself. I am here to learn, simple as is everyone else.

But then again...are you not more, than they are?
You're here...are you not? What need does this forum satisfy?

These forums are not of need, more of pleasure.

If you are a reflection of your 'belief', and you believe in nothing more than what is at hand...how are you something....'more'?

I never said I was something more. I am simply a reflection of nature and the instincutal and intellectual desires that motivate me to live.

Are you not slave to your nature?

I wouldn't consider it slavery since I enjoy my existence. Are you not the same? You cannot exceed the unatural.


Left Hand Path
I understand what he says...it's the way he says it.
Like you, there is this ongoing and insistent use of the name Satan.
For centuries this name has referred to a deity...Lucifer,the adversary of God.
Used correctly it is a position held by a thinking and intentional adversary. Websters' doesn't help you...I looked.

Your attempt to relabel nature is shallow. Nature is not the adversary of God. God created nature.
If you feel better, that God created Satan?....okay.

Your continual denial cannot....and never will take this away.
And coupling the practice of science to an ancient form of worship doesn't help.

That is where we differ, the mind is what created all of these things that you seem to acknowledge as 'dieties'.

We simply just are, and you keep trying to get your same old lame point across.

You believe you will step out of your body when you die. I would like to see that, all that will happen is the rendering of your flesh when you rot in the dirt. Just like everyone else, and I am not excluding myself.

What is the point you are trying to make?


everything i am
When you really look at the big picture, it is overwhelmingly evident that the vast majority of good things and human triumph have come from science. Because of science; we have more respectable dwellings, the computer you use to have these conversations, modern medicine to keep people healthy, etc. I would imagine that if there is a God, he would be proud that His humans have come so far, and are now trying to clean up the bit of a mess we've made on the planet due to the industrial revolution. I would have to assume that Satan would be an enemy of science, because science makes life more enjoyable for humans. And nowadays, with the advent of technology that hasn't been available in the past, it seems as if people are developing more balanced opinions, becoming somewhat more liberal, mostly due to the fast exchange of information that takes place nowadays. I would imagine Satan would hate the fact that humans have the tool of science to make life more peaceful and enjoyable on Earth. And if you were to take God and Satan completely out of the picture, it is obviously science that has made the world what it is today, so regardless of any "Powers that Be", science kicks ***.

What about the predators online that pretend to be a teenager or young man (if they are older) and talk to these young boys and girls on the internet? Is that peaceful and enjoyable?
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Feh. You guys trying to make technology into a bad thing. It isn't the machinery, it's the user. You can't fault a machine that is being abused of it's original purpose. Unfortunately, we have plenty of technology that can be seen as nothing but evil. Guns, bombs, poisons, etc. and so forth. I suppose the upside here is that technology has done far more good in the long term, imo, than it has done bad. Keeping in mind of course that most technology is just used wrongly.


Left Hand Path
Feh. You guys trying to make technology into a bad thing. It isn't the machinery, it's the user. You can't fault a machine that is being abused of it's original purpose. Unfortunately, we have plenty of technology that can be seen as nothing but evil. Guns, bombs, poisons, etc. and so forth. I suppose the upside here is that technology has done far more good in the long term, imo, than it has done bad. Keeping in mind of course that most technology is just used wrongly.

What is natural cannot be bad.


Well-Known Member
It's not that science contradicts the Bible, that in no way has ever happened. It's the interpretation and extrapolation of what the data uncovered by the science means by those that don't believe or understand the Bible that is the issue. And that is what satan controls, the minds of those interpretating science without a healthy fear of God and belief in the Bible.

I think you know this post cannot be true.:sleep:


Plodding Along

There is a saying:

At some point, even the buddha has to kill the buddha. If you keep walking into a giant boulder, at some point, you are going to have to walk around it. And in order to do that, you are going to have to simply stop believing that the boulder is not really a yellow brick road.

But I can not tell you what to do. Even the buddha has to kill the buddha. :foot:


Left Hand Path

There is a saying:

At some point, even the buddha has to kill the buddha. If you keep walking into a giant boulder, at some point, you are going to have to walk around it. And in order to do that, you are going to have to simply stop believing that the boulder is not really a yellow brick road.

But I can not tell you what to do. Even the buddha has to kill the buddha. :foot:

Just because you believe that something is what it is not, doesn't mean it will become what you wish, or that it will disappear...in order to walk around the boulder you just do it, you would have to be pretty stupid to keep walking right into it. You don't need a reason to go around it :D you just do.


okay, riverseed, i'm not really picking up on what you are saying, mainly cause i don't see how it pertains to me. Could you explain a little more clearly, please?