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Satanic Bible


Satanism is not what a lot of people thinking it is. People think that just because the name goes against christianity, does not mean it is wrong. The fact is satanism was bad mouthed by christianity so that more people would become christian followers before satanism could get a word in edge ways.

having read the satanic bible by Anton Szandor LaVey, i will attempt to explain satanisms views and beliefs

they do not believe in an afterlife anymore than you believe the world being flat (heaven forbid). they believe that life is a precious thing which should be enjoyed to its maximum extent. they believe that if we refuse the simple pleasures in life, then life itself would be a waste of time.

at no moment does satanism argue that we should not respect each other, but they agree we should enjoy things on our own as long as no harm comes to anyone else.

for instance, they agree that we can act out any sexual fantasy we want, as long as the other person agrees. except in extreme cases, such as child molesting and animal rape, which the satanic bible does not condone AT ALL. why should we deny pleasures which the seven deadly sins al lead to mental, emotional and physical gratitude, as long as other people are taken into consideration.

the nine satanic statements:
Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!

Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreans!

Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

Satan shows kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

Satan represents vengence, instead of turning the other cheek!

Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!

Satan represents man as just another animal , sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all!

Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification!

Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he kept it in business all these years

all information gathered from anton szandor laveys 'the satanic bible'


well not all the beliefs. it goes against the seven deadly sins, but other than that, it teaches people to respect one another but at the same time feel free to indulge and express themselves more freely


murdocsvan said:
the nine satanic statements:
Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
Christianity represents taking what you need, and giving the rest to those less fortunate. Not exactly the opposite, but still not the same.

Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreans!
Well, I wouldn't call christianity a pipe dream, but you may. :D

Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
Well, perhaps.

Satan shows kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
Christianity says we are not the judges, and we must love everybody, no matter how undeserving we may think they are.

Satan represents vengence, instead of turning the other cheek!
Direct opposite of christianity.

Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!
What are psychic vampires?

Satan represents man as just another animal , sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all!
Christianity represents man as the sons of god, with the potential to become like him.

Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification!
Christianity represents giving up fleeting physical, mental, or emotional gratification for a spot in heaven for eternity.

See, satanism actually is amost the opposite.


Glass half Panda'd
*sigh* is being selfish and egocentric all there is to life you think? That's what it seems like to me...


New Member
Mm, Satanism, the choice religion of hedonism. I have nothing against Satanists mind you, it just seems like organized atheism and most of my Satanist friends tend to agree with me. On a more childish note, a pal of mine and I once came across a couple of Satanic Bibles with the books on Paganism...Needless to say we took it upon ourselves to relocate it to Bible section...

What are psychic vampires?
Like the traditional idea of a vampire, except...a bit more realistic...Psychic vampires feed on other's emotions, usually without realizing it.


Well-Known Member
I liked the first half of the Satanic Bible (the latter half was all ritual nonsense). I especially liked the part about not loving everyone, because to love everyone is to devalue love given to those who we truly care about. For example, if Aqualung "loves" a serial rapist as much as her own boyfriend/husband--what does that say about the love given to the boyfriend/husband? It says that love without boundaries is worthless, that's what.

I also like how Lavey was smart enough to make Marilyn Manson and honorary reverend. Now there's a guy you want on your side!


Ammon is awesome
Faint said:
I liked the first half of the Satanic Bible (the latter half was all ritual nonsense). I especially liked the part about not loving everyone, because to love everyone is to devalue love given to those who we truly care about. For example, if Aqualung "loves" a serial rapist as much as her own boyfriend/husband--what does that say about the love given to the boyfriend/husband? It says that love without boundaries is worthless, that's what.

I also like how Lavey was smart enough to make Marilyn Manson and honorary reverend. Now there's a guy you want on your side!

To me there are different kinds of love. The first kind is the kind of love that you have for your parents. No matter how mad they can make you, you still love them. This also applies to a wife or husband. I don't have a wife right now, because, well, I'm 17, but I think I have this kind of love w/ my g/f. Anyway, the second kind of love is the love of humanity. If you see someone in a ditch dying, no matter if you know them or not, or if they have been just w/ you or not, you should help them. If they committed a crime against you or hurt you in any way, let the justice of man or God take care of it.


Buttons* said:
*sigh* is being selfish and egocentric all there is to life you think? That's what it seems like to me...
i did not for one second say i believed in it buttons

and like i said about 3 times, it isnt being selfish. it is enjoying life yet leaving room for respect to other people

please read what i said Carefully


Glass half Panda'd
murdocsvan said:
i did not for one second say i believed in it buttons

and like i said about 3 times, it isnt being selfish. it is enjoying life yet leaving room for respect to other people

please read what i said Carefully

I have problems with words... you = population of satanists. I knew a satanist, theres nothing wrong with them... but the principles are selfish. I'll try to pay attention when commenting from now on.


Buttons* said:
I have problems with words... you = population of satanists. I knew a satanist, theres nothing wrong with them... but the principles are selfish. I'll try to pay attention when commenting from now on.
ok i see what you mean. no worries

to me, if satananism could be summed up, it would be to let yor human feelings flow free, yet within the confines of respect to others. show people respect and you will receive. if you do not receive respect in return, then give them wrath.'

in other words, live life to the full, do not embrace a destiny you can't count on

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
The 'show people respect and you will recieve' runs both ways. If one pre-emptivly assumes they will get no respect, they usually don't do the things worthy of respect. I do not understand giving them 'wrath' in return for respect one does not work for.

So, if we understand one another, assuming that others have the wisdom to already be living life to the fullest is respect that would deserve respect in return. I'm assuming you respect us enough to know that many of us are already doing this, so I will respect you in return. :)


Ammon is awesome
murdocsvan said:
well not all the beliefs. it goes against the seven deadly sins, but other than that, it teaches people to respect one another but at the same time feel free to indulge and express themselves more freely
Satan represents all that is bad in the world. Satan is total and unconditional evil. This being said, why do "satanists" say they are against the "7 deadly sins" and just want to "respect others and indulge themselves a little bit more"? I think there are two possibilities. Either they are putting a front and are really evil, or the founder of "satanism" was real dumb and misnamed his...uhhhh...thing. :confused:


Active Member
mormonman said:
Satan represents all that is bad in the world. Satan is total and unconditional evil. This being said, why do "satanists" say they are against the "7 deadly sins" and just want to "respect others and indulge themselves a little bit more"? I think there are two possibilities. Either they are putting a front and are really evil, or the founder of "satanism" was real dumb and misnamed his...uhhhh...thing. :confused:

The church of Satan was founded during the 60's in America. Keep that in mind. It was started as a reaction to the hippy, peace and love philosophy at the time.


Holding All and None
Satan, as only seen as such from a pro-Judeo-Christian point of view is unfairly biased against a figure portrayed in the Judeo-Christian text as only evil, when other cultural, philosophical, and spiritual understandings of such a figure are valid, whether some wish to believe it or not. A singular and narrowminded understanding of anyone denies the value of understanding in gaining proper and respectful relations between religions, people, systems of all kinds.


Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about Anton LaVey. First and foremost, I think it's important to recognize the strong possibility that LaVey started his Church of Satan to get laid. I don't have a problem with that, but it seems to me like too many Satanists take him seriously when he did not even take himself that seriously. The foundation of Modern Satanism was a means to an end for LaVey and, if you look closely, it was meant to be that way for all Modern Satanists. LaVeyan Satanists would do well to admit that their path is selfish. In fact, they would do well to rejoice in it and I can't understand why they wouldn't...that is what their religion teaches. They should admit their selfishness and be proud of it. It doesn't preclude them from ever caring about anyone. Too many Satanists are trying to find a common ground with Christianity. It's okay to try to make peace and try to educate, but I think it's absurd for them to compromise their faith in the process. If you aren't strong enough to stand on your own as the adversary, you have no business claiming Satan's title.

I admired Anton LaVey for many years as a Modern Satanist and I still admire him for having the tenacity and will to achieve everything he wanted in his life. However, the affects of his accomplishments have had somewhat of a backlash in the Left Hand Path community, particularly after his passing. LaVey's ideas on Satanism are not universal. He only represents one denomination, so to speak. Members of the Church of Satan are loud, angsty, and in many cases are unable to think for themselves which really is a sick state of affairs in the realm of Satanism. For a group that preaches against the "sheep" mentality, they are remarkably unable to think outside of the box. It seems to me that LaVey's legacy is falling apart. I fear that Modern Satanism has no integrity without him. Many Satanists of other, more traditional paths have become a favorite target of the new Church of Satan. This in-fighting won't accomplish anything, but I doubt it has a strong affect on how non-Satanists view the religion anyway. From whichever angle you want to look at it, practitioners of the Left Hand Path will be perpetually misunderstood...that's why we walk this path in the first place.

I personally left the CoS (Church of Satan) when I found it had nothing left to offer. Once I had absorbed all of LaVey's teachings, I found myself wanting. For Modern Satanists who find themselves complacent and bored, I suggest that it is because Modern Satanism doesn't offer a lifetime's worth of material to explore. Look outside of the confines of Modern Satanism and find out what the pagan paths have to offer, find out what the gnostic paths offer...furthermore, find out what science and philosophy have to offer. There is a wealth of knowledge out there that can be assimilated into your paradigm. Then you will find true individuality...you will truly shed the sheep mentality.


Active Member
mormonman said:
Satan represents all that is bad in the world. Satan is total and unconditional evil. This being said, why do "satanists" say they are against the "7 deadly sins" and just want to "respect others and indulge themselves a little bit more"? I think there are two possibilities. Either they are putting a front and are really evil, or the founder of "satanism" was real dumb and misnamed his...uhhhh...thing. :confused:
Look into your bible and you will see that satan only kills seven, i think, all of which, i think, God was the cause of. If you look at God however, he kills over 300,000, not including the great flood, and commands the death of over 1 million. Why then is it Satan who "represents all that is bad in the world"?


Ammon is awesome
pandamonk said:
Look into your bible and you will see that satan only kills seven, i think, all of which, i think, God was the cause of. If you look at God however, he kills over 300,000, not including the great flood, and commands the death of over 1 million. Why then is it Satan who "represents all that is bad in the world"?
OK, the reason why those people were killed in the flood and all of that, was because they were wicked. Who is the father of wickedness? Satan is. So Satan was mostly the reason why these people were wicked, ergo he was most of the reason they were killed. Also, there are two eternal laws, justice and mercy. Why were these people killed? Because they were wicked, and justice demands a punishment. This punishment will also extend into eternity, because they will be judged on their works. Where then is God's mercy? The people that were killed w/o the knowledge of the Gospel will have an oppurtunity to learn about it after they die, and then have an oppurtunity to deny or accept the Gospel. Gods plan is a perfect combination of justice and mercy.



Would our western justice be more like gods perfect system if we accounted for crimes commited by satan?
mormonman said:
OK, the reason why those people were killed in the flood and all of that, was because they were wicked. Who is the father of wickedness? Satan is. So Satan was mostly the reason why these people were wicked, ergo he was most of the reason they were killed. Also, there are two eternal laws, justice and mercy. Why were these people killed? Because they were wicked, and justice demands a punishment. This punishment will also extend into eternity, because they will be judged on their works. Where then is God's mercy? The people that were killed w/o the knowledge of the Gospel will have an oppurtunity to learn about it after they die, and then have an oppurtunity to deny or accept the Gospel. Gods plan is a perfect combination of justice and mercy.
That is, if you assume that justice is in itself moral. There is nothing intrinsicly moral about punishing someone for something they did for nothing other then that "they deserve it". This Christian philosophy of morality assumes that sinners 'deserve' punishment for its own sake.

This isn't necesseraly 'wrong' from all perspective, but I believe this concept of justice to be immoral and imperfect. Even if someone sins on earth, there is no justifycation for an eternal punishment no matter what someone does. 'Justice' may demand a punishment, but justice isn't something that necesseraly must be incorperated into a perfect system of morality.

My philosophy on Satanism is that one should be against such an extreme manifestation of 'justice', nobody deserves to be damned or punished in such a way.