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Satanic Bible


Ammon is awesome
Ex Machina said:
That is, if you assume that justice is in itself moral. There is nothing intrinsicly moral about punishing someone for something they did for nothing other then that "they deserve it". This Christian philosophy of morality assumes that sinners 'deserve' punishment for its own sake.

This isn't necesseraly 'wrong' from all perspective, but I believe this concept of justice to be immoral and imperfect. Even if someone sins on earth, there is no justifycation for an eternal punishment no matter what someone does. 'Justice' may demand a punishment, but justice isn't something that necesseraly must be incorperated into a perfect system of morality.

My philosophy on Satanism is that one should be against such an extreme manifestation of 'justice', nobody deserves to be damned or punished in such a way.
So you don't believe that someone should be punished at all for the sins they've committed? Why? Why should someone that was a terrible person have the same reward in Heaven as someone that is an amazing person? Let me explain to you our belief system in regards to this punishment, justice, and mercy. After we die we'll go to one of two places as spirits. The righteous will go to spirit paradise and the wicked or the people w/o the knowledge of the Gospel will go to spirit prison. In 1st Peter 3:19 John talks about how Christ went to the spirit world to teach the spirits in prison during the 3 days from the time of his death to the time of His ressurection. It talks more extensively in the Book of Mormon about spirit paradise. Alma 40:12 talks about the condition of the spirits in pardise, that they'll be in a state of happiness and rest. We also believe that the spirits in prison will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel, and be able to accept or deny it. If they accept they will be able to move to spirit paradise. Now we'll be in this state untill we are ressurected and we are judged. Revalation 20 talks exstensively about the ressurection and final judgement. Keep in mind that the meaning of ressurection is that the spirit and body will reunite in a perfected form. We believe that Heaven is split into three degrees of glory. In 1st Corinthians 15:40-41 Paul talks about these three glories. The first, the Celestial Kingdom, he compares to the glory of the sun. This is where all of the righteous will go and be able to live w/ Heavenly Father again. The second, the Terrestrial Kingdom, he compares to the moon. These are ok people or people that had the knowledge of the gospel on earth, but were half hearted. The third he doesn't name, but describes. Through modern revalation we know that it is the Telestrial Kingdom. He compares it to the glory of the stars. This is where the people that were really bad go. Now there is one final place you can go after judgement, this is outer darkness or hell. Only people that had the fullness on the knowledge of the Gospel and chose to rebell against the light will merit such a place. So you see people will get what they deserve, but also they'll have mercy showed to them.


mormonman said:
So you don't believe that someone should be punished at all for the sins they've committed? Why? Why should someone that was a terrible person have the same reward in Heaven as someone that is an amazing person?
I hate to be blunt but the answer to your question is pretty Obvious. Ex Machina identifies as an agnostic and therefore, only judging by the above post, doesn’t believe in the concept of sin. If I’m not mistaken, I believe there would be Christians that would disagree with people being rewarded for just being good people, and would still expect those people to be burned in Hell because they didn’t accept Jesus.


Active Member
mormonman said:
OK, the reason why those people were killed in the flood and all of that, was because they were wicked. Who is the father of wickedness? Satan is. So Satan was mostly the reason why these people were wicked, ergo he was most of the reason they were killed. Also, there are two eternal laws, justice and mercy. Why were these people killed? Because they were wicked, and justice demands a punishment. This punishment will also extend into eternity, because they will be judged on their works. Where then is God's mercy? The people that were killed w/o the knowledge of the Gospel will have an oppurtunity to learn about it after they die, and then have an oppurtunity to deny or accept the Gospel. Gods plan is a perfect combination of justice and mercy.
You are saying that Satan is the father of wickedness, but you have no proof of this other than "God told me", but surely if God was the wicked one, he would want to deceive you :rolleyes:. The only way we can judge is through what we know about them, such as: God kills millions, Satan kills seven which can be said to be God's fault. God introduced evil into the world, so surely Satan cannot be held accountable for the wickedness of the world.


Ammon is awesome
pandamonk said:
You are saying that Satan is the father of wickedness, but you have no proof of this other than "God told me", but surely if God was the wicked one, he would want to deceive you :rolleyes:. The only way we can judge is through what we know about them, such as: God kills millions, Satan kills seven which can be said to be God's fault. God introduced evil into the world, so surely Satan cannot be held accountable for the wickedness of the world.
Can you explain to me how evil was introduced into the world.


Ammon is awesome
WeAreAllOne said:
I hate to be blunt but the answer to your question is pretty Obvious. Ex Machina identifies as an agnostic and therefore, only judging by the above post, doesn’t believe in the concept of sin. If I’m not mistaken, I believe there would be Christians that would disagree with people being rewarded for just being good people, and would still expect those people to be burned in Hell because they didn’t accept Jesus.
I didn't know agnostics didn't recognize sin. Yeah, those self-proclaimed Christians that say everbody that doesn't believe in Christ will burn in Hell bother me.


Active Member
mormonman said:
Can you explain to me how evil was introduced into the world.
Do you mean, My interpretation of the biblical way, or my own belief? Biblical: Well God created Satan, he gave him the ability to become evil, or the choice between good and evil. Surely giving Satan this choice means that he(God) created it. Or, If you want to go into the Genisis Story, God put the tree of good and Evil into the garden, therefore introducing it into the world. He also gave them choice between good and evil without them knowing good and evil. So how could they have been trusted to do good? Surely not knowing good and evil means they do not know that it is "evil" to disobey God. So, punishing them for what they did not know was wrong was unjust and evil. My belief: Well evil is not a force. It was not "introduced" into the world.


Active Member
mormonman said:
I didn't know agnostics didn't recognize sin. Yeah, those self-proclaimed Christians that say everbody that doesn't believe in Christ will burn in Hell bother me.
Well, they are unsure about an existence of a god.
  1. A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.
  2. Theology.
    1. Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
    2. A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience
Surely if someone is unsure about the existence of a god, then they wont see things as being disobedient with its will. If they can't be sure that a God exists, they will be just as unsure that it has a will.


Veteran Member
pandamonk said:
Why do you ask? And, more importantly, why should i answer?
Because that is the difference between Satanism and Taoism that I wish to debate. Unless you would just like to concede my point. Clearly you could not think of a response as my question was obviously in response to your request for me to back up my statement that Satanism is "selfish and egocentric".