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Satanism is Christianity?


Flaming Queer
mormonman said:
OK, what satan do they believe in than, the one that wants everybody to be nice to each other? Give me a break.
those who believe like Lavey did do not believe in an actual satan or devil :eek:

the main idea is that humanity is the heighest form of achievement, and as such, we should please and worship ourselves - at least that is my understanding of it.

Fade said:
Weren't the 3 wise men astrologers? Didn't moses perform sorcerery? I mean turning sticks into snakes, starting plagues and parting seas? Fortunetellers? Wasn't the bible full of prophets? Oh wait that's right it's only evil when it suites christian interpretation. :rolleyes:
a rose by any other name........


Ammon is awesome
Mike182 said:
those who believe like Lavey did do not believe in an actual satan or devil :eek:

the main idea is that humanity is the heighest form of achievement, and as such, we should please and worship ourselves - at least that is my understanding of it.
Really :confused: I don't mean this in any offensive way, but then why do they call themselves satanists? I'm so confused :bonk:

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Satanists are merely humanists with a fun name. :D One must look past the title, and study about what they really are.


Master Vigil said:
Satanists are merely humanists with a fun name. :D One must look past the title, and study about what they really are.
I think you are talking about Modern Satanists here, correct? Cause even some Modern Satanist don't subcribe to some of the other traditional forms.


Flaming Queer
mormonman said:
Really :confused: I don't mean this in any offensive way, but then why do they call themselves satanists? I'm so confused :bonk:
mainly because Lavey thought it would peeve off the christians :D i think he was sucessful in that :biglaugh:


Mike182 said:
mainly because Lavey thought it would peeve off the christians :D i think he was sucessful in that :biglaugh:
There are some that do see him as literal. You knew that right Mike?


Active Member
Victor said:
There are some that do see him as literal.

i.e. Dumb high school kids who need something to use for rebellion.

I see Satanism as a number of possible things

a). the Lavey/Modern approach, which has little religion to it and as stated before is just Humanism cloaked with a joke pinned at christianity.

b). Those who believe in the Christian ideology (of one sort or another) and personally take it upon themselves to worship Satan/The Devil for any sort of reason. These people usually function alone or in small groups, but aren't really a part of a religion. Usually there's something wrong with these people and usually are associated with killings and such.

c). Those who consider themselves Satanists in the role of opposing Christianity. It has no affect upon their own spirituality/beliefs and they very well may belong to another religion. Satanism is simply seen as a tool to attack Christianity or at least poke fun at it.

d). Those who follow a number of "Left Path" spiritualities, which many people may call Satanism, but in truth isn't Satanism. This includes mostly people dealing with Occult practices or Mysticism , which as a result of their secret nature are labeled evil or satanic by outsiders.


Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
Satanists worship Satan whether they believe he exists or not. Christians worship Christ/God. Satan has always wanted to take worship away from God and on himself. This is why he was cast out of Heaven. Whether a satanist believes in God, or the Bible, or satan, or anything does not change the fact that what they are doing is following satan, in "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Witchcraft, either white or black magic, is condemned by God as an abomination and all gets its power from satan whether they admit it or not. Sorcerers, necromancers, channellers, fortunetellers, crystal ball gazers, mediums, practicers of divination, astrology, wizards, witches, etc. all get their powers from satan, whether they admit it or not, and all this is an abomination to the Lord. That is the Bible truth. Dabble in the occult, with the tarot, astral-projection, and all the other stuff, and you will get burned by it. Trust in the Lord God of the Bible, in Jesus Christ, that is the only way that leads to life.
Wow, if I could take frubals away from you, I would.


Well-Known Member
Fade said:
Weren't the 3 wise men astrologers? Didn't moses perform sorcerery? I mean turning sticks into snakes, starting plagues and parting seas? Fortunetellers? Wasn't the bible full of prophets? Oh wait that's right it's only evil when it suites christian interpretation. :rolleyes:
The three wisemen followed a star, to guide them, perhaps God told them, does not mean they were astrologers. Moses did not perform sorcery (black magick), God performed the miracles of the sticks to snakes, the plagues, and the parting of the seas. Fortunetellers are called an abomination in the Bible. Saul lost his life and his sons' lives the next day after seeing a medium instead of going to God. God spoke to the prophets, its very different than the occult. The Bible was very good at separating the occult from the truth, the idolatry from worshipping the one true God. It listed specificaly what is abomination, from Satan, and what is acceptable, prayer, not with 'repetitions of the heathen', but with our mind and spirit involved. Hey, I have done all the shrooms and LSD and all that, and have dabbled in many religions including some American Indian things, and, I am just telling you from my experiences and knowledge.


Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
I guess in this case you cannot " do as thou wilt".
"Do as thou wilt" is Wiccan. I am not a Wiccan...I'm a Luciferian...in fact, I'm a theistic Luciferian, so your devil-worship rant doesn't bother me any. I don't want to take frubals away from you because my feelings are hurt. I want to take them away because your ignorance is showing and I feel that if we can reward good posts we should be able to criticize bad ones as well.

joeboonda said:
Hey, I have done all the shrooms and LSD and all that, and have dabbled in many religions including some American Indian things, and, I am just telling you from my experiences and knowledge.
Perhaps you should have skipped the drugs and approached these religions with a clear head. I really have no idea why you even bring up the drugs. I'm sorry that you already feel like you know the truth because it means you are no longer seeking the truth. You've reached a dead end.


Well-Known Member
Actually "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is from Satanism. Aleister Crowley taught is, as well as Timothy Leary, and it is in the Satanic Bible as well, if I remember, (been awhile since I read it). Its kind of like the 'golden rule' for satanists. I am not ignorant, I have studied and seen some of these thing first hand for many years. Just because I have come to believe they are wrong, and believe I have found the truth, does not mean I hit a dead end. Just the opposite, I am free!


Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
Actually "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is from Satanism. Aleister Crowley taught is, as well as Timothy Leary, and it is in the Satanic Bible as well, if I remember, (been awhile since I read it). Its kind of like the 'golden rule' for satanists.
First of all, Crowley was not exactly a Satanist. I know very little about Timothy Leary outside of his stance on drugs. Anton LaVey borrowed the saying, but I wouldn't exactly say that Satanists live by it. I find it funny though that all of this is coming from somebody who thinks everything that isn't Christian is Satanic.

joeboonda said:
I am not ignorant, I have studied and seen some of these thing first hand for many years. Just because I have come to believe they are wrong, and believe I have found the truth, does not mean I hit a dead end. Just the opposite, I am free!
If you are no longer looking for the truth, how do you know you've found it? Did you not at one point or another think your previous paths were true? There could be a great deal more out there. Precisely what are you free from? Remember this, wise men don't claim to be wise.

By the way, it is theorized by some that the "three wise men" were zoroastrian magi.


The Great Master Bates
joeboonda said:
The three wisemen followed a star, to guide them, perhaps God told them, does not mean they were astrologers.
They were astrologers.

In Christian tradition the Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men or Kings from the east, are Zoroastrian judicial astrologers or magi who according to Matthew 2:1 came "from the east to Jerusalem", to worship the Infant Jesus, him "that is born King of the Jews". Thus the magi that came from the east, from the Persian Empire, were the world's first religious figures to worship him. Among their gifts were chrismatic herbs for anointing him the Christ. Their traditional names are Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar.
Who else is going to look at a star and interprete its acendance as a sign of the birth of someone important? Can you think of anybody else who would look at the stars that way?

joeboonda said:
Moses did not perform sorcery (black magick), God performed the miracles of the sticks to snakes, the plagues, and the parting of the seas.
Right...like I said it's only sorcery when it suits Christian interpretation.

joeboonda said:
Fortunetellers are called an abomination in the Bible. Saul lost his life and his sons' lives the next day after seeing a medium instead of going to God. God spoke to the prophets, its very different than the occult.
The fact that you can't see the irony in this is deeply saddening. You are blind to the contradiction that is right in front of your face.

joeboonda said:
Hey, I have done all the shrooms and LSD and all that, and have dabbled in many religions including some American Indian things, and, I am just telling you from my experiences and knowledge.
Whats that? You've dabbled in the occult? Oh dear, my guess is you're bound for the lake of fire sonny. :rolleyes:
jonmarkgo said:
To be a satanist, wouldn't you have to believe that most of what happened in the bible to be true? I mean, satan is a part of christianity. So isn't satanism really just a sect of christianity?
Wow, this thread went off track a 'little bit'.
Theres a big difference between 'beleive' and follow.

I beleive in God, but I don't follow him.
Does that make me a Christian?
Obviously not