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Satanism/LHP: A Birth-Right or A Choice?


Premium Member
This thread is directed towards those who consider themselves as travelers of the Left-Hand Path. The question is, do you "believe" either you were born to walk the Left-Hand Path? Or do you think it was a personal choice on your part to tread this most dangerous undertaking a human being can possibly explore... the Path of divine Self-Evolution? Or was/is it a combination of both?

For me personally, it was a combination of both. I was born into a quasi-christian household. Christianity was taught to me, but was never forced upon me. As far back as I can remember the Powers of Darkness would deliberatally manifest themselves to me as early as the age of three - primarily through dreams. As I became older I made friends with the literal darkness, which in turn, over the years, transformed into a fascination with the occult and primarily with Satanism and Black Magic, which eventually lead to my evolution and Transformation into a Setian at the age of 19 - and, henceforth, I Will for ever Be a disciple of the Ways of the Lord of Darkness and the Left-Hand Path.

Also, in short, I will add that if, in the very remote chance that I am wrong in my deliberate choice to follow my True Will, I take full responsibility and will joyously swim for ever in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, knowing full well that I made my own choices in my Quest to Understand the great Mysteries of Life and Existence... to follow the Trail of the Serpent.

BTW, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone burns deep within the blackest dimensions of my Eternal Being. :bat:

Xeper and Remanifest!
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Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Hello Adramelek,

Neither, I believe that as I spiritually evolve, I slowly break the chains of incarnation towards immortality. Therefore, my evolving soul (Ba) has made deliberate choices as it rejoins my Ka and incarnates.


Well-Known Member
It's an interesting question and I think I'm going to have to go with you Adramelek and say it was a little of both. My father is an agnostic while my mother is an incredibly unorthodox Christian (She blends Christianity with witchcraft and Paganism) and for a long time she tried to prevent me going for the dark path. According to her I was "Influenced" from a young age by the darker powers so that now any other path would be unnatural to me.

Whether there's any truth in that or not, it's quite easy to see in retrospect that I was always inclined towards darkness. As a toddler I used only black paint to make my pictures, my imaginary friends were imps, goblins and monsters. I had an interest in death, magic and demons from a very young age but for a long time I repressed it.

I guess my opinion is that some people are born to walk the path, but not all of them choose to do so.


Premium Member
I guess my opinion is that some people are born to walk the path, but not all of them choose to do so.

I agree with you here also Shyanekh. The Dark Path or Left-Hand Path is definitely not for the masses; our Way or the Way of Self-directed Self-deification is the most dangerous undertaking a human being could possibly explore, especially for those who have no real understanding of the powers and forces they are dealing with. And out of all the billions of humans that inhabit this world only a handful of them will ever become aware of their unique existence, and out of that handful only a few of them will actually choose to tread, let alone become Elect to the great Work of Life - the great Work of divine Self-Evolution on the Path of Eternal Darkness. This is one of the reasons why I now never try to convert or even recommend the practice of Black Magic or Sorcery to anyone. If one is truly Elect to the Black Arts they are already seekers of Truth and knowledge - for, if you Seek, you shall find.

Reyn Til Runa= "Seek After the Mysteries."

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The question is, do you "believe" either you were born to walk the Left-Hand Path? Or do you think it was a personal choice on your part to tread this most dangerous undertaking a human being can possibly explore... the Path of divine Self-Evolution? Or was/is it a combination of both?

I was born to an entirely non-religious family. My father told me he was an atheist, but I think he just doesn't care, and my mother says she believes in god, but has never talked of or taught anything of the sort, unless you include social behavior.

I suppose it was my own choice, then. I started exploring mainly eastern philosophies at thirteen, as I highly doubted any (Christian-like) god existed, but none of them interested me too much. I was introduced to LaVeyan Satanism at fifteen by a friend, who (I would soon find out) took it much less seriously than I did. I read the Satanic Bible, which I liked, but none if it came as a revelation. I performed rituals with that friend, and then Orias, my cousin.

I believe Satanism did help me to begin to think more deeply. I started to ponder the universe and its nature, and began making perceived connections to things, which seems to have led to where I am now. But, I don't think I can call myself a Laveyan Satanist anymore. However, I would definitely consider Satanism to be, symbolically, a large part of me. I believe it is as you said, I make my own choices in my quest. The Trail of the Serpent has a path for everyone.


I agree with you here also Shyanekh. The Dark Path or Left-Hand Path is definitely not for the masses; our Way or the Way of Self-directed Self-deification is the most dangerous undertaking a human being could possibly explore, especially for those who have no real understanding of the powers and forces they are dealing with. And out of all the billions of humans that inhabit this world only a handful of them will ever become aware of their unique existence, and out of that handful only a few of them will actually choose to tread, let alone become Elect to the great Work of Life - the great Work of divine Self-Evolution on the Path of Eternal Darkness. This is one of the reasons why I now never try to convert or even recommend the practice of Black Magic or Sorcery to anyone. If one is truly Elect to the Black Arts they are already seekers of Truth and knowledge - for, if you Seek, you shall find.

Reyn Til Runa= "Seek After the Mysteries."


What exactly...and I mean exactly....makes this path, "the most dangerous undertaking a human being could possibly explore"? Are you telling me it is more dangerous than the path of say, becoming a Navy SEAL? Is it a more dangerous path than becoming a Marine in a time of multiple wars?

I understand that most interesting and worthwhile endeavors entail some risk, and I consider myself a practitioner of the LHP, but I really would like some exact explanation of why people think it is so incredibly dangerous. What are you risking? What have you lost? Have you broken any bones? Have you suffered any mental breakdowns? If so, how are these unique dangers to the LHP. Please explain.


What exactly...and I mean exactly....makes this path, "the most dangerous undertaking a human being could possibly explore"? Are you telling me it is more dangerous than the path of say, becoming a Navy SEAL? Is it a more dangerous path than becoming a Marine in a time of multiple wars?

I understand that most interesting and worthwhile endeavors entail some risk, and I consider myself a practitioner of the LHP, but I really would like some exact explanation of why people think it is so incredibly dangerous. What are you risking? What have you lost? Have you broken any bones? Have you suffered any mental breakdowns? If so, how are these unique dangers to the LHP. Please explain.

The purposeful deconstruction and reconstruction of one's reality construct
is not for everyone.
I would think that this reality deconstruct also, is what happens to those in war.
Perhaps especially those who are out in the field
as strategic decision makers.

I think we are speaking here though,
(in this thread)
of "religious" or Personal Life Paths.
I didn't bother answer the thread mySelf,
because Satanism does no more for me than Christianity.
Their Icons and mythologies do nothing at all
to elevate or empower me.
But speaking strictly of My Own Self,
I was born to shift perspectives,
assemblage points,
I LIKE an Open state of being.
Besides my Own Children
and my Own Love for a deeper Life lived,
there is nothing I can really say I "believe in".
I live "as if" xyz were so,
but my world would not be rocked,
if I found they were not.
The state of my Psyche
(or my Psychic Outlook) would not change.

Many, most?, people REQUIRE very solid pre'sets of
"this is" and "this isn't" and "this is right"
and "this is wrong" and "this is how it's done"
and "this is the proper way"
and "this is this" and "that is that"'s.
They need these beliefs
to hold their version of "what is and isn't",
IE., Their OWN Idea of Reality,
Without this, they would be completely lost.
They actually define their Own Self
around these constants/beliefs,
and without them,
would no longer know who/what they are.

The Suspension of Disbelief is necessary
in the accomplishment of making the "impossible", possible.
In whatever terms, symbols, or "spell(ing)s"
the particular magic inspires.
It's a fine line though between making use of the symbolic
to alter reality with purpose and intent,
getting lost in the symbolic,
to the point which you can't tell the difference.
(between the symbolic and the literal)
This actually is more like religious literalism.
Yes the first can unground an already unstable person completely,
but the second (religious/mythological literalism as hardcore belief)
can result in a fairy tale reality,
which is lived out, and defended unto death.

I suppose, what one considers "dangerous"
has much to do with what they hold as important
and valuable.

Obviously things like war, motorcycle stunts, extreme sports,
walking out on the highway, at night, in black... with no flashlight
are "dangerous" in the sense that you are raising the odds of your immediate fatality.

Which "spiritual/psychological" paths are most dangerous to who?
I guess it really depends on the Who.

To answer the OP,
I think we are each born with our own tendencies and inclinations.

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Great answer. I agree with a great deal of what you have written in the post.

Of course there is a certain risk in the purposeful challenging of one's own beliefs. However, I am not sure I would describe that as dangerous and I would most certainly not describe it as the most dangerous thing a person could do. I think most people grow when they decide to do that kind of thing and most people grow when it is thrust upon them. I tend to avoid the elitist attitudes expressed by some LHP folks. I think most people could handle, probably with some discomfort and shock, a good dose of LHP thought and practice. I think most people would benefit from it.

I really like your idea of trying to get away from thinking in the "is"...this IS like this, or this IS like that. It can be a quite revolutionary way of viewing the world. Again, I think most people can handle and would benefit from it.

Thanks for your post, you give us all some things to think about.


Premium Member
Excellent post UV! Once again you have proven your Self to be in possession of very unique insights, perspectives, and Understandings of things, which seem to come to you almost naturally. I'm jealous... hehe. Those who cannot see the extreme dangers in the great Work of psychecentric Evolution simply have not yet grasped the true nature of the Left-Hand Path. Much more study and practice on their part is required, but it should and must be done with extreme care and prudance.

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Excellent post UV! Once again you have proven your Self to be in possession of very unique insights, perspectives, and Understandings of things, which seem to come to you almost naturally. I'm jealous... hehe. Those who cannot see the extreme dangers in the great Work of psychecentric Evolution simply have not yet grasped the true nature of the Left-Hand Path. Much more study and practice on their part is required, but it should and must be done with extreme care and prudance.


My friend, all this talk of danger is ego hype. The road can become rocky, and we all slip and fall at times and skin our knees or twist an ankle, but this is one of the prices of adventure.
If I am not mistaken your idea regarding this danger thing, and the original point of birth right vs. personal choice, comes from the idea that most normal people are not suited for the LHP. The idea is that the LHP is too dangerous for the average person to embark upon with out great risks to their mental health. Am I correct? It is like rock climbing, dangerous without training. But I can teach you the basics of climbing in a weekend and you can pursue mastery from their with minimized risk.
What you call "psychecentric Evolution" is one of the many games we humans can do with our nervous systems. Operating the nervous system for fun and profit is the "birth right" of all human beings, and can be done with relative safety and enjoyment after a little bit of training. And many, many people figure it out on their own without ever calling it LHP or anything else. It is the greatest game in town!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I too am wondering about this "danger" thing. Nietzsche put it best saying there is no price too great for the privileged of owning oneself. Many things that appear dangerous only hold minimal dangers in reality, and this too is one thing that may appear dangerous, especially if you have concern about eternal redemption, but really the only "dangers" would be social problems with those who are very open and proud about being a Satanist.


I think what is most dangerous
for everyone/anyone
is going against/being pushed to go against
his/her own personal instincts and tendencies.

My mother for example
could never have handled my path,
(it would have unraveled her-
and her entire view of the world completely)
her path
(traditionalism, christianity, conservatism)
nearly killed me. Literally.
I had to take my life back after so much loss.

It never pays to try and walk someone else's road.
Best Be True unto your Own Self.
You are a Sanctuary unto Your Self.
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Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
The thing about the LHP is that it requires a hero (you) to venture into the Underworld (your unconsciousness) and defeat a legion of Dæmons leading up to the head honcho (your Lower Self).

It is indeed a heroic yet dangerous endeavor.


Premium Member
Perhaps, I should make a correction here, the Left-Hand Path of Black Magic is, in my view, the most dangerous spiritual/psyche-centric evolutionary undertaking a human being can explore. It is not for the masses, the weak of mind, or for the casual dabbler, and even sometimes the most masterful Black Magicians can become victims of spiritual illness and psychological fragmintation. Cases in point Anton LaVey post-1975 (see Dr. Michael A. Aquino's "The Church of Satan"), the late R.K. Barrett former High Priest and Magus of the Temple of Set, and numerous others.

I do respect the thoughts of those who have posted here, and I do understand your positions, however, I think it should be stressed that the Left-Hand Path and Black Magic are NOT for the masses. Just one Magicians opinion.

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Twig pentagram

High Priest
I do respect the thoughts of those who have posted here, and I do understand your positions, however, I think it should be stressed that the Left-Hand Path and Black Magic are NOT for the masses. Just one Magicians opinion.

My observation of the O.U. shows and proves to me that reality agrees with you on this particular matter.


Left Hand Path
Perhaps, I should make a correction here, the Left-Hand Path of Black Magic is, in my view, the most dangerous spiritual/psyche-centric evolutionary undertaking a human being can explore. It is not for the masses, the weak of mind, or for the casual dabbler, and even sometimes the most masterful Black Magicians can become victims of spiritual illness and psychological fragmintation. Cases in point Anton LaVey post-1975 (see Dr. Michael A. Aquino's "The Church of Satan"), the late R.K. Barrett former High Priest and Magus of the Temple of Set, and numerous others.

I do respect the thoughts of those who have posted here, and I do understand your positions, however, I think it should be stressed that the Left-Hand Path and Black Magic are NOT for the masses. Just one Magicians opinion.


I completely agree.

Anton LaVey covered this in strides, especially in his doctrine of Pentagonal Revisionism.

As for the reason as to why I do not think LHP and the blessed Magics are not for the masses is simply because it takes the Self to truly understand, if the mass were to undertake these efforts then they would start imposing their perception (as they do already) onto each other.

Most of us could probably assume what would happen, but even comprehending a mass perception of people like us would be hard to do. :p


Both, of course. I was raised into a Christian environment but nothing was forced on me. I made my decision to embrace Satanism at the age of 18. From there, I made more real and binding oaths.

As for The Lake of Fire, I have my own interpretations of this. It does not change my decision to follow this path. This is forever regardless of the consequences.
A birth-right as time is an illusion; therefore birth is an illusion and the right only inherited through will.

The danger is not a manifestation of ego; the danger is both in manifesting an ego and the potential of unrecoverable loss of self. In the first, abilities are learned from the left; individuals are continuously tempted to use these abilities for personal, material gain that reinforces the pattern of the mortal self. When this occurs, one goes from being a witch to being a psychic; and that one is lost. In the second, the vehicle of Set is transference to where there is no pattern. There is no path, no guidepost, no light. All there is, is the Now of the I who has experienced, the core of self that is no self that has the Will to Xeper and return. The return brings the experience to the local consciousness; however, there is no guarantee of a return.

This is what I like about the Left. It cleans up after itself. :D