If the local community views it as ok they can. It's up to the local community.
No, it isn't. A "local community" can't decide that their government should endorse or promote a specific religion. That's absurd.
How is it endorsing a religion though? A prayer for fallen cops isn't promoting religion. Its promoting compassion for the grieving families.
It's quoting the Bible. Seriously, how do people not get this?
And where is the compassion for all the dead cops who WEREN'T Christian? I'm sure that there are some cops who would actually explicitly NOT want a Christian prayer said about them. Where's their monument?
Just admit it: the purpose of this monument is to promote a religious agenda. That's why you like it.
When? Quote a specific instance of me endorsing segregation.
This is getting silly now.
The Bible is the Christian Holy book. The monument quotes the Bible. The monument specifically quotes the Bible with the intent of linking police officers as extensions of the will of the Christian God. It is promoting a Christian view.
Nope it's just a fact. If you think it's a bad thing perhaps change?
It's really not. I'm actually selfless enough to recognize the benefit of living in a society where all religious views are accepted and no one religion has a monopoly. You, apparently, don't. You're selfish and want your religion propped up at the expense of others.
Nope America is mostly religious folk.
It's a secular
But not dead cops families eh?
You're being silly again. You can have a monument to fallen cops without endorsing a specific religion. In fact, not to do so is disrespectful to the lives and families of cops who did not belong to that religion.
Meh, being obtuse for the sake of humour is okay.
Again you have no idea what you are talking about. Stop being offended for 5 minutes and think about it.
Not once have I ever said I was "offended". What I have said is that it is illegal and unconstitutional. These are facts, hence why it was altered.
Obviously not, you are abusing a law to avoid seeing something that offends you. Separation of Church and State isn't protection from seeing anything religious.
It prevents government from endorsing a specific religion. A religious display on private land is fine. Religious symbols are fine. Religious practices are fine. Promoting a specific religion using government funds and resources, or attempting to link government agencies or departments to a specific religion, is not. Those last two are explicitly illegal and unconstitutional.
Once again, you're missing the point by being willfully ignorant about what the issue is. It's isn't about offence, it's about what the laws of your country actually say. I very much doubt you would be kicking up so much of a fuss if it were a satanist, Islamic or atheist monument. You want the laws to apply to every other religion than your own, so don't pretend I'm the one being prejudiced.