Jesus is God's only begotten Son in the flesh. The only reason this debate has arisen is due to the Bible saying there was a man, who took upon him the sins of the world, and provided a way for the entire human family to be redeemed.
Basic ideas involve things such as, our sins separate us from God, and unless we repent of our sins and turn away from them we can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God....
Jesus when he was on Earth, according to the Bible, claimed to be the Son of God... The Bible says that he showed this to everyone in a multitude of ways. But some still rejected him because of his teachings, hardness in their hearts, whatever the reasons they ended up killing him and allowing for the completion of what we know as the atonement.
As for him confirming that he was not God, the Bible recounts in Matthew 5:48
Jesus teaches the congregation and says in this last verse of the chapter.
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect"
He is a man on Earth, even though he was he does not claim to be perfect nor God himself, while on Earth he can feel pain and sorrow etc. A perfect being isn't subjected to these infirmities.
Jesus, though he may have lived a "perfect life" at this point never claimed himself to be perfect. His body was not perfected and glorified through the resurrection as yet.
We later read in the Book of Mormon that when he visited the people of ancient America, that he was a resurrected being at this point. (Evidence now shows that their writings depict a God that descended out of Heaven and taught the people of the Americas, who have carved his teachings into the walls of their temples, temples which were constructed in the same likeness of King Solomon's temple in the Bible)
Jesus Christ as recorded in the Book of Mormon teaches the same messages to those in the Americas but includes in the final verse, "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in Heaven is perfect. (3Nephi 12:48)
Indicating that he, after the resurrection, had become perfect also.
God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are One, that is to say, one in purpose, one in heart, one in mind, one in the unity of the faith, truth and light. But, this being said, they are 3 separate entities, "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as mans; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." (D&C 130:22)
You can only image the confusion cause in the world, when a simple truth like this is taken, altered and misunderstood.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)