Why has religion and science been placed in an adversarial role ?
Because science seeks evidence to explain reality but religion presupposes reality and tries to find or shove the evidence to fit their preconceived notions. One uses faith to define "truth" then finds the evidence to support it. The other allows evidence to point them to "truth". Because science begins by
asking a question and finding the evidence and religion
answers a question and seeks the evidence to support the answer, ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
What can we, personally do, to erase the so called " War", and help religion and science see they compliment each other, and should not be turned into enemies ?
But they are "enemies". Science uses reason and religion uses faith. At their most basic levels, they are dynamically opposed.
Can you give us some examples, please ?
"Though shalt not suffer a witch to live".
"... man lies as with a woman, both shall be put to death".
-- Women being stoned under Sharia Law for not being virgin ...
I believe in God...because of science.
No you don't. YOu can't. That is a fallacy from the word "go". Science is silent about God.
Science and Religion are not automatically enemies, but it depends heavily on whether the philosophy of science excludes the possibility of supernatural explanations through 'scientific materialism'.
But science IS materialism. Remember the very fundamental principles of science; that a theory must be Testable, Repeatable, Observable, Falsifiable and Form a Predictive Model of Reality. By very definition, science is materialistic. It can operate in no other way other than by being materialistic. Remember the method: Ask a question; Conduct research; Form an hypothesis; Conduct an experiment; Record your results; Revise hypothesis as necessary; Submit findings for peer review. How can we
possibly create an experiment about the existence of anything that is beyond physical tests, experiments and observations? Science does, will and
must exclude the possibilities of that which is beyond the reach of which it can observe and test. So yes; science and many religions are automatically enemies.
It is all because of evolution theory and interrelated ideological doctrines such as materialism, atheism, physicalism, racism, nazism, communism. etc.
Evolutionary theory has nothing to do with racism, nazism, communism, etc. We tire of repeating ourselves on this point. You provide no evidence to support this stupid, idiotic, ignorant claim. Most Evolutionary Biologists of which I am aware will condemn Racism and Nazism; will condemn eugenics and Selective Breeding of Humans; your concept of what "Evolutionary Theory" is, is deeply delusional.
And all these people who have a problem with the spiritual, they also have a problem with acknowledging the fact that freedom is real.
Strange. I've never heard an Evolutionary Biologist stand and say that humans should be denied basic rights or enslaved or exterminated. I accept Evolution for the fact that it is; but I believe in freedom, including YOUR freedom to be a science denier.
Almost always acceptance of the notion of evolution stands in the way of acceptance of creationism. So the facts about how anything is chosen are discarded, in favor of supposed facts about descendancy.
We have been through this. I have described to you how "natural selection" works; and that, in a sense, nature "chooses" or "selects" a given species for extinction in exchange for other species more suitable for their environment. But that isn't good enough for you; because this "choice" or "selection" is rejected because it does not include an "intelligent" chooser.
The meaning of you posting this list, is that evolutionists would like to destroy all opinion, and only have the single proven fact.
No. Evolutionists discounts "opinions" that are not grounded in evidence. And yes, scientists in general seek out that "single proven fact" as by finding that "single proven fact", we find "truth" of how the world really works. Thus, it can NOT be a matter of "opinion" about whether or not the world is flat or whether or not mosquitoes spread disease. These are not subject to subjectivity and are not subject to "opinion". They either are; or they are not. Many things, however, such as "meaning of marriage" or "which economic system is better" or "whether or not we go to war against _______" are opinions; and these kinds of opinions are not summarily rejected or "destroyed". Your problem is that you can NOT separate the distinction between observations of the natural world from the realities of subjectivity and personal bias and freedom and opinion. Either
everything is subjective and matters of opinion, or
nothing is subjective and matters of opinion. The thought distortion is yours.
That you are disengenious and that later you will demand answers to questions about what it is that makes a decision turn out the way it does, to be forced by evidence, in stead of choosing the answer.
We do not choose the answer as to whether or not we will fall to our deaths if we step off a cliff.
You reject anything for which there is, in principle, no evidence available. That means you reject subjectivity altogether.
No. We reject explanations of the natural world when the alleged explanations are devoid of evidence. We do not reject the subjectivity of holding a founded opinion, falling in love, being angry, or having a stand on economics or government. Your assertion that "evolutionists" decry "subjectivity" and "opinion" is ludicrous, as has bee pointed out to you numerous times and in numerous ways. Steel will cut Styrofoam; no other way around that; but Styrofoam can not cut steel. This is not a matter of subjective opinion, choice or freedom. It is a matter of physical properties of the world.
Subjectivity has no place in science or in finding explanations of how the world works. Objectivity has no place when determining if two people feel "love" for each other.
Distinghuishing matters of fact from matters of opinion is key.
Exactly! Where we came form; common descent; why it rains; these are not matters of opinion. These are matters of fact.
I don't believe you have emotions. That's my opinion. You don't believe in God, I don't believe in you.
Then substantiate your opinion. There are parts of the brain that are responsible for experiencing emotion. Does the one you are accusing have damage to that brain function? If so, maybe you can turn your "opinion" into "fact". Does the one in question NOT show signs of emotional changes? Then you have a point! But you simply stating that so-and-so does not have emotion but fail to provide any evidence whatsoever of that assertion, then the assertion is completely worthless.
You are getting the hang of it. My opinion about you having no emotions, is about who you are choosing the things you do. But I arrived at the opinion by choosing it, so the opinion just as well says as much about who I am as choosing the things I do.
But your "choosing" that "so and so" doesn't have emotions doesn't make that person have no emotions. Your "opinion" is worthless if it can be substantiated; and it is much more worthless when your "opinion" contradicts observation and evidence. Why is this so hard for you to grasp?
They didn't have religion on Star Trek so that proves science will win in the end....
Right On! Star Trek rules!
In all societies you have the evolutionist intellectual cliques who want to take control of policy and bypass democracy, because they presume to know for a fact what is good and evil.
Give me one example of an evolutionary scientist -- not some nutjob like Hitler or Mao, but someone who is an evolutionary or molecular biologist -- attempting to take control of government and become a dictator. Show me one example. Just one. If you can't show me that one example, stfu.
Creation needs creator.
Design needs designer.
Universe apparently needs a universer.
I hope you're being fecisious. The problems with this line of thought include several suppositions which are not substantiated by science:
- The universe was "created".
- The universe was "designed".
Before you can assert a "creator", you must substantiate that there is a "creation". Before you can assert a "designer" you must substantiate that a "design process" occurred.
See, evolutionists are social darwinists who regard the existence of God, what is good and evil as matter of fact issues.
Herbert Spencer is the "father" of Social Darwinism. Darwin and Evolutionary Sciences had nothing to do with Social Darwinism. Why must we keep repeating ourselves?
You use all different defintions for choosing, freedom, subjectivity, objectivity, etc. That is the confusion.
Actually, the confusion is that you use definitions of Choosing, freedom, Subjectivity, Objectivity that are completely your own and are apparently shared by nobody. The only one using "different" definitions for the ideas is you.