"religion" in your posts isn't falsifiable, as it isn't even a claim... Or explaining anything at all.
Well, that answers the whole thing. Religion isn't even a claim, so how can it then be falsifiable? The statement that started this whole discussion was "religion is unfalsifiable" (which I agree with), but it was contested.
My view: religion is unfalsifiable.
Your view: religion isn't a claim, but it's still is falsifiable?
But if a religion makes falsifiable claims (for example, non-religious people have no morals, and commit more crimes than religious people, or age of the earth, or shape of the earth, or any claim that actually is about things that happen) then that claim can be checked.
Check is about verification, not exactly falsification though.
Also, a note about a previous post of yours.. falsifiable doesn't mean proven false, just means that it CAN be proven false.. a wording you used earlier threw me off, so tossing that out, just in case.
That's my point.
How do you make a falsifiable test of a belief?
Bob believes pixies creates gravity.
Now make a falsifiable test that if proven true would prove Bob wrong.
Depends on the religion you're talking about..
If it's xtianity, I'm sure there are multiple claims in the bible that are falsifiable or not.
Sure. Different claims in a religion can be falsifiable.
but when you only use the word "religion" it makes me completely assume what religion, and what brand of that specific religion.. and I'd rather not do that guesswork.
Which makes religion as a whole... unverifiable, untestable, and also unfalsifiable.
To go back to the post that started this discussion: (by Metis)
Generally speaking, religious beliefs are unfalsifiable.
For example: in our universe there is a multitude of spiritual cosmic Godzillas that actually created our universe, forming planets, stars, and the other bodies through their spit-wad fights. They all told me how to achieve heaven, with the quickest single way being to watch a lot of their Japanese movies, and that one major holiday they say is for us to observe is for us to crawl on our bellies, stick out our tongues, and eat flies.
Try and prove me wrong.
I agree with Metis. Religious beliefs are unfalsifiable generally speaking. Not saying that in some instances or certain beliefs necessarily are, but the "qualifier" here is "generally", meaning "in most cases, which I think is true. In most cases, religious beliefs are untestable, unknowable, unverifiable, and hence, unfalsifiable, but in some cases, sure, some beliefs are testable.
Some years ago, i was challenged to prove to someone that Santa Claus didn't exist. The person, my antagonist took the standpoint that Santa Claus was real (just for fun). I didn't win. Simply because Santa Claus was invisible and had his workshop in a parallel dimension, etc...