The claim is an unknown, unseen, nonhuman mystery creature which is a common ancestor to apes and man. Here is another claim. All sexual reproduction from asexual reproduction via the laws of physics and chemistry alone. It is blind faith and the case is overstated.
Nope. There are fossils and genetic data.
Jeez dude i thought it was the search for truth. If the search is limited via prejudice, then certain possibilities are eliminated from the get-go. Then they will always come up with the wrong answers based not on evidence but on ginned up standards. It is my understanding that priests did exorcisms, not medically trained personnel. Assuming that sort of thing were to happen today, it would most likely be a priest and not a Doctor. They don't bleed people today, put leeches on them. Here is the latest. Small dose aspirins do nothing to prevent heart attacks, so? What is your point? Other than cherry picking?
My point was the lack of medical axioms results in so-called professionals of their era to conclude schizophrenia was not a natural mental condition but a spiritual matter requiring spiritual professionals to cure. Ergo without practical limits schizophrenia was seen as demonic possession
You said common ancestor is axiomatic. Your words.
No I didn't. I said science uses axioms. You have reading comprehension issues or just are making things up
Now you partial quote me. If it is axiomatic, then they would examine the same evidence and all come to the same conclusion. Just like they do with many other things. Like tracking a trajectory to the moon. Historical sciences aren't as exact since they go by inference. Cannot test their assumptions against what happened in the past.
Nonsense as axioms do not lead to the same conclusion by everyone. God is an axiom yet here we are with thousands of dead and current religions not in agreement.
Your unwelcome advice will get all the attention it deserves.
Block me or take your discussion to Christian DIR. I can freely comment in this thread.
What makes you guys think we come here for your advice? We don't so why not just keep it to yourselves.
Projection and a rant because someone dared to correct you.
In the meantime why not show me how smart you are by making your axiomatic case for an ape/human unseen, unknown, nonhuman, common ancestor? Because it sounds more like blind faith and that is not science. Pictures are not evidence. Bones do not come with lineage attached.
Strawman based on your distortion of me comment.
Bones contain DNA... Heard of it? Heck it is used in modern forensics......
And genetics? If we are addressing DNA then they compare, sample with sample, in the present and the further back we go the more theoretical it gets. You have not one thing in the present to extrapolate back to the deep past to infer a mystery creature.
Common genetic similarity establish this.
No sample comparison is pretty standard these days from criminal investigations to parentage.
What is happening here is fitting the evidence into a model ginned up in the 19th century. Assume conclusion. So you have not made your case and all these ad nauseam appeals to science ignores the fact most do not make their life decisions based on ginned up and restricted definitions of science by God deniers. The majority of court convictions are not based on forensics but different types of evidence. Like testimony. It is all evidence. That means they do not, in court restrict the search to one type and refuse to consider the other types.
Another rant.
They do not say this case will be tried on science evidence alone. All other types will be ignored.
Other types of evidence are not reliable that's why.
That is the way it is in real life. Aside from all that when they do use science evidence in courts they can still come to the wrong conclusions. Case in point.
Dover trial....
The Duke Lacrosse players. They had DNA evidence (multiple semen samples) from Crystal Magnum none of which fit the accused which was exculpatory and they went ahead and tried them anyway. In spite of the evidence.
An independent company was used by Nifong (prosecutor) and falsely reported by Nifong. Nifong was charged with ethics violations and let go. Hence a bias was present and found. People are not perfect, new flash....
The science guy took the stand and the truth had to be dragged out of him. He had to know the accused was innocent or he had his head way up his arse but he never revealed until on the stand under oath. Then he went silent in front of reporters. Great day for science. Will forfeit truth for cash. Willing to let innocent kids go to prison.
Yup and Meehan was fired for it.
The science was right. The people backing the government were deceptive. You placed blame on the wrong thing.....