I am not sure I follow this. Did you go through all this because I mistakenly called you or someone else an atheist and that is not the case. If so I would have agreed with my lack of perfection many posts back if submitted. Since I am unsure of the purpose of what you said let me simply clarify my position.
A theist (given his God exists) has a sufficient foundation for moral absolutes and perfect accountability.
So whatever a theist thinks his particular god says must be moral and right because he thinks it's his god that says it?
1. That does not necessarily mean that that God's morality is compatible with what I think is right and I can accept or reject him even if in the end I am accountable.
2. In my case I claim the moral code God produces is benevolent and agreeable but that is almost a side issue here.
As opposed to the moral codes other people think their gods produce. Got it.
A non-theist has at least far less a foundation for morality.
So it doesn't matter which god one believes in, as long as one believes in some god and one thinks that that god has produced some moral code then that moral code is always better than the moral code of a non-theist?
That is not to say he can't apprehend the same moral codes a Christian does. It just means he can't justify or found them as sufficiently as a Christian can.
You mean a non-Christian can't justify or found the moral codes as sufficiently as a Christian can? A Muslim can't justify or found their moral codes in Allah and the Quran as well as a Christian can justify or found their moral codes in God and the Bible?
1. No matter what intellectual gyrations are performed, what philosophic principle, or what evolutionary assumption is made morality on non-theism can't possibly rise above opinion.
Isn't it your opinion that the moral codes of the particular god you believe in are benevolent and agreeable? Would that be your subjective opinion?
2. As far as a moral, morality is concerned it can't be sufficiently grounded in non-theism. If you say that evolution has mandated that we all believe cooperation is conducive to survival.
It's self evident of course and not a question of belief.
You have not said cooperation is actually good, morally. You have instead said it is beneficial given that you arbitrarily decided that optimal human survivability is beneficial.
You wouldn't be here if human survivability wasn't beneficial. It has benefited you because you are here.
It isn't beneficial to other creatures that have no less worth on non-theism.
You aren't saying that theists never hunt or kill animals do you?
3. It becomes an arbitrary assumption that what is conducive to human flourishing is simply declared to be moral. It isn't and the definition of moral can't be changed to make an argument look better.
What a curious stance. Drowning practically every human and animal on the planet is moral according to you because it ultimately was conducive to human flourishing. No?
4. Given no God "morality" can't possibly rise above an opinion based on assumed value even if everyone agreed with it, but in reality that never happens. So who's opinion is used as the standard Stalins, Hitlers, gnats, an alien planet that declares they are more valuable than us and we are now their food source.
If they think their god has given us to them as a food source they would be morally right in eating us according to you so what are you complaining about?
5. You have only a few choices as to source the most powerful tribe or culture, popular opinion, or anyone you agree with. The most powerful may be the Nazis or communists, popular opinion condemned Jesus, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi, and who you agree with is arbitrary and not a moral decision but only a preference decision.
And you picking the Christian god to believe in is a preference decision.
6. The moral chaos this will produce is easily seen in abortion. A majority of non-theists decided what is right and wrong based on what is convenient or personally beneficial. They by some strange logic assert they have a sacred right (granted by who) to kill innocent babies for their own mistakes. Anyone not directly benefited by this can easily see there is no possible way to justify this. It is like all non-theist morals derived by arbitrarily assuming what is preferred is good.
"Women who obtain abortion represent every religious affiliation. 43% of women obtaining abortion identify themselves as Protestant, and 27% as Catholic; and 13% of abortion patients describe themselves as born-again or Evangelical Christians."
Abortion Statistics, Facts About Abortion In The US Just an example of theist morals in the US.