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Scientific Evidence for Universal Common Descent

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Well-Known Member
I find it very curious, that the indignant debaters and True Believers for common descent don't even seem to know the main arguments for their own theory.. :shrug:

How about this one?


Vestigial organs: These are organs or conditions that do not seem to have a current function, and are explained as a 'leftover' from a previous incarnation.

There are a lot of assumptions, calling something 'vestigial!' It is based mostly on a 'looks like!' fallacy of plausibility, not anything evidentiary or experimental.

It was a popular 'proof!' in the 19th century, when they didn't know what some organs were for...

"The 'vestigial organ' argument uses as a premise the assertion that the organ in question has no function. There is no way however, in which this negative assertion can be arrived at scientifically. That is, one can not prove that something does not exist (in this case a certain function), since of course if it does not exist one cannot observe it, and therefore one can say nothing about it scientifically. The best we can do is to state that despite diligent effort, no function was discovered for a given organ. However it may be that some future investigator will the discover the function. Consequently, the vestigial organ argument has as a premise, either a statement of ignorance (I couldn't identify the function), or a scientifically invalid claim (it does not have a function). Such an argument, from ignorance, or from negative results, is not valid scientifically, and has no place in observational or experimental science.

"Since it is not possible to unambiguously identify useless structures, and since the structure of the argument used is not scientifically valid, I conclude that ‘vestigial organs’ provide no special evidence for the theory of evolution."
~zoologist S. R. Scadding (University of Guelph, 175f.)

Here is a brief clip from wiki about vestigiality:

In 1893, Robert Wiedersheim published The Structure of Man, a book on human anatomy and its relevance to man's evolutionary history. This book contained a list of 86 human organs that he considered vestigial, or as Wiedersheim himself explained: "Organs having become wholly or in part functionless, some appearing in the Embryo alone, others present during Life constantly or inconstantly. For the greater part Organs which may be rightly termed Vestigial."[3] His list of supposedly vestigial organs included many of the examples on this page as well as others then mistakenly believed to be purely vestigial, such as the pineal gland, the thymus gland, and the pituitary gland. Some of these organs that had lost their obvious, original functions later turned out to have retained functions that had gone unrecognized before the discovery of hormones or many of the functions and tissues of the immune system'

To assume vestigiality based on assumptions of descent, and a plausible 'looks like!' speculation makes interesting science fiction, but it is poor science.. just opinions or beliefs asserted without evidence.

The term 'vestigial' itself is circular reasoning, using an assumption of common descent to prove common descent. Something vestigial, by definition, is a useless appendage that is left over from a previous evolutionary incarnation. But it is more accurate to say that if a function is unknown, why must you assume vestigiality? Scadding's argument above addresses this directly.

These are projections.. opinions about some organ that the observer does not know the function of, or has a 'looks like!' plausibility of fitting the definition of 'vestigial'. This is not evidence. It is belief.


Well-Known Member
The pompous arrogance of pseudo science True Believers only confirms that the belief in common descent is a religious opinion.. not backed by any scientific evidence. They are religious extremists.. jihadists defending the sacred tenets of their faith..

They wouldn't know science or Reason if it bit them on the butt.. ;)
You've got nothing but hubris.

"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

You are literally a waste of time. Such stupidity is rare, even among creationists. I will debunk more of your garbage just for kicks - I love seeing arrogant gasbags flail and squirm!


Well-Known Member
He did not even try to rebut my posts. He just asserted some insults without evidence to wave it all away.

His opposition to his own intent confuses me. To claim an interest and knowledge in science, assert an intent to address scientific evidence and conclusions and then focus on everything but that is counterproductive to his own claims.

I wonder if he understands what evidence means at all.

If this is a mistaken conclusion based on what has actually been posted in defense of the original intent of this thread, I would love to have seen that discredited, but for now and moving forward, all the constructive criticism that has been offered is still holding up.
I rated your post 'funny' since one can only laugh at the desperation of the arrogant yet uninformed creationists.


Well-Known Member
usfan can't hang. I refute his entire canid post, ans he just blows it off with some of that standard righty-"Christian" name calling and ego-puffing.

Jesus must be so proud!

Haplotype? Whats that? Haplogroup? Just a bunch of haplotypes.

"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."

"The haplogroup is all the haplotypes together."

"Also, to clarify terms, 'haplotype' is the specific clade or branch in this tree, like dogs, coyotes, etc."

THAT is some klassic kreationist komedy right there!


Well-Known Member
The blowhard lost all his chips yet still wants everyone to think he won the jackpot!

Moving on...

Again, you are editorializing and engaging in some of the tactics you imply/accuse others if using - that quote is in context above, and one can note a single ref from 2004 supporting the claim about 200 years - one can also see the word "most" in the original.
Regarding these breeding practices - what leads you to believe that all of the diversity was in the 'original' canids? Where is the evidence? It is not in the paper you refer to.And by the way - how do you define "haplotype"? Because it does seem like you are using it the way you think you are.

In context:

"It is remarkable that the potential for such large diversification existed in the ancestral wolf population from where the domestication process was initiated. Furthermore, the time since domestication (at least 14,000 yr; Vilà et al. 1997; Sablin and Khlopachev 2002; Savolainen et al. 2002) seems insufficient to generate substantial additional genetic diversity. What is the origin of this diversity? We hypothesize that changes in the living conditions of dogs as a result of domestication resulted in the release of selective constraint allowing a faster accumulation of functional (non-silent) genetic diversity in a large array of genes."​

That is one answer, another, again from the 2017 study, is this:

"The large haplotypes specifically target admixture resulting from breed formation rather than domestication, which previous studies have not addressed. The total length of the shared haplotypes was summed for each pair of dogs. Individuals from within the same breed-clade share nearly four times more of their genome within large IBD haplotype blocks than dogs in different breed clades [median shared haplotype lengths of 9,742,000bp and 2,184,000bp, respectively, P(K-S and Wilcox) < 2.2e-16 (Figure 3a)]. Only 5% of the across-breed pairings have a median greater than 9,744,974bp. These exceptions argue for recent admixture events between breeds..."​

And please document the claim that "EXISTING variability. It is not created on the fly, & is assumed to take thousands or millions of years to come about". I think maybe you are referring to speciation, not variation?

More editorializing. Again, I refer to the 2017 paper in which more extensive analyses revealed admixtures with other populations of dogs.

One part at a time -
"The recent time for the variety of dog breeds is incongruent with the assumption of 'millions' or even thousands of years of evolution, to generate such variety"

Again, please document the notion that it takes thousands or millions of years to generate variety/diversity.

Next part - please re-read your 'supporting' quote:

"Furthermore, the time since domestication seems insufficient to generate substantial additional genetic diversity."

But adding more diversity from 'external' dog populations - as documented in the 2017 study - does nto require the generation of this diversity:

"These exceptions argue for recent admixture events between breeds, as evidenced by the example of the Eurasier breed, created in the 1970's by mixing Chow Chow with other spitz-type breeds"

Does it?

So much technobabble meant to obfuscate - can you explain that in simpler terms? I have only been at this for about 25 years...
Also - please explain the genetic mechanism whereby all of this already-present 'diversity' was held in check. I mean a wolf does not look at all like a chihuahua, so how did the wolf genome 'suppress' the chihuahua haplotyes/information? You must have an explanation, or is it all just editorializing and supposition and speculation on your part?

You do know, do you not, that mtDNA has little if anything to do with morphology, right?

But cool extrapolation from mtDNA haplotypes on hundred-to-thousand year time scales to nuclear genome process on hundreds of thousands to millions of years time scales.

So cool how you accept without question molecular phylogenetics results when you think they are supporting your cause.

And yet you dismiss something like this?:


That study used mtDNA, too. It shows "the ancestry line".



Well-Known Member
How about you ask your Christian brother usfan to learn a little humility?

Reading. It are hard.. ;)
You are literally a waste of time. Such stupidity is rare, even among creationists.
So, you seem to think that sweet talking me like this will substitute for scientific, rational arguments? :shrug: ..or it will endear me to you for further discussion? :oops:

Or is this just your sadistic, homoerotic fantasies kicking in again? I'm flattered, but i really don't swing that way, in spite of what seems to be masochism on my part for enduring the constant barrage of sadism.. ;)


Well-Known Member
usfan can't hang. I refute his entire canid post, ans he just blows it off with some of that standard righty-"Christian" name calling and ego-puffing.

Jesus must be so proud!

Haplotype? Whats that? Haplogroup? Just a bunch of haplotypes.

"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."

"The haplogroup is all the haplotypes together."

"Also, to clarify terms, 'haplotype' is the specific clade or branch in this tree, like dogs, coyotes, etc."
THAT is some klassic kreationist komedy right there!
And what a scientific rebuttal!! :D

Goebbels would be so proud! LOL!!

If you get bored playing with your straw me, I'd be happy to debate the topic.. but i have little hope for that, as fallacies seem to be all you have.. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
The blowhard lost all his chips yet still wants everyone to think he won the jackpot!
You've made it clear that you don't want a rational, scientific discussion.. just heckling and disruption, with the others in the peanut gallery. So no, don't expect a scientific response to a fallacy laden rant. You want to heckle and throw ad hom grenades. Fine. I'll let you disrupt all you want, and only occasionally pick up a grenade, pull the pin, and toss it back.. ;)

Actually, the behaviour of the True Believers in common descent is a compelling argument FOR human descendancy with monkeys.. shrieking, flinging poo, and base animal crudeness seems to describe the 'debaters' for common descent.. ;)


Well-Known Member

Reading. It are hard.. ;)

So, you seem to think that sweet talking me like this will substitute for scientific, rational arguments? :shrug: ..or it will endear me to you for further discussion?
Couldn't care less about a bloviating know-nothing that claims knowledge yet writes amazingly stupid things like:

"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."

"The haplogroup is all the haplotypes together."

"Also, to clarify terms, 'haplotype' is the specific clade or branch in this tree, like dogs, coyotes, etc."​

Or is this just your sadistic, homoerotic fantasies kicking in again? I'm flattered, but i really don't swing that way, in spite of what seems to be masochism on my part for enduring the constant barrage of sadism.. ;)

You've got nothing but hubris. Your knowledge is a joke. You are just a run of the mill righty-"Christian" creationist with nothing to offer but laughs for those that are actually intelligent.

You can't hang with the fact that I refuted your usual erroneous creationist gibberish:

Scientific Evidence for Universal Common Descent

Scientific Evidence for Universal Common Descent

Scientific Evidence for Universal Common Descent

and are now reduced to dogging and namecalling. So typical of the phony "christian."


Well-Known Member
BY the way - superstar's latest screed is littered with quotemining
Quotemining? One quote of the ARGUMENT against vestigiality, which you conveniently ignore..

His argument was the point, not any authority.. and the desperation of new deflections.. "Quotemining!" ..is hilarious. I quote studies, conclusions, criticisms, and reasoning, and apply it to my arguments. Unlike many ETBs, who just flood with irrelevant, pointless techno babble for bluff. :shrug:

When you post your LENGTHY cut & pastes, with no application to any points, is that "quote mining!?"

..nah.. you just want to deflect from the topic, by shrieking about my erectile dysfunction, or something.. ;)

But I'm impressed with your zeal and dedication to defend your beliefs from the Blasphemers who dare question the sacred tenets of your faith..

..and btw, I'll trade a few barbs, but i cannot match your intensity, devotion, and righteous indignation, so I'll leave the thread to you and your cronies.. for heckling. Let me know, though, if you want to debate the science. I won't hold my breath.. ;)


Well-Known Member
snip ranting from pretender .
"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."

"The haplogroup is all the haplotypes together."

"Also, to clarify terms, 'haplotype' is the specific clade or branch in this tree, like dogs, coyotes, etc."


Well-Known Member
snip ranting from pretender in which he makes pathetic excuses for ignoring a lengthy, referenced refutation of his dopey creationist claims .
"Analysis of DNA" shows very little similarity, in the actual genes

"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."

"The haplogroup is all the haplotypes together."

"Also, to clarify terms, 'haplotype' is the specific clade or branch in this tree, like dogs, coyotes, etc."


Well-Known Member
You're going to misquote and misattribute, as well? Running out of fallacies, so have to get new ones? LOL!!


Well-Known Member
"But if there is no genetic proof of descendancy, it is mere speculation to suggest it happened. How? What mechanism overcame the high genetic walls? It cannot happen, it did not happen, & it will not happen, with what we know of genetic science. Unless a force or mechanism can be defined & demonstrated, the leaps between genome pairs & genetic parameters is impossible. It is a myth based on children's drawings trying to indoctrinate naturalistic origins."
Is this another example of "Quotemining!?" You did not get this from this forum, but had to scour the interwebs to find something out of context, with an obvious typo, for a 'gotcha!' moment. You can't even be certain it was me. But your desperation for smear ammo is reaching fever pitch, so you're working the poison the well fallacy, to try to mask your own impotence and ignorance of the subject.

If the 'evidence' for common descent is plentiful and obvious, why resort to fallacies? Why spend so much effort demeaning and belittling me, personally, if the science is in your favor?

I simplify terms, or explain them with lay terms, for understanding and clarity. For you to pounce on that as a "Gotcha!" moment shows desperation and irrational dependency on fallacies.. which is all you have.

I understand it is frustrating, because common descent is supposed to be, "Settled Science!", but that is an illusion.. a propaganda lie foisted on a gullible, indoctrinated populace.

Passion, not science, is the argument for common descent..:shrug:

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Religious deflections and tangents are very common with this subject.. which proves again the religious nature of the theory of common descent.

Where? You need to be specific when you make such claims. Otherwise it looks as if you are the one deflecting. This simply looks like another unsupported false claim of yours.

And, since the Believers in common descent seem unaware of the core arguments for their beliefs, i will be glad to post and examine them, as well.

Assumptions, assertions, obfuscating techno babble, and, of course, pretended Intellectual superiority are the main 'proofs' for common descent, but occasionally a feeble attempt is made to allude to actual science.. it makes the Believers feel better and superior to those with alternate beliefs. But, if you examine the scientific evidence with scrutiny and skepticism, the airtight science they claim is flawed.. based on myriads of assumptions, and arguments of plausibility.

What "assumptions"? You start out with what appears to be a lie. If you cannot name the specific assumptions and prove that they are assumptions then it is rather apparent that you are lying. Assumptions of the sort that you imply are not allowed in the sciences. The only "assumptions" allowed are assuming that prior well supported claims are correct. For example one can assume that an object dropped near the surface of the Earth will accelerate at roughly 9.8 m/sec^2 if the object is of reasonable density. So where is your evidence for "assumptions"?

Here is another argument, that the True Believers think proves common descent is 'settled science!'

Time and Mutation

This is the argument that, 'given enough time, anything is possible!' It is the primary support for abiogenesis, or the belief that life spontaneously generated itself, in a distant primordial ooze. It is an argument of probability.

Whoa there pardner!! Hold those horses. When has anyone claimed that anything is possible? And it is not just time and mutation. You are forgetting other factors. By the way, if you can't show someone making that specific argument then you have just created a strawman. You see this is how it is done. Identify the particular strawman, tell the person how he must support his claims for it not to be a strawman. You don't get to merely shout "STRAWMAN" for anyone to take ou seriously.

1. Mutations happen.
2. Given enough time, a mutation could have happened, to cause a verticle change in the genome, to create a new genetic architecture.
3. Millions of years are suggested, as the facilitator.

Partially right partially nonsense. I have never heard the term "verticle<sic> change" before applied to genetics. Perhaps you are confused by horizontal gene transfer? Who knows. Okay back to the uneducated denial.

..with no validity, no verification, fraught with assumptions, and surrounded by contrary evidence. No mechanism is defined, no observation possible, no explanation as to HOW time can somehow magically enable an unknown, unobservable, untestable, event. 'It just happened!', they assert without any scientific methodology, 'with enough time, anything is possible!'

And once again false claims about "assumptions" and a false claim of a lack of evidence. I can tell you that until you understand the concept of evidence you will not accept any evidence. You will simply deny it making your ignorance or dishonesty obvious.

But to calculate odds, for any statistical premise, the parameters of the event must have some measurable probability. It is not enough to cling to infinite possibility, when the event that is alleged has NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that it can happen, at all. Shrouding it in 'millions of years!', is a smoke screen, when in actual fact, there is NO EVIDENCE that increasing complexity can, did, or will happen. It is a belief.. a leap of faith to explain our origins through naturalism.

Studies have been done on this. But I won't even begin to offer them until you learn the basics. Others may, but I give up on science deniers that refuse to take even the smallest of steps to learn. Perhaps others will do so.

No structural changes in a genome have ever been observed, so time is suggested as a system of change.

Now this may be another strawman. You need to define what you mean by "structural changes". Odds are that if you define this properly exceptions can be found.

But time has no mechanism of change. It is a passive factor, that only supports degradation, as entropy returns all matter and energy to simpler forms.

Oh my! Another creationist that does not understand entropy. Tell me, at one point in your life were you not a single cell? You became more complex and yet somehow the universe did not blow up. You do not understand the laws of entropy since they do not say what you just claimed.

Add to that the far fetched notion that you had 2 genetic mutations, at the same time, with both male and female mutants to allow propagation of this new species, and the speculation becomes laughably absurd.

What!?!? What makes you think that is necessary. Add genetics to the science that our OP does not understand.

Mutations happen all the time. They are almost always deleterious, with negative consequences for the organism. A few are neutral, but there is no scientific way that structural changes in the genome can be explained by mutation. Adding time is a bluff.. wishful thinking to hide the impossibility of the imagined process.

Again the use of an undefined term and the ignorance that positive mutations have been observed many times. In fact you discussed an experiment where they were observed. Such a short memory.

'Given enough time, anything is possible!', cries the Believer in common descent. But it is not observable, repeatable, or even possible, by scientific methodology. It is an imaginary belief, nothing more.

Again, the strawman that was previously identified.

A short summary of the central problems:
1. Lower levels of diversity tend to spell extinction of a particular haplogroup.
2. As the tips of a haplotree extend, the diversity decreases. Increasing complexity and diversity is NOT observed, but the opposite.
3. Some low diversity organisms, like sharks and cockroaches, continue for extended generations, with mimimal changes in their levels of diversity.
4. There is no evidence, of increasing genetic information, in any isolated haplogroup. They either have the traits needed to survive, or they don't.
5. Mutation is not a mechanism for structural genetic change. There is no evidence of mutation 'creating' new phylogenetic species, adding genes, chromosomes, or any additions to the genome.
6. Natural selection is only observed at the micro level, and is assumed or extrapolated to the macro level.
7. Macro 'natural selection', IS 'universal common descent'. It is not a mechanism for it. Rephrasing the theory as 'proof!' of itself is circular reasoning.

And back to abuse of terms that he does not understand. With claims that are patently false.

Would you care to debate any of this properly? No Gish Gallops allowed. Do you think that you can do that?


Well-Known Member
The premise of this dopey argument is premised on a strawman, as usual...
1. Mutations happen.
2. Given enough time, a mutation could have happened, to cause a verticle change in the genome, to create a new genetic architecture.
3. Millions of years are suggested, as the facilitator.

What does such nonsense even mean?

What is a "new genetic architecture" and why is such a thing 'needed' in evolution?

This guy doesn't know - for crying out loud he thinks DNA is different than genes!


Well-Known Member
Is this another example of "Quotemining!?" You did not get this from this forum, but had to scour the interwebs to find something out of context, with an obvious typo, for a 'gotcha!' moment. You can't even be certain it was me. But your desperation for smear ammo is reaching fever pitch, so you're working the poison the well fallacy, to try to mask your own impotence and ignorance of the subject.

If the 'evidence' for common descent is plentiful and obvious, why resort to fallacies? Why spend so much effort demeaning and belittling me, personally, if the science is in your favor?

I simplify terms, or explain them with lay terms, for understanding and clarity. For you to pounce on that as a "Gotcha!" moment shows desperation and irrational dependency on fallacies.. which is all you have.

I understand it is frustrating, because common descent is supposed to be, "Settled Science!", but that is an illusion.. a propaganda lie foisted on a gullible, indoctrinated populace.

Passion, not science, is the argument for common descent..:shrug:

So you are claiming that:

"The mtDNA provides clear evidence of the descendancy..."
"You can see from the following chart, where they mapped the genome sequence, & followed the trail of the mtDNA"
"As you can see, the mtDNA shows the ancestry line."

is out of context...

Which means that you cannot even see why I quoted that nonsense.
Klown Prince...


Woke gremlin
I find it very curious, that the indignant debaters and True Believers for common descent don't even seem to know the main arguments for their own theory.. :shrug:

How about this one?


Vestigial organs: These are organs or conditions that do not seem to have a current function, and are explained as a 'leftover' from a previous incarnation.
Oh, look! Another dishonest misrepresentation of science!

Vestigial doesn't mean the organ necessarily serves NO function, it means it serves REDUCED function. Apparently, these "main arguments for our theory" that we're apparently "unaware of" are only because they're not actually true.

Try again.
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