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Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
So everyone who speaks arabic and has read the Quran knows what the Quran means? Is the Taliban right when they say the Quran backs up their actions?
Yes and no. Only if they study the religion. Just knowing Arabic is not sufficient. You must know the reason for the revelation as well. And no if the Taliban interprets it according to their own personal interpretations then they are wrong.

Right, I gave you an example of the Quran from a website, that even let you look inside the book and you could see that this 600 page book's font size was WAY bigger than the Bibles 1300 pages. Or does this not matter also?
In english or arabic. You are comparing font sizes of two different languages. Again which bible according to who Marcion, Tertullian, Anti doecetic, proto- orthodox, ancient gnostics or recent. Ancient Catholics or recent, Original KJV or the recent one. How can you compare something when they the christians cannot decide what it is.

Most are approximately the same size also. I did a search on Amazon and linked the most popular one that we could look inside (one of the top 10). I myself have 3 different bibles, all approximately the same number of pages, and all of them have the same small font size as the one that I linked. So lets go with the approximation of 1300 pages.
What about it. Provide me with someone who has memorized half or all of the bible. If there is someone he would be teaching somewhere and I am sure it would not be difficult because he would astound people with his knowledge of scripture.

Why do you think I linked a "look inside" of each book? It was to show that the Bible is at least 3 times as long as the Quran (2 times in pages and then there is the font size and not writing in verse).
depends on the bible.

Yes, a book that is written in verse that Muslims read all the time would be hard to memorize? Look how many songs the American public has memorized. Things written in verse are amazingly easy to memorize... In fact many older stories and what not are written in verse because they knew this was easier to memorize.
songs and scripture are two different things. And who has memorized over 6000 verses of song.

Yes, different sects of the same religion... Jesus never wrote the Bible so we need to pick and choose the writings of his followers... Aren't there different branches of Islam that use different books?
Jesus's followers did not author any of the bible. Do your history read any of Bart Erhman or Bruce metzgers books.

Funny, I thought Jesus' followers authored the Bible...
No do the history research on it. The scholars will tell you.
The Old Testament was done by the Sadducees and the Pharisees but not the New Testament. Hense the New Testament holding more weight than the Old Testament for Christians.
Paul was a Pharisee and he was responsible for more than 1/2 of the new testament.

So do you have any quote from Jesus saying what you are claiming? Merely: "Every Saudducee and Pharisee that has ever lived was the son of the devil" or do you maybe thing he was talking about the ones who would in the end play a part in his death?
There are many places. like when he went into the temple.

In the Bible Jesus is righteous and his companions are righteous.
Yes this is true.

Just because I don't believe the Bible is the word of god doesn't mean I don't think the Bible has no facts in it. Why would a Muslim reject what the Bible says on something so trivial as wether Rabbis have or haven't memorized the scriptures of that day?
This is not why muslims reject the bible. The testimony of the bible is not consistent. Go find out what Jesus last words were on the cross according to the testimony of the bible. The accounts are different. You mean they do not know what Jesus or Gods last words on earth before he died on the cross was. If they were all witnessess why do they not say the same thing. There are other reasons but this is just one to ponder over.

Just a quick question... Have you ever read the Bible?
Yes many times. Was Christian before. Peace.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
that's what Islam teaches...not necessarily what others teach.
Do Jews do not believe in Gabriel? We have narrations of Jews who say he is there enemy but I understood that Jews were well aware of him. Let me know and is it different amongst the jewish sects.


Religious Zionist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Do Jews do not believe in Gabriel? We have narrations of Jews who say he is there enemy but I understood that Jews were well aware of him. Let me know and is it different amongst the jewish sects.

Gabriel is one of the ministering angels of HaShem, no he is not the enemy of the Jewish people.

but, to my knowledge, Michael is the angelic figure that predominates in Judaism, tho there are others.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
Gabriel is one of the ministering angels of HaShem, no he is not the enemy of the Jewish people.

but, to my knowledge, Michael is the angelic figure that predominates in Judaism, tho there are others.
So which of the semitic religions do not believe in him. We believe in Michael as well but Gabriel specifically was the one whom Allah sent to the messengerss. They were the two who destroyed the people of Sodom. Of course there are many others and levels of angels according to some ideologies but was it Michael in Judaism who delivered the message to the prophets


Well-Known Member
when you look at the human in the earliest of stages it looks like a blood clot. There are many scientific references you can go look up.
No, they don't; but the attached parts from the mother do.

Which, of course, fully explains the error. People at the time had seen miscarriages and their resembelances to blood clots and thought that this was what people formed from. It's a reasonable conclusion and completely wrong.

The Quran affirming this is completely consistant with a man-made book from the time and completely inconsistant with someone who understood reproduction fully.

In short: A scientific error.

Who from the Arabs what is your evidence. They were merchants not scientific thinkers. If and when they went to Rome or Greece they were not there to learn but to sell their merchandise. And many people stayed out of Arabia because of Fear. Fear the bedouins would raid them which is what happened many times.
Are you asking for proof that the knowledge had spread to the Arab pennesula? If so, I'll provide refernces.

Or are you simply asserting that your people had plugged their ears and not listened to it. If so, I'd like to see your proof for this positive claim.

How is it false, what is your evidence. Just because others may have known the idea does not mean it cannot be foreign to someone else. Look at how many people are totally ignorant about the teachings of the Quran and Muhammed with all these advanced schools and ways of getting information to people. They did not have internet or other information highways back then. Allah says in the Quran he did not know this. Now you said it is self contrary because Allah told him, he still knew it. But yes he knew it after Allah told him, no one else from amongst his people knew these things.
So you admit Mohammed knew, and now the only question is "where did he get the information from"?

So let's look at the possabilities. The information was well established and known in the region. Muhammed was wealthy by-marriage and very social. This could have been accessed pretty easily by any conversation with even a part-time scholar.

Alternately, an angel who didn't know the difference between a zygote and a blood clot told him.


Well-Known Member
Ok'd by Abu who is this you speak of.

The Qur'an was written down during the prophet's lifetime but only on loose pieces of different material. When at the Battle of Yamama in 633 AD a number of Muslims were killed it was feared that part of the revelations might be lost. Therefore, Abu Bakr, the first Muslim leader after Muhammad's death, asked Zaid ibn Thabit to collect all the different writing materials on which the Quran was written down. This was his reaction:
"...By Allah, if he (Abu Bakr) had ordered me to shift one of the mountains it would not have been harder for me than what he had ordered me concerning the collection of the Quran. I said to both of them, 'How dare you do what the prophet has not done?' Abu Bakr said, 'By Allah, it's a good thing'... So I started locating the Quranic material and collecting it from parchments, scapula, leafstalks of date palms and from the memories of men. I found with Khuzaima two verses of Surah Tauba which I had not found with anybody else (and they were):-- "Verily there has come to you an Apostle (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty He (Muhammad) is ardently anxious over you (to be rightly guided)" 9:128 ...." (Bukhari 6:60:201)] During the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan, there were disputes about the recitation of the Qur'an. In response, Uthman decided to codify, standardize, and write down the text. Uthman is said to have commissioned a committee (including Zayd and several prominent members of Quraysh) to produce a standard copy of the text. Some accounts say that this compilation was based on the text kept by Hafsa. Other stories say that Uthman made his compilation independently, Hafsa's text was brought forward, and the two texts were found to coincide perfectly. Still other accounts omit any reference to Hafsa. Some Muslim scholars say that if the Qur'an had been collected by the order of a caliph, it would never have been relegated to the status of a keepsake for one of the prophet's widows.It has also been claimed that the story possibly might have been invented to move the time of collection closer to Muhammad's death.

So I was speaking of Abu Bakr, though I should just as much be speaking of ibn Affan.

And if it is from Gabriel who else can send or command the Angel Gabriel to do anything other than Allah.
Maybe another angel, Bob, told Gabriel that God said so. You've never had your sister tell you what mom said dad wanted you to do?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Come on now in all the semitic religions Gabriel is who Allah sends to the messengers. Jesus, Mary, Lot, etc. Allah sent Gabriel to Muhammed with a message from Allah. The Quran did not come from Muhammed it was delivered by Muhammed from Allah through the Angel Gabriel.

What I want to know is why do you believe his (Mohammed's) claim that it came from Gabriel? I could say that all my posts are inspired by Gabriel, would you believe me?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
The Qur'an was written down during the prophet's lifetime but only on loose pieces of different material. When at the Battle of Yamama in 633 AD a number of Muslims were killed it was feared that part of the revelations might be lost. Therefore, Abu Bakr, the first Muslim leader after Muhammad's death, asked Zaid ibn Thabit to collect all the different writing materials on which the Quran was written down. This was his reaction:
"...By Allah, if he (Abu Bakr) had ordered me to shift one of the mountains it would not have been harder for me than what he had ordered me concerning the collection of the Quran. I said to both of them, 'How dare you do what the prophet has not done?' Abu Bakr said, 'By Allah, it's a good thing'... So I started locating the Quranic material and collecting it from parchments, scapula, leafstalks of date palms and from the memories of men. I found with Khuzaima two verses of Surah Tauba which I had not found with anybody else (and they were):-- "Verily there has come to you an Apostle (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty He (Muhammad) is ardently anxious over you (to be rightly guided)" 9:128 ...." (Bukhari 6:60:201)] During the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan, there were disputes about the recitation of the Qur'an. In response, Uthman decided to codify, standardize, and write down the text. Uthman is said to have commissioned a committee (including Zayd and several prominent members of Quraysh) to produce a standard copy of the text. Some accounts say that this compilation was based on the text kept by Hafsa. Other stories say that Uthman made his compilation independently, Hafsa's text was brought forward, and the two texts were found to coincide perfectly. Still other accounts omit any reference to Hafsa. Some Muslim scholars say that if the Qur'an had been collected by the order of a caliph, it would never have been relegated to the status of a keepsake for one of the prophet's widows.It has also been claimed that the story possibly might have been invented to move the time of collection closer to Muhammad's death.

So I was speaking of Abu Bakr, though I should just as much be speaking of ibn Affan.
It was actually compiled in the time of the messenger before his death. He had some of the companions who had memorized it with two witnessess to the verse. Then he ordered them to gather the pieces of scripture and the Messenger compiled it in its order that is in today.

Maybe another angel, Bob, told Gabriel that God said so. You've never had your sister tell you what mom said dad wanted you to do?
They do not have gender nor do they procreate. They are created to worship and carry out the orders of Allah. And Gabriel was the one chosen to deliver the words of Allah to the prophets and supporst them in their mission of delivering the guidance.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
What I want to know is why do you believe his (Mohammed's) claim that it came from Gabriel? I could say that all my posts are inspired by Gabriel, would you believe me?
No because Allah said Muhammed is the seal of all prophets and messengers. He is the last till the day of Judgment. Read it for yourself and ask yourself if a man living 1400 years ago who cannot read or write living amongst a group of really ignorant pagans could author such a book.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
No, they don't; but the attached parts from the mother do.
What do you mean the attached parts from the mother. What is attached to the mother.

Which, of course, fully explains the error. People at the time had seen miscarriages and their resembelances to blood clots and thought that this was what people formed from. It's a reasonable conclusion and completely wrong.
what is your evidence people thought this way.

The Quran affirming this is completely consistant with a man-made book from the time and completely inconsistant with someone who understood reproduction fully.
Which book at that time and even if there was a book how could he read it.

Are you asking for proof that the knowledge had spread to the Arab pennesula? If so, I'll provide refernces.
I will be waiting make sure it is in particular Mecca which is where he lived. Who from his people taught him these concepts.

Or are you simply asserting that your people had plugged their ears and not listened to it. If so, I'd like to see your proof for this positive claim.
No not that they just plugged their ears. But people stayed away from Arabia. They those people living at their time thought they were barbarians. They were considered the lowest class on the civilised scale. Kinda like how some people view those tribes in the Amazon. Do they have as many scientific devices and technologies as we do. Do those guys sit around contemplating on what the universe is. No, many are too consumed with how to survive in a very harsh environment. When the arabs left to go somewhere he left to do business. And that is all. Trips are long and take planning if you are going to learn you will go to learn but the messenger did not do any of these things. Plus the bedouins would rob many of them so people went around it as much as possible that is why the arabs had to go to them. The great caravans of Quraish used to leave Mecca and go to Yemen and Ash Sham. No one came to them they always had to do the traveling. Why? Saudi Arabia is a very, very harsh environment. All Desert who would want to go there and risk the dangers of not just the environment but also the people.

So you admit Mohammed knew, and now the only question is "where did he get the information from"?
Knew what. He knew after Allah delivered it to him yes but before this he was ignorant of any of these concepts

So let's look at the possabilities. The information was well established and known in the region. Muhammed was wealthy by-marriage and very social. This could have been accessed pretty easily by any conversation with even a part-time scholar.
Social in what aspect. He did not participate in their partying or religious practices. He did not go and do the immoral things they did. He did not bury his daughters or steal the rights of the orphans or women. He used to spend alot of his time alone away from the people of Mecca.

Alternately, an angel who didn't know the difference between a zygote and a blood clot told him.
Wow, our OBGYN showed us pictures of the development and the descriptions are the same. The newest machine out gives really good 3-d pictures of it. I am not sure what you are talking about. Perhaps if you send me the references. A iniatially formed Zygote looks very much like a big clump of blood w/ tissues. When my wife had a miscarriage what came out looked a lot like what came out during the menses only more tissue. It was 2 months in when she had it. I have seen it. It is in medical journals and medical doctors all support this. If a medical doctor says it is true I have to accept it. When you say it unless you went to medical school for eight years I have a hard time accepting it when I have seen it.


Well-Known Member
It was actually compiled in the time of the messenger before his death.
This runs contrary to the accepted history. I look forward to your support.

They do not have gender nor do they procreate.
What the heck does that have to do with anything?

And Gabriel was the one chosen to deliver the words of Allah to the prophets and supporst them in their mission of delivering the guidance.
But who told Gabriel?

Like I said: your book says that Mohammed said that Gabrial said that he heard that Allah had said...

What do you mean the attached parts from the mother. What is attached to the mother.
Umbilicus, placenta, uterine lining. Would you like me to point you at some anatomy books?

what is your evidence people thought this way.
There's this book from the time... I think it's called a "Koran", that says that people come from blood clots.

Though what I actually said was that this explanation fit all available evidence.

Which book at that time and even if there was a book how could he read it.
Did you deliberatly move the direct object of the sentance?

The Quran falsely claiming that life begins as a blood-clot is completely consistant with the hypothesis that it was a contemporary work of a person at the time. This fact (that the Quran claims that life begins as a blood-clot) is completely inconsistant with the claim that an omniscient being (one who would have known this to be false) would author this in good-faith.

I will be waiting make sure it is in particular Mecca which is where he lived. Who from his people taught him these concepts.
List everyone he ever met and I'll tell you which one told him.

No not that they just plugged their ears. But people stayed away from Arabia. They those people living at their time thought they were barbarians. They were considered the lowest class on the civilised scale.
Please support. This, of course, runs entirely contrary to Arabia having been the based of Alexander's empire (which had a great deal of this knowledge), and being the silk road, and the cradle of civilization, and the Roman Empire.

Kinda like how some people view those tribes in the Amazon.
Lots of people go to the Amazon and interact with the natives. Most of them now wear Nikies and tshirts and know that the Earth is round.

The great caravans of Quraish used to leave Mecca and go to Yemen and Ash Sham. No one came to them they always had to do the traveling. Why? Saudi Arabia is a very, very harsh environment. All Desert who would want to go there and risk the dangers of not just the environment but also the people.
I guess it's just names like "the fertile crescent" that throw me off.

That said, you just contradicted yourself and admitted that there was trade and exchange. If you are going to invent history, you need to try harder to be consistant.

Knew what. He knew after Allah delivered it to him yes but before this he was ignorant of any of these concepts
So you admit he knew, and are left only with your positive assertion as to where. Prove it.

Social in what aspect. He did not participate in their partying or religious practices. He did not go and do the immoral things they did. He did not bury his daughters or steal the rights of the orphans or women. He used to spend alot of his time alone away from the people of Mecca.
So he had no friend, no family, and didn't speak the lanugage?

Oh, that's right, he was married into a wealthy merchant family, had many wives (and they all had families) and many close friends and spoke with many people.

How's that for social?

Wow, our OBGYN showed us pictures of the development and the descriptions are the same. The newest machine out gives really good 3-d pictures of it. I am not sure what you are talking about. Perhaps if you send me the references. A iniatially formed Zygote looks very much like a big clump of blood w/ tissues.
Yes. It looks like a blood clot.

But it isn't.

So a fallible person writing a book might call it a blood clot, but an infallable diety wouldn't because that's wrong.

You are pretty much proving my case for me. Thanks.

When you say it unless you went to medical school for eight years I have a hard time accepting it when I have seen it.
I just want to make sure we are very clear here. You are asserting, catigorically, that a zygote is, in fact, a blood clot.

You are asserting that the Quran says this, and that this is true, and that if Zygote is not, in fact, a blood clot then the Quran is wrong and Islam is, therefore, false.

Is that your position?
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Pneumatic Spiritualist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
No because Allah said Muhammed is the seal of all prophets and messengers. He is the last till the day of Judgment. Read it for yourself and ask yourself if a man living 1400 years ago who cannot read or write living amongst a group of really ignorant pagans could author such a book.

How do you know Allah said that....because Muhammed said so?

Do you see where I'm going with this.

David Koresh (Vernon Wayne Howell) claimed that God spoke to him, claimed to be the messiah in fact.

Many religions claim that the heads of their religion is in direct commune with God.

Muhammed didn't author the Qur'an, like you said he couldn't read or write. The Qur'an is things that he said, that other people wrote down. It seems to me that Qur'an isn't anymore the direct word of God anymore than the Bible is. (please don't give me the usual Muslim response of "the Bible has been corrupted by man", I've already pointed out how the Qur'an comes from a MAN)

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
How do you know Allah said that....because Muhammed said so?

Do you see where I'm going with this.
not really.

David Koresh (Vernon Wayne Howell) claimed that God spoke to him, claimed to be the messiah in fact.

Many religions claim that the heads of their religion is in direct commune with God.

Muhammed didn't author the Qur'an, like you said he couldn't read or write. The Qur'an is things that he said, that other people wrote down. It seems to me that Qur'an isn't anymore the direct word of God anymore than the Bible is. (please don't give me the usual Muslim response of "the Bible has been corrupted by man", I've already pointed out how the Qur'an comes from a MAN)
Yes but all the religions are interpretations of the message God gave to the messenger. Whereas Islam is directly from him. The bible is not Jesus's understanding it is Pauls interpretation. Paul is not the messenger nor was he a disciple that walked with and supported the messenger Jesus. The Quran does not come from a man. There are places in the Quran where Allah corrected Muhammed and his companions. Why would Muhammed if he is the author include this. He was dictated. There are places where Allah is telling him to tell his people this and that. He is being delegated to say the words of Allah.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
This runs contrary to the accepted history. I look forward to your support.
Whose ours or those who oppose islam.

What the heck does that have to do with anything?
read your post it is giving the analogy of siblings when angel have none.

But who told Gabriel?

Like I said: your book says that Mohammed said that Gabrial said that he heard that Allah had said...
No, The angel Gabriel is a perfect servant of Allah. When Allah commands them they do it with no hesitation. The Angel Gabriel was the one who gave the message of Allah to all the prophets not just Muhammed. The spirit that came and descended upon Mary as the bible says is Gabriel. He came to her with the news she would deliver a son. When the angels came to Lot and his people at Sodom it was Gabriel. when David recieved the Zaboor it was Gabriel that brought it to him.

Umbilicus, placenta, uterine lining. Would you like me to point you at some anatomy books?
Again what does that have to do with the zygote. Is the Umbilicus, placenta, and uterine lining a blood clot. No. And You can refer me to some additional books i have. but it does not dispute the fact that many doctors support this. I am no doctor and am not going to criticize their expertese in the subject. But if they say it is that is sufficient for me. Why they have the documentation to back up what they say.

There's this book from the time... I think it's called a "Koran", that says that people come from blood clots.
I was referring to before the Quran came. before muhammed was the messenger what was his people understanding of the world the female anatomy and so on. You claim he knew these things before so I asked you to give me the evidence.

Though what I actually said was that this explanation fit all available evidence.
I have not seen any evidence yet. If you have listed it already i did not get it. So if you would not mind I would like to see how it fits all available evidence.

Did you deliberatly move the direct object of the sentance?

The Quran falsely claiming that life begins as a blood-clot is completely consistant with the hypothesis that it was a contemporary work of a person at the time. This fact (that the Quran claims that life begins as a blood-clot) is completely inconsistant with the claim that an omniscient being (one who would have known this to be false) would author this in good-faith.
Allah does not state life begins as a blood clot. Who is this person you claim. Life in the initial stages of the human as it develops is described as this.

List everyone he ever met and I'll tell you which one told him.
That is your job. I tell you he hasn't you say he has give me an evidence.

Please support. This, of course, runs entirely contrary to Arabia having been the based of Alexander's empire (which had a great deal of this knowledge), and being the silk road, and the cradle of civilization, and the Roman Empire.
Many scholars who are non muslim will tell you this. Alexander came how many years before Muhammed. So Alexander is the reason they all became pagans. Where is his influence exactly. Was it the language or the great architecture. Do you even know what Arabia was at the time of the messenger.

Lots of people go to the Amazon and interact with the natives. Most of them now wear Nikies and tshirts and know that the Earth is round.
But did they have that at that time.

I guess it's just names like "the fertile crescent" that throw me off.

That said, you just contradicted yourself and admitted that there was trade and exchange. If you are going to invent history, you need to try harder to be consistant.
I never said he did not meet with others. I said he did not know any of these concepts Again he was a merchant at the time. Not a student of knowledge and it costs money to go and sit and learn. In those times it was different. People who seeked knowlegdge and traveled alot had alot of money. The arabs were only concerned with what their ancestors did. They were a tribal society. They did not care what you do only what their fathers did.

So you admit he knew, and are left only with your positive assertion as to where. Prove it.
What do you mean. He knew it after the ayat came. What are you talking about.

So he had no friend, no family, and didn't speak the lanugage?
Yes but if they could not read or write or they themselves were busy with trying to survive in a very harsh environment. Look at people who spend their lives tilling the fields are they great scholars. They have no time. It is constant work for them.

Oh, that's right, he was married into a wealthy merchant family, had many wives (and they all had families) and many close friends and spoke with many people.

How's that for social?
Social within the arabs. How many times was he invited to come stay at a roman or persians house where they would teach him. Who from amongst the arab was ever invited to do this.

Yes. It looks like a blood clot.

But it isn't.
What is your evidence.

So a fallible person writing a book might call it a blood clot, but an infallable diety wouldn't because that's wrong.
Where is your evidence.

You are pretty much proving my case for me. Thanks.
What case you have none. I am still waiting on the evidence.

I just want to make sure we are very clear here. You are asserting, catigorically, that a zygote is, in fact, a blood clot.
The term is arabic is described as a sensitive drop of blood or the translation in my Quran says Thick coagulated blood. This is what is it. And if it is not then what is it then.

So you tell me what it is then.


Well-Known Member
Yes but all the religions are interpretations of the message God gave to the messenger.
No, they are not. Korresh said that he personally was God. He did not interprete anything.

Whose ours or those who oppose islam.
The general consensus of moderan literature as far as I can tell. Encylopedias, Wikipidia, etc.

read your post it is giving the analogy of siblings when angel have none.
So angels have no peers who were made by the same creator and have similar stature (such as other angels)?

Please prove your claim that Gabriel was told directly by Allah and not by another angel.

No, The angel Gabriel is a perfect servant of Allah. When Allah commands them they do it with no hesitation. The Angel Gabriel was the one who gave the message of Allah to all the prophets not just Muhammed. The spirit that came and descended upon Mary as the bible says is Gabriel. He came to her with the news she would deliver a son. When the angels came to Lot and his people at Sodom it was Gabriel. when David recieved the Zaboor it was Gabriel that brought it to him.
Where in the Quran does it say that Allah told Gabriel directly and not through another angel?

Again what does that have to do with the zygote. Is the Umbilicus, placenta, and uterine lining a blood clot. No. And You can refer me to some additional books i have. but it does not dispute the fact that many doctors support this. I am no doctor and am not going to criticize their expertese in the subject. But if they say it is that is sufficient for me. Why they have the documentation to back up what they say.
No. There are no medical doctors that will tell you that a zygote is a type of blood clot. You are either misunderstanding, misremembering, or lying.

There's no confusion, contention, nor uncertainty regarding what a blood clot is (connected platelets), what a zygote is (a collection of fetal stem-cells), nor that the two are not the same.

Life does not begin as a blood clot. The statement that it does, as made in the quran, is demonstably false. Whomever authored that statement was ignorant of actual biology. Can Allah be ignorant as to how life begins? If not, then Allah cannot have autored that statement.

I was referring to before the Quran came. before muhammed was the messenger what was his people understanding of the world the female anatomy and so on. You claim he knew these things before so I asked you to give me the evidence.
No, I claim that the knowledge (false knowledge in the case of blood clots) was readiliy accessable in the region at the time. The fact that he knew it at the time of his claiming it is evidenced by the fact that he claimed it.

The only thing in dispute is the source of his (wrong) knowledge.
1. He was told by an angel who did not correctly relate how life begins.
2. He learned it from other people who had wrong information.

Either way, your argument is SOL. You either have a statement not from God, or a God who failed biology 101.

I have not seen any evidence yet. If you have listed it already i did not get it. So if you would not mind I would like to see how it fits all available evidence.
1. Miscarriages contain a lot of blood.
2. Anyone with any intelligence can conclude that, since a misarriage ends a pregnancy, and since a pregnancy is a baby forming, that the miscarriage contains the early baby.
3. It's therefore completely consistant with those facts (evidence) for someone to conclude that a zygot is a blood clot. It's also categorically incorrect.

That would be the evidece I am fitting (1 and 2 above).

Allah does not state life begins as a blood clot. Who is this person you claim. Life in the initial stages of the human as it develops is described as this.
The Quran: 23:12-14.

That is your job. I tell you he hasn't you say he has give me an evidence.
Google "burden of proof". I've stated that the knowledge was readily available. If, for example, you were to write a book now and claim that the Earth was round... then 1500 years from now someone said "He didn't know the Earth was round until God told him, and the Earth is round, therefore we know it was God", it would be correct to challenge that claim under the fact that the Earth bing round is common knowledge in this time and place.

That Muhammed would definately not have known something which was common knowledge is an extrodinary claim and, as such, carries a burden of proof.

Many scholars who are non muslim will tell you this. Alexander came how many years before Muhammed. So Alexander is the reason they all became pagans. Where is his influence exactly. Was it the language or the great architecture. Do you even know what Arabia was at the time of the messenger.
You've argued that they would not have had access to the knowlege of the Greeks, despite Aribia having been the seat of Greek power. Please support your claim that all of this knowldge disappeared.

Also, where do you think the Arabs got all the Greek knowledge in the 1200s? We know they had it, because they taught it to the Europeans... and we know it was greek because it was not simply facts but the specific treachings of such people as Socrates and Plato.

But did they have that at that time.
There was no one interacting with them at the time with that knowlede. This is not the case for the Arabs who had been the seat of Greek power and who were actively trading with Egypt, India, and Europe.

I never said he did not meet with others. I said he did not know any of these concepts Again he was a merchant at the time. Not a student of knowledge and it costs money to go and sit and learn. In those times it was different. People who seeked knowlegdge and traveled alot had alot of money. The arabs were only concerned with what their ancestors did. They were a tribal society. They did not care what you do only what their fathers did.
Common knowledge is common knowledge. If you wish to assert that the Arabs at the tim were fundamentally different from any people ever recorded anywhere, then I invite you to prove this claim.

Your argument rests on not simply claims about Muhammed, but extraordinary claims that he was so blindingly ignorant as to have never had a basic conversation with anyone with 5 functioning senses. Please support this claim as it's rediculious.

What do you mean. He knew it after the ayat came. What are you talking about.
You said "He knew after Allah delivered it to him". So you admit that Muhammed displayed the knowledge. Your contention that I need to prove he knew this is moot as you agree he knewit.

What you claim is what the source of his knowledge was. This is a positive claim and carries a burden of proof. Please prove your claim. So far your proofs have relied on him not knowing from any available source. As this is exclusionary, it also carries a burden of proof (that is to say: It's a positive claim ("allah told him"))

Yes but if they could not read or write or they themselves were busy with trying to survive in a very harsh environment. Look at people who spend their lives tilling the fields are they great scholars. They have no time. It is constant work for them.
The people I know in the fields have access to common knowledge. Firther, Muhammed was a merchant, not a farmer. The people I know who are merchants have access to a lot of knowledge as it's part of their livelyhood.

But you've admitted he knew. The question is how. You have a positive assertion in that regard.

Social within the arabs. How many times was he invited to come stay at a roman or persians house where they would teach him. Who from amongst the arab was ever invited to do this.
So within the Roman empire, only people from the city of Rome would have heard any common knowledge of the Empire? Please prove such an extraordinary claim.

What is your evidence.
My evidence that a zygote isn't a blood-clot? Pretty much any book on anatomy or biology. It's pretty basic knowledge (when an egg and a sperm meet, the fertilized egg becomes a fetal stem cell which begins dividing). Would you like me to point you att some reasources on neo-natal development?

Where is your evidence.
What's my evidence that an infallable and all-knowing critter would not falsely know something? It's in the definition. If Allah though something that was wrong (that a baby was a blood clot) then he would be wrong... hence fallable (having demonstrated the fallacy of false knoweledge).

Did you seriously not understand such a basic tautology?

The term is arabic is described as a sensitive drop of blood or the translation in my Quran says Thick coagulated blood. This is what is it. And if it is not then what is it then.

So you tell me what it is then.
A clump of fetal stem cells. Stem cells are not a type of blood cell and are not normally found in large quantites in the blood (in adults they are generally confined to bone marrow). I've seen my own stem cells. Have you?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
No, they are not. Korresh said that he personally was God. He did not interprete anything.
Someone else in another post claimed he was just the messiah so which is it.
The general consensus of moderan literature as far as I can tell. Encylopedias, Wikipidia, etc.
Oh you mean the books that are constantly changing the more truth they uncover.
So angels have no peers who were made by the same creator and have similar stature (such as other angels)?
Peers or siblings. I said they have no siblings per say they do not have mothers or fathers.
Please prove your claim that Gabriel was told directly by Allah and not by another angel.
The narrations in the hadiths for one.
Where in the Quran does it say that Allah told Gabriel directly and not through another angel?
I will get it for you. I need to make wudu first and then i will get it just remind me please.
No. There are no medical doctors that will tell you that a zygote is a type of blood clot. You are either misunderstanding, misremembering, or lying.
Right Dr. Maurice Bucaille is 1. Dr. Emeritus Keith L. Moore is one is the worlds most prominenet scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology. Book entitled the Develping Human. Dr. Moore si the emeritus of anatomey and cell biology at the university of toronto Canada. He was Associate Dean of Basic sciences.
No, I claim that the knowledge (false knowledge in the case of blood clots) was readiliy accessable in the region at the time. The fact that he knew it at the time of his claiming it is evidenced by the fact that he claimed it.
And you have yet to show any evidence.
Either way, your argument is SOL. You either have a statement not from God, or a God who failed biology 101.
But I am sure the DOCTORS I mentioned did not since they have degrees and since they support what is said in the Quran it should be clear you are wrong
Google "burden of proof". I've stated that the knowledge was readily available. If, for example, you were to write a book now and claim that the Earth was round... then 1500 years from now someone said "He didn't know the Earth was round until God told him, and the Earth is round, therefore we know it was God", it would be correct to challenge that claim under the fact that the Earth bing round is common knowledge in this time and place.
To who amongst his people or him. Again you have yet to show any evidence that he knew it. And if I wrote a book could he read it.
That Muhammed would definately not have known something which was common knowledge is an extrodinary claim and, as such, carries a burden of proof.
Why when people now a day do not know it and they have access to infinite number of sources. I met a women the 2 days ago that had no idea spinach was not allowed in 22 states. Do you think the aboriginal living in the bush knows what is going on in Alaska with a specific tribe of eskimos. No. they do not. If you are isolated and no one gives you the news how do you get it then.
You've argued that they would not have had access to the knowlege of the Greeks, despite Aribia having been the seat of Greek power. Please support your claim that all of this knowldge disappeared.
When was arabia the seat of Greek power. In the time of the Messenger when he was dealing with the ruling super powers the Romans. Who came first. And where is this huge display of Greek culture, architecture, and language use.
Also, where do you think the Arabs got all the Greek knowledge in the 1200s? We know they had it, because they taught it to the Europeans... and we know it was greek because it was not simply facts but the specific treachings of such people as Socrates and Plato.
Was that before or after they conquered the romans is the question. When did the muslims get the greek knowledge before or after the messenger died.
There was no one interacting with them at the time with that knowlede. This is not the case for the Arabs who had been the seat of Greek power and who were actively trading with Egypt, India, and Europe.
Wow you do not even know the trade routes of Quraish. They did not go that far in that time. Maybe a few but not amongst the elders and leader of Quraish. Which Muhammed was a member.
Common knowledge is common knowledge. If you wish to assert that the Arabs at the tim were fundamentally different from any people ever recorded anywhere, then I invite you to prove this claim.
Only in theory. Is the practice of the Muslims in Saudi Arabia common knowledge to most americans. If it was common knowledge we would not be having this discussion. What is common to me is obviously not common to you. People do different things and if it not in your interest or benefit you. YOu will not learn it. French cuisine is not common to me but it is to the french.
Your argument rests on not simply claims about Muhammed, but extraordinary claims that he was so blindingly ignorant as to have never had a basic conversation with anyone with 5 functioning senses. Please support this claim as it's rediculious.
It was not important to them. They were busy doing other things. Things that were needed to survive. It is a very harsh environment.
You said "He knew after Allah delivered it to him". So you admit that Muhammed displayed the knowledge. Your contention that I need to prove he knew this is moot as you agree he knewit.
Yeah he knew it AFTER a source other than his ignorant people. FOR EXAMPLE. You know very little about Islam so you come to the forums hopefully to learn. Who will teach you what we believe a muslim will insha Allah. In the time of the Messenger of Allah, his people and himself knew nothing of these concepts so Allah the source of all knowledge gave him the knowledge when no one else was able to at the time.
What you claim is what the source of his knowledge was. This is a positive claim and carries a burden of proof. Please prove your claim. So far your proofs have relied on him not knowing from any available source. As this is exclusionary, it also carries a burden of proof (that is to say: It's a positive claim ("allah told him"))
What do you mean prove he got it from someone. where in any of the islamic writings about his early life is it mentioned that he learned these things or anyone from amongst his people or the bedouins.
The people I know in the fields have access to common knowledge. Firther, Muhammed was a merchant, not a farmer. The people I know who are merchants have access to a lot of knowledge as it's part of their livelyhood.
The prophet was a shepard first and then a merchant. I never said he was a farmer. I just used them as an example of people who are busy with work. Have you ever worked with livestock or farmed before. It is very time consuming. In the early days of even this quote un quote great country we call america. Amongst the farmer and ranchers illiteracy was a big problem. People had big families to help with the work and many times there was no time for proper study. My great grandfather was such a person. It was only later in life after he left home and the farm that he got an education. He just did not have time. In those times they did not have the technology to make the jobs easier and less time consuming. Are you to assume it was not even worse then 1400 years ago.
But you've admitted he knew. The question is how. You have a positive assertion in that regard.
I admit he knew after the creator told him
So within the Roman empire, only people from the city of Rome would have heard any common knowledge of the Empire? Please prove such an extraordinary claim.
so you mean to tell me that literacy was huge in rome. When it is common knowledge as you say that is was a major problem. the farther out of rome into the rural provinces and areas where germatic tribes lived. You telling me these where the great scholars of Rome or did all those with knowledge live within the city. The city is not a good representation of the state of the rest of the empire.
My evidence that a zygote isn't a blood-clot? Pretty much any book on anatomy or biology. It's pretty basic knowledge (when an egg and a sperm meet, the fertilized egg becomes a fetal stem cell which begins dividing). Would you like me to point you att some reasources on neo-natal development?
Again thick coagulated blood is how it is described in the Quran. If it is to disprove the Quranic statements sure. Meaning a book that does that I have books on neo natal for i was given them by my obgyn and a friend of mine who is a medical student.
What's my evidence that an infallable and all-knowing critter would not falsely know something? It's in the definition. If Allah though something that was wrong (that a baby was a blood clot) then he would be wrong... hence fallable (having demonstrated the fallacy of false knoweledge).
You have not given any yet. I and I am sure others are still waiting.
A clump of fetal stem cells. Stem cells are not a type of blood cell and are not normally found in large quantites in the blood (in adults they are generally confined to bone marrow). I've seen my own stem cells. Have you?
Yes and I have seen an embryo at the earliest stages and had them shown to me over the course of development by my OBGYN. I have seen a miscarriage she was only like 3 to 4 weeks. But what came out was blood very thick and with tissue(coagulated)


Active Member
jewscout said:
i was simply trying to illustrate that memorizing proves nothing except that the person in question has a really good memory and time alotted enough to memorize the document in question.

Okay... I'm gonna repeat myself one more time. Are you guys not reading my posts? Someone on this thread stated that the Quran was changing as we speak. This caused us to explain the fact that the book has been memorized from the time of Muhammed by people all around the world within it's arabic form. We are explaining this to help people understand that the Quran has not been changed since it was first compiled 1400 years ago... you can see the first Quran ever compiled during the time of Muhammed still to this day.. and the arabic is the same as the arabic in the Quran at my house. This is NOT proof if Islam being the true religion... it is proof of the book not changing since it's arrival.. not a single word, nothing.

Yes God did promise us that it would be easy on the tounge, God also promised that he would keep it in our hearts... you don't need to have good memorization skills to memorize the Quran.. take it from me. I memorize about 7 suras and I have the most horrible memory. I haven't memorized the whole book because I haven't taken the time to... but the suras I do memorize are spoken as if arabic is my first language. My father memorizes it, and my brother does. Children recite it beautifully... this book hasn't been changed... EVER. Me and a muslim brother from Austrailia or a muslim brother from Japan would sit and recite a sura from the Quran we both know EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.. therfore this book does not change... no one can add to the Quran.. IMPOSSIBLE.. muslims around the world would know immediately if something was added or taken from the Quran because it isn't the same as they've been reciting it for their whole lives. Again.. this is not proof that Islam is the Truth... this is proof that the book hasn't changed.

I'm sure that might have been off topic.. but I'm going through the whole thread and I just couldn't help but get frustrated at people not reading what I had said so long ago.

Peace and Blessings


Active Member
JerryL said:
So is the quran. For example: people don't form from blood clots.

So the doctors and scientists who stood by these verse didn't know what they were talking about? I'm just trying to make sense of the situation.. almost to the point where I want to contact the scientists and doctors who stood by that verse and ask them exactly why... I can't help but believe they will have a very good answer for me (I will try to contact a non-muslim). If I do get a hold of one I will be sure to post our discussion. This I will try to do by the end of Ramadan.... now I have something I can look forward to learning.

Peace and Blessings


Active Member
spacemonkey said:
How do you know Allah said that....because Muhammed said so?

It's not because Muhammed said so. It's the word itself that makes me believe. It's the beauty of it. It's the feeling I get when I read it. It's the fastest growing religion since it's birth to this day. My friend (who is non-muslim) is taking a religions class and she called me up saying "Man, do you have any idea how fast Islam is growing in the world especially in North America.... it's freakin crazy" That's verbatim. Now the growth is not proof... but what she learned was that the reason people are converting and it's growth has increased so much was because of the sudden curiosity of the Quran... people wanted to know what the book was all about.. and once they read and understood... they converted. I can say this with confidence... Islam will never stop growing... and there will be a day sooner than later where the majority of the world is muslim, and we will still seem like the minority.

What has come from the teachings of the Quran leads me to believe where it came from. My whole family and the whole muslim community here in London, Ontario Canada live by the guidelines of the Quran... I don't know one divorced muslim couple here in london (i know muslims get divorced but from my experience not yet)... I don't know any muslims in London who use drugs, I don't know one muslim here in London who gets smashed, I dont know one muslim in London who isn't fasting right now, I don't know one muslim in London who doesn't have their life together.. and that to me is very interesting. Everyone in the muslim community where I'm from has their life in order... married, house, kids, happy, financially secure, stable.... if not married... living on their own, beautiful house, family oriented, succesfull profession. I BEG someone to come to where I live so I can show you this. Now this isn't proof... but I can thank the teachings of the Quran for everything I'm stating above. I love how loving we are with eachother, I love how close the muslim community is, I love how we look out for eachother and all act as if we are family... the Quran teaches this unity. One of the things that made my girlfriend officially be my girlfriend was when she met my family, and muslim friends... she fell in love with the love we had for eachother.. and she also fell in love with the humbleness... I thank Islam and the Quran for that. Anyone want to come and visit me here in London... let me know.. the door is open.. and I garuntee I will show you a side of Islam you have never seen... and the sad thing is that what you'll see here IS Islam... Islam isn't what you see on TV.

spacemonkey said:
David Koresh (Vernon Wayne Howell) claimed that God spoke to him, claimed to be the messiah in fact.

Where is David Koresh now? Did he accomplish anything close to what Muhammed did? Are his teachings still spreading like a wild forest fire to this day? I never heard of him until today.

spacemonkey said:
Many religions claim that the heads of their religion is in direct commune with God.

Well Judaism isn't lying... Moses spoke to God directly, something God only did with him. Christianity isn't lying about Jesus having some kind of contact with God either... he is a prophet and servant of God, there was some sort of communication in one way or another. Abraham was the friend of God... may I ask what religion was Abraham? Did his religion have a name? What about Adam, did Adam have a named religion? I'm gonna have to say that they submitted to God.. that's it. I don't see how anyone can disagree with me on that point... so I guess it's safe to say that they practiced Islam (peace/submission).

spacemonkey said:
Muhammed didn't author the Qur'an, like you said he couldn't read or write. The Qur'an is things that he said, that other people wrote down. It seems to me that Qur'an isn't anymore the direct word of God anymore than the Bible is. (please don't give me the usual Muslim response of "the Bible has been corrupted by man", I've already pointed out how the Qur'an comes from a MAN)

Ok.. if the book was by man and corrupted by man then why hasn't it changed like God promised? Even though Muhammed didn't write it himself... the people who did write it for him had to recite it to him also... therfore it's exactly how it was meant to be. Plus God wrote it first.... into the heart of Muahmmed... this is how he recited it so easily. I know you don't believe it, and all the power to you. I have read the bible with all the right intentions. I read the Bible not as a muslim, but as a learner. There are one too many versions for me to know how it was meant to be. Jesus lived by the teaching which God taught Moses, yet the New Testament (Jesus Teachings) go against the Old Testament (Moses Teachings). Now I dont think that Moses and Jesus didn't teach the same thing, I just believe the people who compiled there teachings didn't do a good enough job. The New Testament was written 100 years after Jesus... that's a long time.... and the Old Testament was compiled after generations and generations of stories being passed down by scholars.... the Quran was compiled during the lifetime of Muhammed.. big difference don't you think?

Spacemonkey... I know where you are coming from. I bet you don't think I do... but trust me I do. I'm not trying to convince you... all I'm trying to do is help you understand why I am convinced. I can sit all day and give you reasons why I believe God recited to Angel Gabriel who recited to Muhammed... I have lived a life where it's clear as day... things go bad when I do things that are considered bad in Islam... and things go good when I'm being a good muslim. That's a very simple situation but it's something I think about and notice... not just with me.. but all around. In the end... we should just all be good people... we should all love one another... we should all help the needy.... we should all be kind and humble, and we should all respect and make our parents happy.

I get to break my fast in about 12 minutes... I can't wait.. today was a tough day.. I work from 7am-3pm... I build car seats all day and all I think about is having a drink of water, eventually my mind get's off it... but the food is hardly the problem... it's me wanting to have some water while working like a dog, but this is the one thing which God has prescribed unto Muslims that we actually do FOR God... just about everything else we do is for our benefit, or to benefit another... but fasting is For God... don't get me wrong.. we benefit and learn self-restraint... but like God says "I love the breath of the one who is fasting"... Just so everyone knows.. our breath is nasty while fasting.

Peace and Blessings


Well-Known Member
The beauty of the words and the sudden popularity is not evidence that it is true. If so, then The Lord of the Rings is established fact!