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Scientific Falsification of the Theory of Evolution (ToE) and


Well-Known Member
Did you not read this from my link?

The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations.

All scientific explanations regarding origins, causes and effects, forensic-like studies, and the differences between two opposites or two extremes, as being used in all fields in science such as Biology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Psychology, etc., and all topics that require a complete scientific explanation - should start from the new Intelligent Design <id>. Period. For if not, science cannot explain reality correctly. Real Science Must Start From The New Intelligent Design <id>, is the main message and claim from the new Intelligent Design <id>. And that is all about in this paper. The claim from the new Intelligent Design <id> was based on the discoveries of intelligence and non-intelligence, and universal boundary line (UBL) between intelligence (or intentional) to non-intelligence (or non-intentional). Naturalistic science, or science in general, needs a universal boundary line (UBL) between created to un-created, intelligent to non-intelligent and intentional to non-intentional, or their synonyms, for universal categorization of all X, to completely explain the whole natural realms scientifically and correctly. Only the new Intelligence Design <id> has this capability. Period, again. The problem-solution approach is the answer to this scientific quest, as derived, for this paper, from the working or function of the human brain in dealing with categorization of all objects in existence. The result is that UBL is applicable to all fields of science such as Biology, Astronomy or Psychology, etc and to all questions that deals with two un-equal objects for categorization..

The New Intelligent Design and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations.
The New Intelligent Design and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations.
Wow - nothing instills confidence in earth-shaking science like a cute little symbol:



Active Member
And it will be rejected from any one that you submit to.

Except maybe CenTech.
I do not care about rejection, what I care too much if I am wrong or not. I am not expecting that people will accept me. I do not care about them. As long as I am right, then, the rest will be good. Because the truth will always be the truth, no matter how people label the Truth as lie...


Active Member
oooo submitted in a science journal maybe! OOOOOO - discussed on YouTube, no less!

I'd better get a new job and retract my publications on the subject right away!

I think I remember you.
You've not falsified anything.
Now ToE supporters are very afraid that ToE will be uprooted... do not worry, I will be including in the article how to falsify the new one...


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I do not care about rejection, what I care too much if I am wrong or not. I am not expecting that people will accept me. I do not care about them. As long as I am right, then, the rest will be good. Because the truth will always be the truth, no matter how people label the Truth as lie...
And as long as you think you're right, you are, right?

No matter how many people, with how many years of education and ACTUAL RESEARCH experience point out the many ways you are not.

Trust us all, since you won't get accepted, you won't get published, and the world will never, ever know just how right you think you are.


Well-Known Member
Both creationist and intelligent design writers have asserted that evolution is at best a poor scientific theory, because it is not "falsifiable," which in the parlance of scientific philosophy means that the theory is too flexible -- no test could be devised that decisively rejects its key tenets. Creationist Ken Ham, for instance, has argued that theories such as evolution and the big bang cannot be tested, because no scientists were present to directly observe whether or not the conjectured events really took place

Is evolution falsifiable?
You forgot to read the whole article. Here's what you missed.

Evolution, when viewed in the modern context of a huge volume of convincing empirical data, entirely qualifies as a rigorously testable theory. And in fact it has survived decades of withering testing. This is precisely why evolution is taken so seriously as the governing paradigm of modern biology.
It should also be pointed out that strict adherence to "falsifiability" is not an accurate description of the process of modern science. For one thing, major theories are seldom falsified by a single experimental result. There are always questions regarding the underlying experimental design, measurement procedures, and data analysis techniques, as well as questions of whether the underlying theories have been properly applied. For example, if we were to strictly apply Popper's principle, Copernicus' heliocentric theory was falsified from the start and should not have been further considered, because it could not predict planetary motions as accurately as the traditional Ptolemaic system. It only after Kepler modified the theory to include elliptical orbits with time-varying speeds, and when Newton showed that this behavior could be mathematically derived from his laws of motion, that it gained widespread acceptance. It must also be kept in mind that in most cases, "falsified" theories continue to be extremely accurate models of reality within appropriate domains. Even today, over 100 years after Newton's mechanics and Maxwell's electromagnetic equations were "falsified," they remain the basis of almost all practical engineering and scientific computations, giving results virtually indistinguishable from those of more advanced theories in all but highly exotic circumstances.

Is evolution falsifiable?


Active Member
And as long as you think you're right, you are, right?

No matter how many people, with how many years of education and ACTUAL RESEARCH experience point out the many ways you are not.

Trust us all, since you won't get accepted, you won't get published, and the world will never, ever know just how right you think you are.
The questions in science are:
how do you know if you are right?
How do you know if you have actual researches?
How do you know that you have the correct education?
How do you know that you have the correct explanation, falsification and prediction?

BEFORE you can answer that, I will give you hint. Learn from me, you ignorant people...

Hot and cold
Last edited:

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In thinking hydrogen remains as hydrogen.

You seem to believe hydrogen morphed. It can only ever be hydrogen only.

Your claim science says a dimension is where hydrogen is as hydrogen so it cannot extend beyond its owned boundary.

In conversion it goes away as space empty allows it to diminish. Time travel.

Sciences claim if I keep repeating time 1 to 12 it accumulated.

Mass is what accumulated by what your man's claim is about what you gave a compound as the number. Just mass of the exact same body.

Mass already existed. Another proof your implied belief owns no status with natural form.

Research is looking at exact form. Thesis is just a belief.

Father said we came direct out of the eternal spirit that owned dominion in its own state eternal.

So a human said gods created presence...earth and it's heavens..... as science. Seeing its thesis gave man dominion over all things in created creation.

Is exact. Human moment self presence is first. No other status in reality is first in human presence a teaching if relativity. To self human.

So men named everything and anything as humans. Not as a God. And still do. Even in the cosmos you name names.

In relativity humans bio conscious life knows every state is unnamed and in fact is not human named and it is owning no name.

Was the correct human conclusion when Mr I know it all began destroying life.

Science just human men argue that as they know it is evidence. When evidence states you didn't create anything by human thinking is exact first.

Time is gases burning owns no relativity advice to presence. Constant means that one state constant light was always just one state.

Your claim life lives by lights presence that never changed its identity.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father's memories said men just humans were told science is wrong.

Who would you be?

How would you feel?

Would you realise you would have to accept being just a human equal first?

No says human who I must be special. My group is special.

In the past special inferred humans medical for humans only. Special.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father also said human cell life yesterday was gas burnt changed as life biology O small cells living are one whole imaged body deceased.

In the past single cells lived in a hotter heavens environment.

Yesterday heat removed the life single cells. The science human advice.

Human death as first body conscious dominion as pretend God is a theist knows ....when I die I leave form to become just single celled organisms leaving life body total.

Knows present day equates the biology status. Knows the past never equalled a human living biology.

As the equals answer my thesis biology beginning. How I end as a non present human is one image of living single micro organisms after a human decomposed body.

As a time shift going back to the past.

Factoring in mind how much resource energy I want active inside my machine first. As first reaction itself to cause an open space channel of no energy.

As how else does infinity come to my machine.

As when science says O God earth radiation O mass around earth... no atmosphere exists in thesis.

O what I need for machine thesis. He says earths mass as one body I time shift remove. Life says no atmosphere it is burnt out.

In thesis if he says out of a cold metal earth seam my machine pops up cold first. It's design as thesis first. Design is first itself not actual anywhere.

And his mind designer is lying claiming it is safe as that thesis is just inside a cold machine.

As in pretence he places the origin thought to its occurrence to earths cold metal seam first. Exact.

You knew you lied. You preached you lied. You lawfully stated the human scientist was life's destroyer as a human life first never existed in a heated atmospheric body.

Gas mass causes a new gas space pressure change only by one body mass burnt out. The space I wanted to cause theist human.

Human answer he is trying to burn us to death by removing one atmosphere gas mass body one by one.

Claiming life began as a single cell only.

As a humans thoughts do not and never did think creation into being.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It's all explained in organic chemistry. I'm not an expert but basically it's Carbon's ability to form complex chains of molecules. Life starts when these molecules form something that is able to collect energy from the sun (or another source of energy). Then there is a series of links between the simplest plant (alge?) To grass, trees, and other life. Venus fly traps are fascinating plants, an example of "thinking" plants. I don't know what the bridge between plants and single called organism, but I imagine it's something like that
Yes but to make a membrane, and with dna strands doesn't make sense to me that it just happened, evolved chemically by attraction. What other reason beyond chemical attraction or innate chemical force could there be to put all this together over and over again?