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Scientific Proof of a Soul


There is no such thing as an atheist world view. Atheism is a simple lack of belief. You're conflating it with religion or with some doctrine that does have a world view.
Please, what is this evidence of God?

No. Atheism is a belief that says there is no God. It is also a belief. Even believing in things you see is still a belief. I can say that cars exist. Although this is obvious, it is still a belief. How do I know that I am not in a matrix like world or a holodeck? I have to hold to the belief that I am not in such a thing.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
No. Atheism is a belief that says there is no God. It is also a belief. Even believing in things you see is still a belief. I can say that cars exist. Although this is obvious, it is still a belief. How do I know that I am not in a matrix like world or a holodeck? I have to hold to the belief that I am not in such a thing
Pssst... it is a Matrix...;)

OK, a belief there is no God is atheism, but it's a specific subset of atheism. The only trait common to all varieties of atheism is lack of belief. It's this essential atheism I mean when I use the term without modifiers.
Here some great evidences I gathered.
Love Branch: February 2017
Thanks Jason.
This isn't evidence. It's propaganda. It's apologetic preaching -- and not very convincing.

I can find historical references and scientific facts in the Harry Potter books, but the Bible is unique in being replete with historical and scientific errors and many dozens of contradictions. Apologists twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain them away.
Seriously: a cross shaped camp layout is evidence for a religion that later adopted a crucifix as a symbol? Please...

Bible codes? You can't be serious. Bible codes are just mystical silliness, like satanic messages when you play a record backwards or pictures in clouds, and you can get the same hidden messages by applying the methodology to any book.

Those Bogus "Bible Codes"

"Man was formed out of the dust of the ground."
In 1982, NASA ames research had made a discovery that the same elements that are within our body are found within the soil.
This is absurd. Soil isn't a compound. There are thousands of different soils made of various mixtures of many different "elements." Plus, you could make the same claim for a cockroach or cat.
This isn't evidence of anything, it's grasping at straws. It's inventing correlation where there is none.

Thousands of flood legends from all over: Of course there are. It would be astonishing if there weren't.
People lived near water. They knew floods. It was a kind of disaster they told scary stories about. It was the kind of thing incorporated into legends. But as far as an actual, global, world covering flood, there is absolutely no geological evidence of it, nor can anyone figure out how such a thing could be possible.
The Ark: More impossible legends. Just consider the logistics. So many reasons this makes no sense.
Mt Sinai burned: Not!
Red sea crossing: Legend. So many reasons why not. Moreover, the Bible doesn't even say Red Sea. Why are copy and translation errors not corrected, if this is such an important work?
Bible Confirms Dinosaurs? Stop it! This is just pure wishful thinking; hopeful speculation. How, exactly, would you go about confirming this?
Dead Sea scrolls: They're not evidence of anything except that the ancients wrote things and that some of the things we have later copies of.
Perfect life conditions: This is an argument from improbability. Watrch:
Beauty: It's awesome so it must be evidence of God/Christian theology? This is not evidence. It's an appeal to emotion.
Sun standing still: (Ie: Earth standing still -- if the Bible were scientifically insightful it would have known the Sun is not the body moving). Speculation. Wishful thinking. How would such a thing occur? The only evidence for this is a bit of Hebrew folklore.
Last edited:


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
DNA consists of bio-photons photons are light, therefore our DNA is made up of light and weighs 0.1 grams, the other part of our soul is the plasma running in our blood and in other parts of our body. Hence why vampires drink other peoples souls through their blood. The pineal gland in your brain pumps dopamine or a type of plasma around your brain to keep it functioning. Your brains DNA changes kept alive by dopamine going to your brain, helps stimulate soul growth. Every single thought you think affects the DNA or bio photon changes of your brain, hence why some religions recommend purannas or meditation to help stimulate soul growth. Of course negative thoughts can affect the DNA of your brain in a negative way.

Guys I appreciate the need for faith, but if you can not provide scientific evidence for Christianity it might not survive the scientific future of humanity. Atheists use science to try and prove our religion is wrong, lets use their own weapon against them to try and prove our religion is correct!

If DNA is light, can you tell me at what speed it travels?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Souls are made of energy right? I just explained exactly what energy. The bio-photons (photons are the scientific term for light particles) of our DNA and the plasma in our blood. So our soul consists of the light in our DNA and the plasma in our body. Did you know there are like 50 quotes in the bible about not ingesting the blood of an animal "because that is the life of the animal".

Oops. I will order my steaks "well done" from now on. It would be suboptimal if my soul gets mixed with the one of a cow. I do not necessarily wish to ruminate cud in Heaven for all eternity.

By the way, what happens to blood donors?


- viole


Pssst... it is a Matrix...;)

OK, a belief there is no God is atheism, but it's a specific subset of atheism. The only trait common to all varieties of atheism is lack of belief. It's this essential atheism I mean when I use the term without modifiers.
Thanks Jason.
This isn't evidence. It's propaganda. It's apologetic preaching -- and not very convincing.

I can find historical references and scientific facts in the Harry Potter books, but the Bible is unique in being replete with historical and scientific errors and many dozens of contradictions. Apologists twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain them away.
Seriously: a cross shaped camp layout is evidence for a religion that later adopted a crucifix as a symbol? Please...

Bible codes? You can't be serious. Bible codes are just mystical silliness, like satanic messages when you play a record backwards or pictures in clouds, and you can get the same hidden messages by applying the methodology to any book.

Those Bogus "Bible Codes"

This is absurd. Soil isn't a compound. There are thousands of different soils made of various mixtures of many different "elements." Plus, you could make the same claim for a cockroach or cat.
This isn't evidence of anything, it's grasping at straws. It's inventing correlation where there is none.

Thousands of flood legends from all over: Of course there are. It would be astonishing if there weren't.
People lived near water. They knew floods. It was a kind of disaster they told scary stories about. It was the kind of thing incorporated into legends. But as far as an actual, global, world covering flood, there is absolutely no geological evidence of it, nor can anyone figure out how such a thing could be possible.
The Ark: More impossible legends. Just consider the logistics. So many reasons this makes no sense.
Mt Sinai burned: Not!
Red sea crossing: Legend. So many reasons why not. Moreover, the Bible doesn't even say Red Sea. Why are copy and translation errors not corrected, if this is such an important work?
Bible Confirms Dinosaurs? Stop it! This is just pure wishful thinking; hopeful speculation. How, exactly, would you go about confirming this?
Dead Sea scrolls: They're not evidence of anything except that the ancients wrote things and that some of the things we have later copies of.
Perfect life conditions: This is an argument from improbability. Watrch:
Beauty: It's awesome so it must be evidence of God/Christian theology? This is not evidence. It's an appeal to emotion.
Sun standing still: (Ie: Earth standing still -- if the Bible were scientifically insightful it would have known the Sun is not the body moving). Speculation. Wishful thinking. How would such a thing occur? The only evidence for this is a bit of Hebrew folklore.

Hey, if you don't want to see it, just say so. I can lead a horse to water to water but I cannot force it to drink.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
If I don't want to see what?
I think I gave your link more of a read than most others following this thread.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I highly doubt vampires exist in the 3rd dimension
Vampires don't exist at all.
that said Vlad the Impaler did used to drink blood.
That is a falsehood started by the Germans. You see, when Vlad Dracul III lived, he did terrorize some German settlements, and it just so happened the Germans had this new nifty thing called thing printing press this Gutenberg guy just invented, the Germans told some wild and outlandish stories about him (and honestly, Vlad was so cruel you didn't have to invent anything to shock in ways reality couldn't) and thus "tabloid journalism/fake news" was born.
Guys our DNA changes billions of times every second with every decision.
No it doesn't.
Eating pigs is like eating monkeys in regards to eating an animal with similar DNA to you.
Eating a pig is nothing like eating a monkey.
Remember bio-photons are DNA light for anyone who doesnt know what a photon is.
I know what a photon is, I know what DNA is. I have even extracted DNA from an organism in a pretty cool biology lab (well, they were just about all fascinating). DNA is made up of sugar and protein, not these bio-photons - no more than the human body is made up of a voice.


I suppose this comment might have been meant ironically, but it certainly is junk. I happen to hold that "There are more things in this world than are dreamt of in your philosophy!!" (and some VERY REAL phenomena are very difficult of measurement and study), but this kind "metaphysical baloney" does not serve us well.

There is no such thing as a 'bio-photon," photons have no mass, DNA is not composed of photons....And, even should we have a soul (a possibility), it is not likely to possess mass, either).

Of course, when the writer proceeded to the risable stuff about vampires, he truly "jumped off the train!!!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Although this is obvious, it is still a belief.
That cars exist is not a belief, but a hard, concrete fact, no more than you can rest assured it is not a belief you inhale oxygen to live, but a definitive fact.
How do I know that I am not in a matrix like world or a holodeck?
Because those are stories with absolutely no evidence to move them beyond the realms of philosophical metaphysics.


Well-Known Member
DNA consists of bio-photons photons are light, therefore our DNA is made up of light and weighs 0.1 grams, the other part of our soul is the plasma running in our blood and in other parts of our body. Hence why vampires drink other peoples souls through their blood. The pineal gland in your brain pumps dopamine or a type of plasma around your brain to keep it functioning. Your brains DNA changes kept alive by dopamine going to your brain, helps stimulate soul growth. Every single thought you think affects the DNA or bio photon changes of your brain, hence why some religions recommend purannas or meditation to help stimulate soul growth. Of course negative thoughts can affect the DNA of your brain in a negative way.

Guys I appreciate the need for faith, but if you can not provide scientific evidence for Christianity it might not survive the scientific future of humanity. Atheists use science to try and prove our religion is wrong, lets use their own weapon against them to try and prove our religion is correct!

Your understanding of all this science is way off.

First, read this below

Souls do not Exist
Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism

Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism

Others have pointed out to you where you fail with DNA and light.

With Biophotons, single cell organisms would have a soul by your understanding.

"DNA consists of bio-photons photons are light, therefore our DNA is made up of light and weighs 0.1 grams"


"the other part of our soul is the plasma running in our blood and in other parts of our body."


"Hence why vampires drink other people's souls through their blood."

LOL, wrong and what proof do you have of vampires at all if your using science.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, like serotonin and is the feel-good neurotransmitter.

"Your brains DNA changes kept alive by dopamine going to your brain helps stimulate soul growth."


"Every single thought you think affects the DNA or bio photon changes of your brain, hence why some religions recommend purannas or meditation to help stimulate soul growth. Of course negative thoughts can affect the DNA of your brain in a negative way."

You have this pretty messed up. Your thought can effect molecular changes in the body. They recommend meditation for a lot of reasons, but not the for the reasons you're mentioning here. It is true positive thoughts create positive chemical and electrical activities and negative thoughts negative chemical and electrical activities.

How Your Thoughts Change Your Brain, Cells, and Genes
How Your Thoughts Change Your Brain, Cells and Genes | HuffPost

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
With Biophotons, single cell organisms would have a soul by your understanding.
I didn't think of or consider that. With that in mind, good god we think Earth is crowded and overpopulated. The afterlife by now must be like a million Tokyos all crowded into anyone of the tiny rural small towns I live near.


I used to be an atheist. So I was in your camp at one time.
You are hardly a stable, steady reliable authority then.
I did look at things from the atheistic world view and it is non sense.
Maybe, more likely there are other issues at play here.
Looking at the evidence as a whole objectively any will lead you to God.
How about some objective evidence of a god?
This would not be the case if the Bible is not true.
But ... it isn't true. Many more are becoming atheists then are becoming churched, that is the objective reality.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I explained in my post largely what you are saying by going into details about the pineal gland in your brain. Without it your brain wouldnt function. No one knows where its energy comes from but it sends dopamine (a type of plasma) around your brain keeping it functioning.

Dopamine is not a type of plasma....

Neurons make their own dopamine. When the dopamine level in a neuron is low, a copy of the portion of DNA that codes for "Dopamine" is made. This copy is one of the forms of RNA. This goes into the cell body, where ribosomes help attach proteins in a chain. There are 4 basic proteins, each of them correspond to one of the 4 different codes in DNA. Thus, you can create any protein in any body - plant or animal - using this coding system. So, the code for "dopamine" gets copied and translated into dopamine. Several dopamine molecules are packaged into tidy little bubbles and are transported to the synapse, where it is needed. It is not made solely by the pineal gland.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. It is released from one neuron at a synapse whenever the neuron receives an electrical signal. The dopamine interacts with receptors in the cell membrane of the next neuron, causing an influx of Na+ across the cell membrane, which propagates the electrical signal along that neuron. Dopamine then is released from the receptors, and is absorbed either into the cell once again, via re-uptake pathways, or released into the blood stream.

I also know where the pineal gland would get its energy from. It's not a huge secret - sugars. Animal cells like ours burn sugar as an energy source. This allows them to perform various functions, like protein building and signal transmittion.

All this is from 1st year level cellular biology. It wouldn't be too much effort to go and find some factual information yourself...

Godless Ray

New Member
Well, I am a Christian, and I am not so sure that DNA has elements of light in it. Even if it did have light, that does not mean that it scientifically proves that we have a soul. I know we have a soul because the Bible says so. I know the Bible is true because of logic, and reason and by the impact it has had on my life (by the fact that Jesus transformed my life).

It was only later that I discovered strong evidences that back up God's Word.

Here is a Blogger Article I had written that provides more reasonable evidences in the fact that the Bible is divine in origin.

Love Branch: February 2017

Evidence? Please tell us

Godless Ray

New Member
"A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary."
-- Schucman, Dr. Helen. A Course in Miracles (p. 1255). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.

Particles of matter emerge from consciousness as evidenced by the double slit experiment of quantum mechanics. Material objects do not exist until they are observed. The most fundamental law of reality is the law of cause and effect. People put their faith in matter but universal oneness of consciousness is the cause and matter is an effect. Articulated knowledge is the basis for linguistic communication but it is not the direct non-articulated knowledge of Source(God). Spiritual practice is a training of the mind on the path to awakening.. The more awake and consciously aware you are, the more alive you are...
I am not sure I have ever read quite this level of pseudoscience muddled thinking in a couple of years

moon light

even mind can not be trusted only inspiration
The physical evidence does not prove the religious faith
On the contrary, if there is a physical evidence, there is no meaning to religious faith
Faith of a religious is experience between man and hes creator
The effect of the spirit is seen in the experience of dreams
Ask any atheist about his experience in dreams and their physical interpretation
You will know the truth