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Scientists and Christianity...


Intentionally Blank
The scripture is quite clear. God made other people outside of Adam on the sixth day. As shown in Genesis 1:27. This is why we have different races/ethnicities.

We are all related because we are all human but we have unique characteristics that separates us physically, which is what we use to determine race/ethnicity, you cannot deny that.

I deny it. What race is this person?


What about these three women?


This man?


and these fellows?



Intentionally Blank
man, duh. i never said that evolution isnt happening! animals are changing right now! every four years the olympic records are lowered. thats one example. thats why i was talking about man coming from ape as the absurdity. thats scientists theory to get God out of the picture. jeez

Human beings are a species of ape. Get over it.


Intentionally Blank
what the Catholic Church denies is atheistic evolution. everything else goes, but with God in the picture. the end.

What the heck is "atheistic evolution?" Could you explain it? Is it a religious thing, or science, or what? I'm not familiar with it.


Intentionally Blank
How can there not be? Atheistic evolution is the belief that the theory of evolution happened without a higher power overlooking it. There is really only two types of the evolution theory, atheistic, or theistic.

You mean atheism? What does that have to do with evolution? Evolution is a scientific theory. Scientific theories do not address the existence of God.


Intentionally Blank
Yes because wasting millions of dollars on genetic history is much more important than developing cheaper/better medicines for all, or just about any other scientific break through that could help man kind on an everyday basis. I suppose it is more important for scientist to say nanna nanna boo boo we was right you are wrong, than helping sick people.

Maybe you're not aware that some of the most important contemporary medical research is in the area of genetics?


Intentionally Blank
You are just being hateful now.

No, Enoch, he's right. IF Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is true, then all of the following branches of science are wrong: Astronomy, Cosmology, Biology, Geology, Paleontology, Archeology, Anthropology, Linguistics, most of Physics. That's just off the top of my head. It's either YEC or science; you can't have both.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
No, Enoch, he's right. IF Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is true, then all of the following branches of science are wrong: Astronomy, Cosmology, Biology, Geology, Paleontology, Archeology, Anthropology, Linguistics, most of Physics. That's just off the top of my head. It's either YEC or science; you can't have both.

I am sorry, this is a vast complex world where people of all different mind sets can live, you of all people should know this.... Or do you disagree?


Intentionally Blank
I am sorry, this is a vast complex world where people of all different mind sets can live, you of all people should know this.... Or do you disagree?

Sure. And if any of them believe in YEC, they all deny the central findings of all the sciences I listed. Which is their prerogative. Are you one of them? Do you deny the central findings of all those sciences?

It's this thing called logic. If Geology says X, and you believe not X, then you don't believe Geology. You can believe X, or not X, but you can't believe X and not X and be consistent.

I find it disturbing how often, when talking to creationists, you have to establish the most basic foundations of thought, like the idea of consistency. It makes me wonder how they drive, prepare dinner, or (shudder) vote.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Sure. And if any of them believe in YEC, they all deny the central findings of all the sciences I listed. Which is their prerogative. Are you one of them? Do you deny the central findings of all those sciences?

Obviously you don't. Which is good for me to know for future reference.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Believe in accepting different peoples views and mind sets. You are telling me that I have to chose one or the other. I say we can all live together regardless of views and mindsets. Wonder what the ACLU would think of that.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I find it disturbing how often, when talking to creationists, you have to establish the most basic foundations of thought, like the idea of consistency. It makes me wonder how they drive, prepare dinner, or (shudder) vote.

Needless to say I find your idea of consistency disturbing. You certainly are not showing it.


Done here.
Believe in accepting different peoples views and mind sets. You are telling me that I have to chose one or the other. I say we can all live together regardless of views and mindsets. Wonder what the ACLU would think of that.
Of course we can -- or we could, if people who insist on remaining mired in ignorance didn't keep trying to write their ignorance into law and educational policy.

However, your right to be wrong doesn't mean you're not wrong. Autodidact and themadhair called you on your assertion that YEC is not contrary to science and that no science incompatible with YEC is particularly useful. They were right; you were wrong, to put it mildly. Instead of having the grace to admit it, you started asserting your right to your beliefs. You do have a right to those beliefs. But they're wrong, and every person who is both educated and honest knows they're wrong.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Of course we can -- or we could, if people who insist on remaining mired in ignorance didn't keep trying to write their ignorance into law and educational policy.

That argument is so old and worn out. I support gay rights and do not care if creationism is taught in schools or not. So your arguments do not apply to me.

However, your right to be wrong doesn't mean you're not wrong. Autodidact and themadhair called you on your assertion that YEC is not contrary to science and that no science incompatible with YEC is particularly useful. They were right; you were wrong, to put it mildly. Instead of having the grace to admit it, you started asserting your right to your beliefs. You do have a right to those beliefs. But they're wrong, and every person who is both educated and honest knows they're wrong.

I did not assert my beliefs, I believe in a live and let live attitude. If someone wants to believe in evolution fine, just don't try to force it onto me, and I wont force mine onto you. If a person cannot allow and accept others views and opinions, how are you to expect me to allow you the same grace. I feel a bit betrayed by Autodidact as I fight for equal rights for her, then she turns around and tells me I am wrong, and insults me, and that I have to chose to think her way or the highway. Is this what I am to expect by helping someone? I don't even want or need a thanks, just don't crap over all my beliefs, is that too much to ask?


Intentionally Blank
Believe in accepting different peoples views and mind sets. You are telling me that I have to chose one or the other. I say we can all live together regardless of views and mindsets. Wonder what the ACLU would think of that.

I'm not talking about your rights, Enoch, I already said you have the right to be wrong. I'm talking about whether or not you're right. There's this thing out there called reality. If you believe it's raining, and it's not, then you're wrong. I can live with that, but it doesn't make you correct. There's this other thing called logic. It's really really basic that if you say both A and not A, you're contradicting yourself. It's not logically possible for them both to be true. This is so basic it hurts to say. If I say you were born in Sydney, Australia, and that you were born in Bonn, Germany, at least one of those statements must be false. They can't both be true. You can't believe both that the earth is 6000 years old, and that modern Geology, which says it's 4.56 billion years old, is also correct. You have to pick one.


Intentionally Blank
That argument is so old and worn out. I support gay rights and do not care if creationism is taught in schools or not. So your arguments do not apply to me.

I did not assert my beliefs, I believe in a live and let live attitude. If someone wants to believe in evolution fine, just don't try to force it onto me, and I wont force mine onto you. If a person cannot allow and accept others views and opinions, how are you to expect me to allow you the same grace. I feel a bit betrayed by Autodidact as I fight for equal rights for her, then she turns around and tells me I am wrong, and insults me, and that I have to chose to think her way or the highway. Is this what I am to expect by helping someone? I don't even want or need a thanks, just don't crap over all my beliefs, is that too much to ask?

Evolution is not a belief. It's a scientific theory. You either accept it or you don't. It's not my way, Enoch, and it's not about equal rights, it's science. Does it work, or doesn't it? Geology says the earth is 4.56 billion years old. If you accept the science of Geology, you agree. If you say the earth is some other age, then you reject modern Geology. It's not about feelings, beliefs, or rights. It's about reality and science. Do you accept science, or do you reject it, or do you accept some of it and reject others? If you think the earth is 6000 years old, and Noah built a boat and put two of each "kind" in it, and there was a global flood, then you basically reject most of modern science, that denies any of those things happened. Sorry, that's just how it is.