Well, if you feel you should oppose him, go ahead. I gave you the warning
but it's on you now
Good luck!
Well, even if there are consequences, it is still the right thing to do.
God tortures and kills far more people than Adolf Hitler, and the tortures God has are worse and last longer.
For a lot of people, they were warned to not speak against Hitler too, and they suffered death or torture for doing so, tens of millions.
They still did the right thing.
I oppose God trying to get him to change his mind and not be so cruel and unjust to people. It is the right thing to do.
A lot of people just bend the knee to God because they are scared of him, not because they agree with him.
Also, in the Old Testament , God was going to destroy Israel, and Moses disagreed with God, argued with god, essentially he told God that God's plans were stupid with a different choice of words.
Moses stated that his plans were better than God's, and scripture says " God repented of the evil he planned on doing to Israel".
If all Moses did was bend the knee and go along with God , and surrender and submit to god, God would have destroyed all of Israel in the wilderness. It's a good thing Moses fought with god.
My last name is an alternative for Jacob. In the Old Testament God says of jacob, "you have fought with God and you have fought with man, and you have won", and his name was changed to Israel which means, "one who fights with God." Sometimes it is the right thing to fight with God!
Also, Islam is responsible for more oppression and killing of innocent people and terrorism in my lifetime than every other religion combined.
There are a lot of religions in this world, and in my lifetime you can combine them all together, and they have not killed as many people for religious reasons as Islam has, or been as responsible for as much terrorism in the name of God, as Islam has.
Islam currently in our world is a religion that has raised up regimes that oppress more people in the name of God, and rob more people of freedom of speech, than all non-Muslim religions combined.
Islam currently oppresses hundreds of millions of people, robbing them of basic liberties. It is extremely sad what Islam has done to our world!
Jesus said "you will know a false prophet by their fruits!" He said a bad tree produces bad fruit!
All one has to do is look at the world around us, and we can see the fruit of islam! It was started as a very violent intolerant religion, and the Quran is full of violence, bigotry, judgments, condemnation, hatred, and even has very graphic tortures of cutting off people's hands and feet, crucifying people, pouring boiling water on people, and burning people, for opposing the Prophet!
! It is thoroughly disturbing and disgusting to cut off people's hands and feet and torture people to death! Yet it is in the Islamic holy book and glorified!!
Every current country that is predominantly muslim, and has an Islamic government, is a nation that Islam violently conquered with the sword, and outlawed basic liberties, and persecuted other religions!
In Saudi arabia, the Muslim holy land and capitol, where Mecca is located, there is not a single church or synagogue or Pagan Temple! There is not a single religious structure in Saudi Arabia that is not Muslim! It is because of pure intolerance and bigotry promoted in the Quran!
They also cut off hands and heads, because that was the practice of Muhammad , and it is promoted in the quran, and many people in my lifetime have been stoned to death by Islamic regimes, crucified, or died in some extremely barbaric way , for simply questioning islam, or being accused of adultery, or being homosexual, or whatever!
There is not one single country in the world that is predominantly christian, that outlaws mosques or outlaws all religious structures that are not christian!
Yet Muslims do this! Jews do not do this, I don't know of any Religion that does or executes this kind of bigotry but islam! It speaks volumes about what kind of a religion Islam is!