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Seeing That Women Can Go Topless Now Do You Suppose A Lot More Rapes Will Happen?

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Me Myself

Back to my username
I count the "little" things, I consider someone thinking that if a woman is raped then sometimes she did something to provoke it

No one ever diserves to be raped. That said, sometimes there are things you can do to be cautious and people who care about you will call you on these things.

My parents talk to me about walking to dangerous streets at night and do so very worried. They dont do it because they think I diserve to be robbed but because they know mugging at knife is a reality and also hurting someone because s/he doesnt have money is a reality.

If I went with a rolex and full of bling blings to the bad part of town and I got robbed stabbed and raped, sure, it wouldnt be what I diserved, but it would be my responsibility that I put mysef at such risk EVEN WHEN the stabbing, wounding and being robbed IS NOT.

People concentrate on what they CAN do. I am not a cop. My family is not of cops. Even if we were we cant phone call someone and get the stabbing guy on bars and get all the muggers on bars tomorrow so I can rolex around anywhere I want.

It would be a wonderful world if it was that simple, but because they love me and are to bussy looking at things the way they are instead of farting rainbows and pretending if I dont diserve something then obviously muggers will resect that they will indeed warn me about streets and about taking precautions.

If someone gets mugged here in Guayaquil the first quesiton always is "where?" because we want to know where the muggers are (ultimately the answer is everywhere...) if the person mentions a ====ty part of town and on top of it he was going with expensive cellphones on sight he is giong to be told how much of an idiot he is wether he is a man or a woman and gonna be told it could have been worst.

thats not contempt, that is caring for the person. Yes, for some peole it might be contempt, but in most cases here is actual caring for the person

or if a woman sleeps with a certain amount of men she is dirty, as contempt for women.

Now that is sexism but I wouldnt necessarily say contempt for women in general. Contempt for "sluts" oh yes, totally.

Actually, on monday I was again with a groupI work with in college (for team work homeworks so t say we are students) and again as I talked I show I was amazed by how one of the girls (three in the group, two guys, one being me) showed contempt and belitlement for Cleopatra because she "slept with everyone" and I was like "so what? she as a genius olititian and propaganda woman"

and I got "Oh right, sexism :rolleyes" from here because I had told her before that it is sexism to have different rules of how much sex is acceptable for men than for women.

I am sure she doesnt have contempt for women in general, but does have content for the "slutty" ones.

Which of course, is sad.

or if a woman sleeps with a certain amount of men she is dirty, as contempt for women. Or women being the "gate keepers" of sex, as contempt for women.
They don't necessarily have to do a lot of damage.

I dont even get the gatekeeps thing :confused: you mean women tend to withold sex more than men? you think thinking that or knowing that is having contempt for women :confused: sorry if I got it wrong I am just not sure what you mean there.


Well-Known Member
I realise it is "that man" but when you are so angry because it's happens to the girl fundraisers how many times, you get worn down and have a fit. Also maybe you don't really know how challenging fundraising is, to put yourself out there everyday and have someone dehumanise you because of you sex is like the straw that breaks the camels back.

Aye, it's easy to hold such views of "all X people are the bloody same" when provoked and angry. I've done it plenty of times. Obviously after a while you calm down and come to your senses.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I realise it is "that man" but when you are so angry because it's happens to the girl fundraisers how many times, you get worn down and have a fit.

I get that.

Also maybe you don't really know how challenging fundraising is, to put yourself out there everyday and have someone dehumanise you because of you sex is like the straw that breaks the camels back.

I think I do understand.One example I was the only female computer sales "person" at the company I worked for in the mid and late 80's and I could handle also some of the basic "tech support' questions.They would say "line 3 tech support question" and I would say "tech support how can I help you "///Know how many times I heard.."is there a man there???" I would say yes but they are all tied up at the moment ask me your question I may be able to help you " and they said "no I'll hold for a man"...

That happened 100 times.As well as the comments by ones who didn't ask for a man but allowed me to do MY JOB and when I answered their question and it "worked" they commented WOW !!! I'm impressed a "girl" knows this stuff!

So please I have had my fair share of "dehumanizing' including 5 minutes later I could have a shipper grab my boob ///and one of my bosses told me "you should have been a movie star ...dawling!!!"


Well-Known Member
I get that.

I think I do understand.One example I was the only female computer sales "person" at the company I worked for in the mid and late 80's and I could handle also some of the basic "tech support' questions.They would say "line 3 tech support question" and I would say "tech support how can I help you "///Know how many times I heard.."is there a man there???" I would say yes but they are all tied up at the moment ask me your question I may be able to help you " and they said "no I'll hold for a man"...

That happened 100 times.As well as the comments by ones who didn't ask for a man but allowed me to do MY JOB and when I answered their question and it "worked" they commented WOW !!! I'm impressed a "girl" knows this stuff!

So please I have had my fair share of "dehumanizing' including 5 minutes later I could have a shipper grab my boob ///and one of my bosses told me "you should have been a movie star ...dawling!!!"
Well there you go, so we know it is different when women have contempt for men, as opposed to men having contempt for women, when men have contempt for women it reinforces our every day sexism, our everyday oppression.


Depends Upon My Mood..
One "fun " thing I did though was put the men on "hold" and not say "line 3 holding for tech support" ..I just let them "hold" like they said they wanted to do..the biggest delight is when they hung up and called back it got passed back to me and I said "tech support how can a help ya!" :flirt:

Me Myself

Back to my username
Well there you go, so we know it is different when women have contempt for men, as opposed to men having contempt for women, when men have contempt for women it reinforces our every day sexism, our everyday oppression.

O_O That's blatantly sexist.

Me Myself

Back to my username
No it isn't, people were having a conversation earlier today about the difference between the n-word and honky.
It is a similar difference.

Not it's very obviously not.

Both men and women are oppressed by gender stereotypes.

Reaction To Women Abusing Men In Public - YouTube

Both needs be addressed.

One thing is to go "all men are pigs!" when you just been dumped and are ranting at it with your friends. That is a-okay just as "all women are manipulative === " is okay when you are ranting with your friend as you've just been dumped. But that is a rant, and it is okay when done iin private with someone you know wont take such things seriously and will calm youdone hear you out and at the end help you come back to a more emotionally balanced mindset even if it is by mere listening.

But "we can be sexists but men cannot" is an extremely dangerous though.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Women are an oppressed group men are not

You obviously didnt watch the video.

Both women and men are opprosed by gender stereotypes.

How fast do you think people would have come to the rescue of a woman being abused by a man? I give you a clue, the experiment said it happened a lot of the times and way faster.

If you think gender stereotypes only hurt women, you are blinding yourself.


Well-Known Member
You obviously didnt watch the video.

Both women and men are opprosed by gender stereotypes.

How fast do you think people would have come to the rescue of a woman being abused by a man? I give you a clue, the experiment said it happened a lot of the times and way faster.

If you think gender stereotypes only hurt women, you are blinding yourself.
That is a consequence to men under patriarchy, there are consequences to white people in a racist society too.
That does not mean men are an oppressed group.

Me Myself

Back to my username
That is a consequence to men under patriarchy, there are consequences to white people in a racist society too.
That does not mean men are an oppressed group.

Men being oppressed in public with no one helping them and people thinking "he must have done something to diserve it" " I didnt do anything because I thought he cheated on her or something" while women in the same circumstance was helped in most scenarios almost immidiately does not show how men become oppressed because of their gender?

Wake up.

You are living a false dichotomy and are using victimhood as a form of entitlement. It's not.

Both men and women have to take responsibility for ending sexism. Just as I talk against women **** shaming women and just as those women (even though laughing and after a while) came to the help of that man we all have the duty to stand up instead of close our eyes shut.

You are not entitled to be sexist because you were or are oppressed.

That makes you part of the problem.

You are entitled to call sexism were you see it,when it opprsses you or any other human being. It is also your duty as it is mine.


Well-Known Member
Men being oppressed in public with no one helping them and people thinking "he must have done something to diserve it" " I didnt do anything because I thought he cheated on her or something" while women in the same circumstance was helped in most scenarios almost immidiately does not show how men become oppressed because of their gender?

Wake up.

You are living a false dichotomy and are using victimhood as a form of entitlement. It's not.

Both men and women have to take responsibility for ending sexism. Just as I talk against women **** shaming women and just as those women (even though laughing and after a while) came to the help of that man we all have the duty to stand up instead of close our eyes shut.

You are not entitled to be sexist because you were or are oppressed.

That makes you part of the problem.

You are entitled to call sexism were you see it,when it opprsses you or any other human being. It is also your duty as it is mine.
I never said I am entitled to be sexist, I said it is different. like no one was saying people of colour are entitled to call a white person a honky, they said it was different.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I never said I am entitled to be sexist, I said it is different. like no one was saying people of colour are entitled to call a white person a honky, they said it was different.

You said:

Well there you go, so we know it is different when women have contempt for men, as opposed to men having contempt for women, when men have contempt for women it reinforces our every day sexism, our everyday oppression.

The tacit part of that is "WHen we do it to men, we are not reinforcing anything"

or as you said:

Women are an oppressed group men are not

I cant think of a roup that hasnt been oppressed. It is irresponsable to think your sexism does not rinforce society's sexism, because it is just false.

Whether we like it or not, all our attitudes count.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't mean I am saying I am entitled I am saying me having a fit about men being disgusting because of sexual harassment does not reinforce men's oppression because men are not an oppressed group, just like a person of colour having a fit over white people because of their experience of racism, doesn't reinforce any oppression against white people.


Depends Upon My Mood..
How fast do you think people would have come to the rescue of a woman being abused by a man? I

Do you want me to post videos and stories of women who are raped and beaten and no one does a thing?

Women are beaten and RAPED too honey with ONLOOKERS who do nothing!

Me Myself

Back to my username
That doesn't mean I am saying I am entitled I am saying me having a fit about men being disgusting because of sexual harassment does not reinforce men's oppression because men are not an oppressed group, just like a person of colour having a fit over white people because of their experience of racism, doesn't reinforce any oppression against white people.

Saying "men" are disgusting because of sexual harrasment does support a "patriarchal" view of men as savage animas who cant help themselvs to rape.

You are being part o the problem and it's not pretty.

I honestly feel offended by such lack of regard and blatant generalization.

As I said, contexts may exist. One thing is to joke around with friends or to rant when something harsh has happened to you (like being dumped or more seriously sexually harrased)

This are the same considerations that must be had for the other side of the coin though, as men may freely be "sexists" w ehn they have just been dumped or cry "all women are goldiggers" if his ex wife is extorting every penny out ofhim due to some unfair legality or other situation.

Double standards are dangerous. They stay beyond their necessity.


Well-Known Member
Do you want me to post videos and stories of women who are raped and beaten and no one does a thing?

Women are beaten and RAPED too honey with ONLOOKERS who do nothing!
Oh yes! You are bringing it all back, I watched a documentary on the increase of gang rape committed by boys/young men, and one girl was orally raped by loads of guys, there was a long queue of them waiting to rape her, this took place in a block of flats, and as this woman was going to her flat she walking passed them tuttid, went into her flat and didn't even call the police. I think a similar thing happened to another girl as well who was seen getting raped.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Do you want me to post videos and stories of women who are raped and beaten and no one does a thing?

Women are beaten and RAPED too honey with ONLOOKERS who do nothing!

in a park in daylight with a bunch of bystanders?

The man is being assaulted in a park in daylight with a lot of witnesses and people who are asked ina focus group why didnt do anything they said it was because they thought he had cheate don her and "I am certainly not gonna go defende the GUY!" and included a woman passing by with a cheerful celebrating body language and a you go girl attitude as she saw that.

The same WWYD scenario with the woman was a lot more favorable to the woman.


Well-Known Member
Saying "men" are disgusting because of sexual harrasment does support a "patriarchal" view of men as savage animas who cant help themselvs to rape.

You are being part o the problem and it's not pretty.

I honestly feel offended by such lack of regard and blatant generalization.

As I said, contexts may exist. One thing is to joke around with friends or to rant when something harsh has happened to you (like being dumped or more seriously sexually harrased)

This are the same considerations that must be had for the other side of the coin though, as men may freely be "sexists" w ehn they have just been dumped or cry "all women are goldiggers" if his ex wife is extorting every penny out ofhim due to some unfair legality or other situation.

Double standards are dangerous. They stay beyond their necessity.
In no way did I even imply that men can not help themselves, in fact I was bi**ching about how men need to change.