So different churches and different religions do different things.
However , the Evangelical conservative Christian church many not all have a certain values before marriage rules. I am not picking on Christianity, there are probably other religions who have stricter rules.So if anyone from other religions have certain view points don't be afraid to share them.
It was popular to have Christian parents for while back to pick out the spouse for their child. Also many only date someone if they are going to marry them. Dating around is not accepted.
Many many Christians do not believe ins ex before marriage , and someone do not even believe in touching before marriage!
Christians say statistics prove the loner you wait on sex the better your sex life will be, this maybe true statistics I don't know.
I will say this for me, noway am I getting involved with a man who does not want to touch me before marriage nope!I think having sex before marriage is a good thing for me. I am not waiting and I want to be able to trust my spouse that we are right for each other in bed as well as out.
So whats you belief set on sex before marriage and also how you date? By dating I mean, is dating around ok? Do you select your child's spouse? Do you just date to marry only? If you don't have sex before marriage are you aloud to hold hands hug kiss that type of thing? What about oral sex or 3rd base?