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Sex worship


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Is it God's commandments governing sexual behavior that pose the biggest stumbling block to submitting to his will?
In the sense that I want to "sin", no. My own sexual behaviour adheres pretty close to Christian teachings (though which version of that we're talking about might be relevant, since the teachings vary from denomination to denomination), and to the extent that it doesn't, it wouldn't be that big a deal to follow it - if I was convinced of the truth of Christianity, I wouldn't mind.

However, in the sense of placing restrictions on others, it is a very big stumbling block to me, especially the prohibition in most denominations against homosexuality. I consider it immoral to try to make people deny love that way, and can't see any way to follow any religion that (IMO) is so out of whack that it would call love evil.

Edit: still, though... the biggest "stumbling block" for me to accepting Christianity is that I just don't think it's true.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Out of curiosity, Junglej, does your mind work the way you're suggesting it does for people who haven't accepted your beliefs?

I mean, is the reason you're not a Mormon because you can't stand to give up your coffee? Would you be a Muslim if not for your love of bacon and whisky?


.45 Cal
Out of curiosity, Junglej, does your mind work the way you're suggesting it does for people who haven't accepted your beliefs?

I mean, is the reason you're not a Mormon because you can't stand to give up your coffee? Would you be a Muslim if not for your love of bacon and whisky?

I didn't get to this place in my life by "shopping" for a religion that sounded good to me or that I agreed with. As an agnostic, I felt like I had a personal encounter with the living God when I asked him to reveal himself to me. I thought Jesus answered. Before that I hated everything about Christianity. It seems like everyone's number one gripe is God/Christianity's position on things like homosexuality, premarital sex, and masturbation. They don't agree with the position and so are unwilling to serve such a God


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I didn't get to this place in my life by "shopping" for a religion that sounded good to me or that I agreed with.
So then why do you assume that other people think this way?

As an agnostic, I felt like I had a personal encounter with the living God when I asked him to reveal himself to me. I thought Jesus answered. Before that I hated everything about Christianity. It seems like everyone's number one gripe is God/Christianity's position on things like homosexuality, premarital sex, and masturbation. They don't agree with the position and so are unwilling to serve such a God
Frankly, rules about sexual behaviour are WAY down my list of reasons for why I would be unwilling to serve the Christian God.

As I alluded to earlier, probably my biggest reason is that I don't serve things that I don't think exist.


Your post and your title don't make sense together. There's plenty of information on sex as an act of worship, but having a distaste for the sexual rules of your religion doesn't mean anyone else worships sex.

In fact, sex is about the only time I feel really close the divine in any way shape or form. I think it's because that's when my left brain shuts down enough for me to stop listening to it. But I don't worship sex any more than a Christian might find sex a spiritual experience because it is within their marriage or they're creating life.

I'm not a Christian because I don't believe that Jesus was the son of God. I don't know whether your God exists because despite me asking him for faith I got nothing. His followers (not all, obviously just the more vocal 'want to run the government' ones) do a good job of pushing me away. There's just nothing about him that makes me want to serve him or follow his rules.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I wasn't under the impression that there was a universal consensus among Christians regarding their god's policies on sex. Did I miss something somewhere?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm not a Christian because the Christian god lacks a sense of humor. I can live without the sex, but I cannot live without the laughter.*

*That and the minor detail of existence.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Is it God's commandments governing sexual behavior that pose the biggest stumbling block to submitting to his will?

No, actually I think it's the other way around. Human beings experienced sex, first and foremost, as the most profoundly spiritual of all experiences. They reproduced for a great deal of generations unchallenged. The egos of certain individuals evolved naturally as a means to control others and eventually spiritual superiority was born.

Only later did organized systems of spiritual order formulate (religions) to impose certain behavior modifications onto individuals. It actually makes some sense to view the fixation of certain strains of organized religions on the sexuality of individuals as a reaction to possible competition. I mean if individuals can experience profound spiritual experiences within the most ordinary events of life then they're out of a job considering they're promoting the only possible means to greater spiritual experience. It's not just sex but eating food, breathing air, socializing with friends, and genuinely profound laughter, etc.

Now before you jump to a "us vs. them" mentality between sex and your particular religious doctrines of conviction... It's not that people "worship" sex, but rather that they've found a profound communion with the cycles of life and nature in which we all are a part of. It's a matter of actualizing the being of humanness in the most profound and original aspects of our daily lives.

I certainly understand why it may be threatening to certain social institutions, but that's only because those particular cultural strains are maladaptive towards the natural flow of reality. Indeed, one may observe that they have changed their way of dictating policy over time in response to the inability to contend with the natural flow of things. Many of them are banking on the nearness of the end of days so as to avoid further social evolution in light of facts. I cannot really prove any definitive point of mine other than to recommend paying attention to every single moment as it is and as a superior measure of reality.
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Well-Known Member
In fact, sex is about the only time I feel really close the divine in any way shape or form. I think it's because that's when my left brain shuts down enough for me to stop listening to it.

Tantric sex?

I've never quite got into this idea - isn't just sex a bodily function that you can get so absorbed in whilst doing that you just think it's divine?

I know the same could be said for a lot of things but do you really believe that God or Spirit has some kind of connection to this activity, and if so how?
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Tantric sex?

I've never quite got into this idea - isn't just sex a bodily function that you can get so absorbed in whilst doing that you just think it's divine?

I know the same could be said for a lot of things but do you really believe that God or Spirit has some kind of connection to this activity, and if so how?

No, not Tantra. And divine or spiritual could possibly be as easily replaced with intimate, i don't have any beliefs associated with it, though plenty of others do regardless of their faith or belief. It's simply an experience I have. There is a distinct difference in when I'm just having a lot of fun versus something feeling spiritual. But as I said that may also purely be a left brain shut down so the right brain gets through.

There is the use of sex within worship in some beliefs, but that's not what the OP is discussing.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Is it God's commandments governing sexual behavior that pose the biggest stumbling block to submitting to his will?
The level of hardship it poses probably varies among individuals.

However, I do believe that in general, the constraints that religions place upon sex are a very powerful and primal way in which to control people. Sex is such an innate, (nearly) universal desire that commandments about it will effect nearly everyone, in a deeply personal and often conflicting way.

I find constraints upon sex in so many religions an interesting aspect of the evolution and rise of power of religion.


seeker of knowledge
I'm not a Christian because the Christian god lacks a sense of humor. I can live without the sex, but I cannot live without the laughter.*

*That and the minor detail of existence.
Are you saying that there is no possible way that a god exist ?