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Sexuality: Sinful or Sacred?


Done here.
I don't know that I can properly answer your question because I don't view sex as either sacred or sinful. I simply view it as a human pleasure to be respected.
What Buttercup said. It can be more than just a pleasure, of course.

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
I know that sexuality is inherently sacred but there was a time that I felt that I had to ashamed of that belief. I was in the mid of a religious struggle between laws of man and the laws in my heart.

When religion makes holy the rejecting of sexually needs and wants; it reinforces that religion's position because of the very struggle between self and religious laws self affirming that position as a truth. It doesn't take into account that rejecting sexuality creates the conflict rather than the conflict being a natural product. It takes advantage of an error in reasoning, if seen outside the confines of faith.

There are many different marriages....and takes on sexuality within marriage. But marriage isn't about sex, it's about responsibility and providing for the next generation. Marriage is about the products of sex, not sex itself.

As a BDSM aficionado and participant, I know that controlling someones sexuality virtually places control of themselves beyond them. I see that every persons sexuality is a main core of their being and gaining control of this core is about shear power. Sin in a sexual context is about control and restriction within the religious structure.


tri-polar optimist
Sex is one of the strongest natural urges. It exist in all animals. It insures procreation.
I believe God gave man rules on sexual behavior because of the higher social order of man.
Vows can be and are broken. Without commitment there is no family structure.
The age of contraceptives have given us more freedom but nature still shows us there are consequences for inappropriate behavior.
Adultery can break up a family. Even if they can work through it there is an element of trust that is gone forever.
Jealousy is another strong human emotion and can lead some to homicide.
There are reasons for the rules.

P.S. I hope no one finds this offensive but I would never buy a car without taking it for a test drive.


The Creator
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

Sexuality is a gift by god in some cases for only worldly comforts but not for spiritual. For one who seek worldly comforts, sexuality can be considered as a gift, but for one who seek spiritual comfort, for him sexuality is a curse.

Sexuality in many occassions may lead to severe problems in society, even may result in death of a person, and so it can be considered also a curse to even to the people who seek worldly comforts.

One cannot surely advance even a bit in spirituality if he seek sexual pleasure.

It is not only sexuality which is inherent, anger, sorrow, hatred, jealous etc..... are also inherent. So you cannot say sexuality is good, since it is inherent.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Sexuality is a gift by god in some cases for only worldly comforts but not for spiritual. For one who seek worldly comforts, sexuality can be considered as a gift, but for one who seek spiritual comfort, for him sexuality is a curse.

Sexuality in many occassions may lead to severe problems in society, even may result in death of a person, and so it can be considered also a curse to even to the people who seek worldly comforts.

One cannot surely advance even a bit in spirituality if he seek sexual pleasure.

It is not only sexuality which is inherent, anger, sorrow, hatred, jealous etc..... are also inherent. So you cannot say sexuality is good, since it is inherent.

How is it possible to find nothing spiritual in sex or sexuality?


Well-Known Member
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

Sexuality is a gift from God that is frequently abused.

Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

Alot of peole can't face up to the fact that sexuality in all it's variants is natural, after we are mammals with big brains, nothing sacred there :)

Melissa G


The Creator
How is it possible to find nothing spiritual in sex or sexuality?

To me spirituality is all about non-duality, for one to enjoy sexual pleasure, he need to think ME AND SHE, and so he creates duality in his mind to enjoy sexual pleasure.
As long as he continues to have duality in his mind he cannot progress spiritually. The same is in the case of anger, jealous, hatred, sorrow etc, these all are caused due to duality in the mind. Once he removes duality from his mind all, these including sexual feelings are no longer felt by the person.
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Premium Member
Sex is a wonderful way for 2 people to who truly love each other can connect- I think having multiple partners and stuff takes away from that. In other words, sex by itself isn't a sin. It couldn't be, or the earth would not have enough people (now it has too many, but oh well.). ;)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
To me spirituality is all about non-duality, for one to enjoy sexual pleasure, he need to think ME AND SHE, and so he creates duality in his mind to enjoy sexual pleasure.
As long as he continues to have duality in his mind he cannot progress spiritually. The same is in the case of anger, jealous, hatred, sorrow etc, these all are caused due to duality in the mind. Once he removes duality from his mind all, these including sexual feelings are no longer felt by the person.

OK. I can understand the theory, but in practice, when actually having sex, how do you manage to overlook the deep, spiritual connection it sometimes causes two people to have?


Active Member
Even as an atheist I feel it is sacred. And with that I mean for only one person. It does not have to be only after marriage, though, as long as its just with one person. But marriage would be a way to kind of ensure this, I guess.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
It saddens me the way sex is viewed as something to be ashamed of in Western (or at least American) society. It should be a beautiful, natural way for two people to show their love and/or lust for each other, and yet it is made into something dark and ugly by guilt. It took me awhile to shake off the idea that sex was sinful, but once I did, I felt like I had stepped into the sunshine and my eyes were opened just a little bit more.

Is this spiritual? In the religious sense, not for me. It is more of a growing thing for me, like I am coming into my own. I do think it does bring two people closer together, though.

Can it be spiritual? I can see that. There is that moment when you lose your sense of self, and that conscious thread of thought is broken. I could see many finding the sacred in that moment.


Sex is not only sacred, it's holy! Sex is to be relished and celebrated in the marriage. Sex outside the marrige is abuse of a beautiful gift. Sex has turned into a dirty industry of porn and something to prove manhood. But that's OK, when desease and pregnancy occur it's treat and abort. Full speed ahead!
To speak out against the exploitation of sex for amusement and recreation is not being afraid of sex! It's not calling sex evil. It's calling for a reorientation of the proper role of sex.


Mother Heathen
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

I believe it's natural and liberating to appreciate and celebrate sexuality.

Sexuality can be sinful and sacred.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Sex is not only sacred, it's holy!

These are high sounding words, but surely for them to be meaningful you know of some way to distinguish in practice between things that are sacred and things that are holy. So, what is the difference, in practice, between sacred sex and holy sex?

Sex is to be relished and celebrated in the marriage. Sex outside the marrige is abuse of a beautiful gift.

On what rational grounds do you know what sex is for everyone and not just yourself alone?

Sex has turned into a dirty industry of porn and something to prove manhood. But that's OK, when desease and pregnancy occur it's treat and abort. Full speed ahead!

Are you saying sex has turned into these things for you?

To speak out against the exploitation of sex for amusement and recreation is not being afraid of sex! It's not calling sex evil. It's calling for a reorientation of the proper role of sex.

So, you don't think sex should be amusing or recreational?


The Creator
OK. I can understand the theory, but in practice, when actually having sex, how do you manage to overlook the deep, spiritual connection it sometimes causes two people to have?

To my knowledge, normal love and spiritual love are not the same, and the both cannot be in a person at same time. By doing sex, its the normal love which go so deep, and would have better relationship, but that relationship is not related to spiritual love i think.

Spiritual love can occur only after knowing the self and then only he can truly understand the other person. Love caused from sex, is not a matured one, and is caused due to ingnorance.
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Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I think so long as those involved in it feel it is sacred then it is sacred for them. As for me personally I don't really believe in any "sacred vs sin" dichotomy but sex, when with someone I truly deeply love and when we feel we are ready, is, if I were to give anything such a term, certainly "sacred" or at least has that feeling to it. However I don't view it as "bad" for sex and sexuality to be used/expressed in other ways. I would only consider it "bad" if it was done without the consent of another(like rape) and then I don't think I would really consider it actual sex anymore.


Its only a Label
Friend Storm,

Sexuality: Sinful or Sacred?
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

Everything in this universe is made of energy including sex energy.
The personal understanding about it is as:
In this universe Energies of similar nature always tries to merge and form a bigger pool and when they face a similar pool of opposing energies they clash and gets scattered.
This process of regrouping and clashing continues endlessly each time to form a bigger pools of energies and evolving to a higher state.
This keeps on happening BUT none can control it after a limit except by transcending the MIND which when *still* the individual becomes a flow which remains unattached to any energy form and which is why unattachment is so important in as much as religion goes
When unattached the energy flows in the direction of the greater energy around it BUT without getting attached to that energy and that is TAO is all about. AND humans are the only known beings who can *STILL* their minds.
SEX with the mind is in unawareness which keeps trying to join similar forces with attachment where as in no-mind it is unattached. Sex per se is not good or bad it just is.

[Have very faint knowledge of physics and how matter works but the above is just my personal understanding]

Love & rgds


The Creator
If sex is truly sacred, then majority creatures in the earth would have become enlightened. :D

Sexual love in spiritual level not at all sacred. But from the normal human point of view its sacred.
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I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

To be blunt, I believe that it was through misdirected sexual love that the angel Lucifer tempted the original human ancestors to deviate from God's plan of love. And Satan has retained such a strong control over sexual love that it has become very difficult to manifest it in its original beauty. However, originally everything that God created was meant to be sacred. To me, sexuality should be one of the highest expressions of the sacred, as a spiritually mature man and woman loving each other resembles the dynamic of the interaction between the maculine and feminine within God. But sexual love doesn't exist in isolation. It leads to bonding between a man and a woman, to the bearing of children, and so becomes a bridge to experiencing parental love. I believe children have the natural desire, even right, to have loving parents, bonded in conjugal love. So to me sexual love outside the context of marriage is ultimately destructive to oneself and others.