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Sexuality: Sinful or Sacred?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Sex is not only sacred, it's holy! Sex is to be relished and celebrated in the marriage. Sex outside the marrige is abuse of a beautiful gift.
Why? If sex is holy, it should be holy in marriage or out of it. Unless, what you mean to say is, marriage is holy and it therefore confers its holiness upon sex.

Sex has turned into a dirty industry of porn and something to prove manhood.
Or rather, sex has been released from its shackles and is enjoyed in a more natural way. Sometimes when you bottle things up and tell people that it is wrong to do something they have such an instictual urge to do, it will leak out anyway, in a distorted form.

I do not argue that there are some bad things done for/with sex, but that does not make sex itself wrong. All sex outside of marriage is not porn or rape or some sort of tally count. To suggest so presents a false dichotomy.

But that's OK, when desease and pregnancy occur it's treat and abort. Full speed ahead!
Or, rather, when a religion tells people that condoms are evil and birth control is murder, disease and unwanted pregnancies increase.

To speak out against the exploitation of sex for amusement and recreation is not being afraid of sex! It's not calling sex evil. It's calling for a reorientation of the proper role of sex.
Why can not sex be a form of recreation between two mutually consenting adults? How is that evil? In this day and age of overpopulation, we do not need to be procreating like rabbits. I assume you believe that procreation is the only true and good reason to have sex; but in this day and age of overpopulation that stance is archaic at best and morrally bankrupt (in the sense of the environment) at worst.

I repeat, you can't deny a primal, natural urge without that urge being twisted into something unnatural and ugly.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Spiritual love can occur only after knowing the self and then only he can truly understand the other person. Love caused from sex, is not a matured one, and is caused due to ingnorance.
I don't think they were suggesting that love is caused by sex, but that love is often deepened by sex, and the intimacy it provides. I would think sex would be a part of finding out who you are, who your partner is, and who you are together. Thus, it might be that spiritual love can not come about until you have sex. :)

If sex is truly sacred, then majority creatures in the earth would have become enlightened. :D

:D I like that.

Sexual love in spiritual level not at all sacred. But from the normal human point of view its sacred.
I do not understand this. It seems backwards.
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Well-Known Member
There are purposes of sex other than for procreation. Thankfully, nobody gets to decide what the 'proper' one is for someone else; especially not someone's god.
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The Creator
I don't think they were suggesting that love is caused by sex, but that love is often deepened by sex, and the intimacy it provides. I would think sex would be a part of finding out who you are, who your partner is, and who you are together. Thus, it might be that spiritual love can not come about until you have sex. :)

It seems like its spiritual love, because its the maximum an ordinary person can love. Once he is capable to love anyone spiritually, he will be also capable to love in the same manner all other persons, that love is not limited to a single person.
And this sort of love wont result into sorrow, anger, hatred etc.

But the love which you are talking about can turn into sorrow, if he loses his sexmate, and hence its not spiritual and not a lasting one.

One can love spiritually only after enlightment, and path to enlightment is not easy, it is hardwork for several lifetimes. One could get enlightment only if he values enlightment greater than other all worldly comforts, and if anyone does sex, to him sex is more valuable than enlghtment, and hence no enlightment.

And also never heard of anyone to have reached enlightment through sex, its impossible.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
You've never heard of Tantra? Your failure of imagination does not equate to impossibility.


The Creator
You've never heard of Tantra? Your failure of imagination does not equate to impossibility.

Some people claim that through tantra one can get enlightment, but did not heard of any people had enlightened through tantra. Infact the people who teaches tantra too are not enlightened. People who follow tantra as the path to enlightment takes guidance under the teachers who did not succeeded that path. Tantra may give some happiness but not enlightment.


I don't believe someone should ever go into marriage lightly. I think in todays world with so many temptations it is so easy to give into lusts and sex and not find a "true" love or that one single love that you will stay with for the rest of your life- i think marriage is a truly beautiful thing and to marry the one you love and vow to spend your whole life with them is the greatest declaration of love you can possibly give

...at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' 7'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. (mark 10)

Just my opinion but i think that when you do find that someone you will be together longer then just one lifetime- .... and that people decide to marry for all the wrong reasons and then break up because they weren't prepared for it- hardness of our hearts

interestingly mark 10:7 is not in some early manuscripts of the bible, and if you read that passage without it Jesus says at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female and the two will become one flesh

what a loving husband and wife do in their own bedroom is their own business, i don't see why it should really exclude anything if it makes them both happy... and it is between only them


“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” — Hunter S. Thompson

“Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.” — Bill Cosby

Sex isn't bad, just as religion isn't bad. Whats sinful is when people manipulate it for their own pleasure/power/gain.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
Sex can be sacred or sinful.IMHO.Sex between two consenting adults(completely consenting under no threat of repercussions whatsover) who care about each other as human beings is the most intimate way to relate to one another.It also makes us vulnerable.So IMHO its one of the highest forms of trusting each other.I would call that "sacred".

Sex on the other hand can be used to manipulate,control,abuse(physically and emotinally),use another person.Sex can also become an obsession or an addiction.(IMHO)

As far as procreation?..Obviously thats how we all got here.From sex.But what a terrible waste IMHO if we reduce it to that.

I dont think sex needed to have the mind blowing pleasure aspects and other proven health benefits if it were only designed to pro-create.That much sexual urge and pleasure need not be involved to desire to have a child.I think its a gift that expands far and beyond pro-creation.

And its only sinful when we hurt another with it..Or compare it to anything else.There is nothing else like it..Not even chocolate!




simon says to, that's why
sex, like any other pleasure life offers is sacred in the sense that when it is approached with moderation, it confers a sensation of unity and contentment. when used as a form of escapism, however, it can leave one with the feeling one gets after eating too many sweets or going on a particularly intense drinking binge. overindulgence cheapens the effect.

by the by, i'm a hedonist.
but only in the most ancient definition of the word...

mostly harmless

Endlessly amused
I spent a great deal of my personal search for truth as a neopagan. One of the things which drew me to that path, something I still adore and believe, was the teaching that sexuality is inherently sacred, one the greatest gifts given us by the God and Goddess.

Yet, to so many deeply spiritual people, sexuality is a temptation to be resisted, a vice if not an outright sin.

Why is this?

To me also, our sexuality is a gift...I consider it sacred and nothing to be ashamed of...


Premium Member
“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” — Hunter S. Thompson

I think I have a problem with that quote- and I think it is because I love my children and never thought about sex with them. That would be absolutely horrid.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I think I have a problem with that quote- and I think it is because I love my children and never thought about sex with them. That would be absolutely horrid.

Perhaps it would be better to specify it as "romantic love"? But even then I, personally, would take a little issue with it as I think that true romantic love, with or without sex, would be anything but "hollow and ridiculous". To claim that love without sex is such is, IMHO, juvenile and shows a lack of understanding and respect for what real romantic love is and means. But again that's just my opinion which is largely inspired by the fact that if I were in a relationship with a man who said we had to have sex in order for the relationship to mean anything, well... let's just say that that relationship would most likely not last much longer beyond such a comment. Mainly because to me it implies that the person cares more about the sex than the love in terms of a relationship.

Don't get me wrong, I think sex is great and is a wonderful way for people to express their love for each other and bring them closer together, but I fail to see how romantic love becomes "less" simply because a couple doesn't partake in it(the sex I mean).


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think I have a problem with that quote- and I think it is because I love my children and never thought about sex with them. That would be absolutely horrid.

I doubt Thompson is referring to such things as parental love or brotherly love. Of course, with Thompson, you never can be completely sure. :D