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Shame on US capital punishment


RF Addict
So, the expense of rehabilitation is your major objection to this? I would agree with that being a reasonable argument against the treatment.

But, the incarceration of a person costs a lot of money each year, and defendants can spend years, if not decades, rotting in jail. Society has to pay for the feeding, clothing, guarding, running and maintaining their prison and so forth. The legal procedures cost a lot of money, too, because the US must furnish many of their accused murders and so forth with lawyers as they cannot afford to pay for their own, along with lawyers that can argue the case for the state. If rehabilitation cost less than the total of all of this, would you agree to the idea then?


So, the expense of rehabilitation is your major objection to this? ..... If rehabilitation cost less than the total of all of this, would you agree to the idea then?

You're funny. If they could do all that and save money at the same time, then that would be a better than doing it the way they do now, so why don't they, because everyone would be for it surely? I would.


RF Addict
It is not possible now. We don't have the technology, and if we did have the money to try and develop the technology, there would be too many groups protesting against this idea.


It is not possible now. We don't have the technology, and if we did have the money to try and develop the technology, there would be too many groups protesting against this idea.

We don't know if we'll ever have that sort of technology and you're only guessing about the protests.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
I have a question for those that support capital punishment. Imagine if we could rehabilitate a capital offender so that the offender would not be able to commit their crime again, through mental conditioning or sexual suppressants or however we manage to solve their problem. Would this be a moral thing to do? Would those that agree to capital punishment put an end to their support? Why or why not?
The problem is a lot of times that doesn't work. How many child molesters have been determined to have been "cured" or "rehabilitated" only to have them be released and repeat them same offense (a lot of times resulting in murder) two years down the road?

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
Some people are rotten anyway you cut them, changing their geography or the manner of their lodgings solves nothing, put them down like the rabid dogs* they are and we would have a lot less to worry about.

* I apologize to rabid dogs knowing that your reasons were because of a diseased mind, not a conscious choice.


It's hard for people to be forgiving when someone rapes and murders their child. I'm going to assume that you've never experienced such a thing.
I can't tell you how inadequate i feel right now, having "never experienced such a thing"; i never thought it would lose me an argument.



Forum Relic
Premium Member
I can't tell you how inadequate i feel right now, having "never experienced such a thing"; i never thought it would lose me an argument.

I've never experienced such a thing myself and I hope that I never do.


mr.t said:
I sympathize with the victim's families. It seems that people don't take the emotions they might feel into consideration as I was pointing out to Mr. Guy. Also, how many slips do we let get by before people finally have enough? Many people consider the lives of children more valuable than the lives of child molesters.
Sympathize away. Please demonstrate how capital punishment directly benifits victims.

booko said:
I find it amusing to be criticized for living in a country that practices capital punishment in SOME places, by those living in countries that used to practice capital punishment EVERYWHERE.
Oops! I guess as a canadian, i can never critisize any government mandated eugenics program...

It took YOU millenia to figure it out. We're only a couple of centuries old. We'll figure it out eventually as well.
Are we going under the assumption that every new country and government should be excused for starting civilization from the stone age up? C'mon, that's a really poor excuse.

In the meantime, you'd be better off to encourage us to give it up as a pointless exercise in curelty rather than crowing self-righteously now that you figured it out.
Every other western industrialized nation has. Even if, by your insinuation, americans have a severe handicap to progressive civilization outside of what has been "aped" centuries ago, when can we hold them to account as "mature'?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
mr.guy said:
Sympathize away. Please demonstrate how capital punishment directly benifits victims.
It directly benfits people who could very well be future victims of the same person.

mr.guy said:
Oops! I guess as a canadian, i can never critisize any government mandated eugenics program...
I guess as Americans we should put up with everyone's blanket statements and not point out that the finger pointer's own kettle is black.


It directly benfits people who could very well be future victims of the same person.
I see; so your proposition is to punish them for crimes they haven't commited yet? How avant garde.

I guess as Americans we should put up with everyone's blanket statements and not point out that the finger pointer's own kettle is black.
How productive.

I guess if canadians decided to legalise slavery, i could count on you to be completely mute on the subject, no?

After all, we are a much youger country than yours. It's only fair, right?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
mr.guy said:
I see; so your proposition is to punish them for crimes they haven't commited yet? How avant garde.
So your propsition is to let innocent children be brutally murdered by threats to society? How quaint.

mr.guy said:
How productive.

I guess if canadians decided to legalise slavery, i could count on you to be completely mute on the subject, no?

After all, we are a much youger country than yours. It's only fair, right?
If certain Canadian citizens ever decide to adopt slavery, I will speak out against those individuals who do so, instead of ignorantly labeling an entire nation with a steroetype....


Well-Known Member
I see; so your proposition is to punish them for crimes they haven't commited yet? How avant garde.
i'm sorry, "crimes they haven't commited"?? the death penalty is only acted out in very extreme cases, when the person is proven guilty of horrible crimes.


So your propsition is to let innocent children be brutally murdered by threats to society? How quaint.
Oh yes, it must be.

Unfortunately, up north we haven't perfected psychic prerecognition to the extent of the american administration and public has, demonstrably. Thus, i hope you can forgive my inability to see the connection you've outlined, that is:

abolished death penalty = increase in murdered (innocent) children.

I'm sure all other nations foolish enough to adopt this murderer-lovin' policy (such as mine) have noted a dramatic increase in what i 'quaintly' call "murdered (innocent) children syndrom". I'm sure plenty of europeans on this board can testify to this ravenous social malaise.

If certain Canadian citizens ever decide to adopt slavery, I will speak out against those individuals who do so, instead of ignorantly labeling an entire nation with a steroetype....
No individuals have been named; it's the government who's instituted it, per my scenario...thus, in my opinion, a national stereotype would be well deserved; except from countries who've already had this policy. That would just be hypocritical, no?

FYI, i don't know how it works with you yanks, but our individual citizens can't autonomously decide that they'd like to be legal slave owners without changing the law.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
mr.guy said:
Oh yes, it must be.

Unfortunately, up north we haven't perfected psychic prerecognition to the extent of the american administration and public has, demonstrably. Thus, i hope you can forgive my inability to see the connection you've outlined, that is:

abolished death penalty = increase in murdered (innocent) children.

I'm sure all other nations foolish enough to adopt this murderer-lovin' policy (such as mine) have noted a dramatic increase in what i 'quaintly' call "murdered (innocent) children syndrom". I'm sure plenty of europeans on this board can testify to this ravenous social malaise
How about the conncection you've outlined: Death Penalty = Killing potentially innocent people.

Maybe you didn't read that article. It doesn't take an psychic to see that people, like the ones in this article, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17739868/ will continue to commit their horrible crimes. The son was already in jail once for molesting children and was let back out...a little boy was raped and murdered as a result. Society wants these people to have 0% chance of ever commiting such things again. Sorry, if somebody wants to acheive that by sending these people to that big pet shop in the sky, I won't shed a tear.

mr.guy said:
No individuals have been named; it's the government who's instituted it, per my scenario...thus, in my opinion, a national stereotype would be well deserved; except from countries who've already had this policy. That would just be hypocritical, no?
Telling people they should educate themselves on something before they make ignorant statements or scenarios, is something else that is well deserved.

I'll do your homework for you and give you two indviduals: Texas and California. Booko has already stated this.....not every state allows capital punishment. Each individual state has their own set of laws. This is something that people should research before making statements like those that I've seen.

mr.guy said:
FYI, i don't know how it works with you yanks, but our individual citizens can't autonomously decide that they'd like to be legal slave owners without changing the law.
We do not live in an "anything goes" society either. Individuals can bring an idea to the table and it will get voted on (that's if it's even considered to be voted on in the first place). If you'd like to familiarize yourself with they way our government is run, you should famliarize yourself with the U.S. Federal and State governments.


Maybe you didn't read that article. It doesn't take an psychic to see that people, like the ones in this article, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17739868/ will continue to commit their horrible crimes. The son was already in jail once for molesting children and was let back out...a little boy was raped and murdered as a result.
I'm sorry, but you're taking your psychic powers for granted again. You want to have someone to have been put to death BEFORE they commited the crime you want them dead for. Fairly exectuting murderers before they're murderers REQUIRES pretty mystical magic wizz-bang powers.

Society wants these people to have 0% chance of ever commiting such things again. Sorry, if somebody wants to acheive that by sending these people to that big pet shop in the sky, I won't shed a tear.
0% is an unrealistic and immature target. While a society is well justified to be lowly tolerant of crime and severly anti-social behaviour, to reduce the risk of harm for ANYTHING to 0% is futile. Zero-tolerance is never an option, nor a healthy perspective for one with any serious regard for their own freedoms.

Telling people they should educate themselves on something before they make ignorant statements or scenarios, is something else that is well deserved.
Moi? The developer of ignorant scenarios? How so?

There are not "individuals" (be it provinces, municipalites or people) who can electively legalise slavery. It's illegal in the whole country (psst...like capital punishment). Critisism should be directed at the federal government in such instances as they would be responsible (dis)allowing it.

I'll do your homework for you and give you two indviduals: Texas and California. Booko has already stated this.....not every state allows capital punishment. Each individual state has their own set of laws. This is something that people should research before making statements like those that I've seen.
You mean to say...there's no all-encompasing law for the WHOLE country, some sort of FEDERAL type mandate? Nothing that is illegal across the whole u.s. o' a., unless by conicidence? I can only assume that any state can re-institute slavery at their whim, then, and bugger to the feds.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
mr.guy said:
I'm sorry, but you're taking your psychic powers for granted again. You want to have someone to have been put to death BEFORE they commited the crime you want them dead for.
No. People who are labeled as child molesters, serial killer, etc. by our justice system have already commited a crime. Capital Punishment is meant to prevent them from repeating such offenses.

mr.guy said:
0% is an unrealistic and immature target. While a society is well justified to be lowly tolerant of crime and severly anti-social behaviour, to reduce the risk of harm for ANYTHING to 0% is futile. Zero-tolerance is never an option, nor a healthy perspective for one with any serious regard for their own freedoms.
Just because people deem 0% to be futile, doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it. Maybe we should just give it 50% instead since that's more realistic. :rolleyes:

mr.guy said:
Moi? The developer of ignorant scenarios? How so?
Whoever makes blanket statements like the title of this thread.

mr.guy said:
There are not "individuals" (be it provinces, municipalites or people) who can electively legalise slavery. It's illegal in the whole country (psst...like capital punishment).
That's great how things work in your country. But lets talk about my country since it's the topic.

mr.guy said:
Critisism should be directed at the federal government in such instances as they would be responsible (dis)allowing it.
I don't think anybody should be critisizing anything government wise, until they have a decent understanding of how that government works (which you don't apparently).

mr.guy said:
You mean to say...there's no all-encompasing law for the WHOLE country, some sort of FEDERAL type mandate? Nothing that is illegal across the whole u.s. o' a., unless by conicidence? I can only assume that any state can re-institute slavery at their whim, then, and bugger to the feds.
There are all encompasing laws that exist in the United States You would answer a lot of your own questions if you took the time to educate yourself on our federal and state governments and the history of The States (which plays a role in individual state laws). This would cure the issue of your lack of understanding regarding how U.S. government works.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm sorry, but you're taking your psychic powers for granted again. You want to have someone to have been put to death BEFORE they commited the crime you want them dead for. Fairly exectuting murderers before they're murderers REQUIRES pretty mystical magic wizz-bang powers.
They are already murderers or child molesters...

0% is an unrealistic and immature target.
Death results is a 0% reoffense rate, so I hardly see how that is an unrealistic target.

Zero-tolerance is never an option,
I have zero tolerance for child molestation...