Science is not THE proof, its a proof. Just as the scriptures are a proof but to a lot of people its not THE proof. Me on the other hand say they must go hand in hand. Along with many other proofs
Nope. If you actually demonstrated that there was real scientific support for your claim, then that'd be one thing, but just saying "science proves...!" is not A proof, THE proof or any other kind of proof.
So I believe you are saying the weakest link is the if something cannot come from nothing then that same rule has to be applied to God, right?
No, I'm not. I'd be hard-pressed to find a valid point in your whole argument. Your whole chain is weak links.
Here is my chainall is out of God, something cannot come from nothing, an ultimate starting point cannot have something start that starting point. So show me the weak link and please explain why
You're phrasing this as a tautology: as a self-referring statement. If an "ultimate starting point" is defined as a "starting point" that doesn't have a starting point itself, then yes, an ultimate starting point would not have another starting point. However, just saying this doesn't do anything to demonstrate that an "ultimate starting point" actually exists.
Why not? Scientifically this is sound. Scripturally this is sound. Philosophical this is sound. If there is another let me know. In which is it not sound? And prove it. Here I will prove my three points
Scientifically---if the atom was the very first thing ever and everything came from it, couldnt you say this by definition is [like] a god? Yes
No. There's more to the definition of a god than "the first thing ever". For instance, just off the top of my head, I would say that sentience, intelligence and great power are necessary properties of a god. A single atom has none of these things.
No. First off, there's no scripture that says "God is an atom". Second, scriptural support would only get you as far as "this is consistent with what my religion believes". It doesn't get you to "this is correct".Scripturally---without putting tons of scripture this one is all encompassing ALL is out of God. If God was this atom doesnt that match up scientifically? Yes
Now you're just trying to repeat the same First Cause argument that I've repeatedly told you is invalid and why.Philosophical---logically speaking if something has come into being, there has to be something before it that brought it into being, BUT there demands that something had to be the beginning of all things and could not possibly have something or even at least two things collide to create it or bring it to being and then making it source of all things. If was the case then that new source is not the source of all things.
In a sense God is reproducing or making more of Him, yet each one of these hims will be distinct and different in their own way. And they will always have to give credit and glory to the one who made them, why? Because the giver is greater than the receiver or because the thing that made the next thing is always greater than the thing it made [proof: look at the elemental table as one].
Also thats why even Jesus says He has a God.
I don't see how this answers my question at all.
Because He made them or brought them into being. In a sense a parent is a god to their child, a scientist is a god to its robot it built, The Father is a God to Jesus, Jesus [with the Father working through Him] is a God to everything He created and the Father through Jesus created all things, so in spirit they are the one God. But you dont want to go there right?
Wait - but you said God is everything. So the robot built itself? This makes no sense.
The terms eternal, everlasting, eternity for ever and ever are not scriptural words. They do not belong in the bible because of what they mean. Their proper meanings from the greek and Hebrew basically means age, ages and age-lasting. Yes people will live for ever or in the sense of the word have everlasting life, but when stated as such, along with eternal, it signifies no change or a constant suspended state because once you do ANYTHING, whatever you was doing before that is now not eternal or everlasting or forever in that same state. With age and age-lasting/during you can have change and says you, for however long it took, no matter what it was, that thing you was doing only lasted for that age or was age-lasting. The scriptures say we are given immortality and eonion/aeonian life and that we keep growing and going and growing and growing. In otherwords not in an eternal, everlasting state of basically suspended animation but in a age after age after age after age of growing and growing.
I give up. I don't see how any of this supports the idea of "time before time".
Not sure I follow you or maybe you misread me---the universe is created and everything else in it is created is what I am saying. There is nothing in the universe that wasnt created.
I get that this is what you claim. What I don't see is where you show us why this is necessarily a correct assumption.
So an eternal universe has to be your defense or your argument. You say you are not defending this but that is exactly what you are saying here.
No, it doesn't. I make no claims about what will happen to the universe in the future. It could disappear into nothingness tomorrow, but this wouldn't make the First Cause Argument valid.
Again, I have. I cannot prove that He was not created, I will grant you that, but thats where science and philosophy mesh in with religion [I hated to use that word, how about my and others likeminded beliefs]. You have to have an ultimate starting point, an uncaused cause. There is nothing in our visible universe we have observed that can demonstrate the opposite and nothing we can possibly philosophically think of to counter this. Therefore, as it stands, it must be true.
The universe itself isn't "in" our visible universe. We have no information whatsoever about non-godly things that are beyond our visible universe. The only basis I can see for your conclusion that this "first cause", if it exists, must be God is that you really, really want it to be God.
So my view is an assumption? Wouldnt that make yours one too?
Quite possibly. And if I try to feed you assumptions while calling them an argument, feel free to reject them.
That's a matter of opinion, but regardless, it's not a contest: if you can't demonstrate that the First Cause Argument is valid and correct (and if you don't come up with some other valid and correct argument) then you don't "close the door" on the possibility that God may not be necessary.And as for evidence, scientifically, philosophically, and definitely scripturally your assumption is lacking more evidence than mine.
So to truly answer your question and to expose yours and those who think like you view, mankind will always have I dont know lurking ever further out of their reach as their god and this will go on as long as mankind survives. Because as we [mankind] keeps finding out more, the more realize they dont know. Is that not a true statement?
The bit about us never knowing everything is. The bit about people holding up "I don't know" as their god is not.
Sure - you can believe what you want. I don't think this belief is correct, but you're free to believe it.Now to bury this you cant make the assumption, as you tell me, that one day they will know everything there is know because thats is an assumption and not based on anything at all. Those who believe in God can because its called faith in that what is considered to be words from Him says so.
In this debate, it's also called a strawman.Oh you can believe that man will know everything there is to know, but thats called having faith in mankind, not God and I know you what the scriptures say of this.