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Shoe is on the other foot: Prove there is not God.


Admiral Obvious
Just as darkness is here by default of the absence of light, so is hate also here by default. I don't find it to coincidental that they are used interchangebly in the scriptures.
Unfortunately for you, hate is not merely the absence of love.
I realize that you will most likely not be able to comprehend this fact, but your inability to comprehend it does not make it any less true.

If you want to argue "the Bible says" then I will flat out reply that either your opinion of the what the Bible says is flat out wrong, or the Bible is flat out wrong.


Well-Known Member

Okay... so you attribute both loving and unloving actions to God. This doesn't change the fact that unloving actions exist and therefore love is not all-encompassing.
Ahh but you are not recognising the beginning of it all. Out of love God gave these things so we can experience them

IOW, God fails to meet your definition of God, but for really good reasons. It still means he fails to meet your definition of God.

Care to try again?
Actually He doesnt, i guess its just something you cant understand


Admiral Obvious
Of course. Not the way any believer will present it
This is nothing more than the load of bull **** you tell yourself to keep your faith.

I don’t prefer any of them.

Your previous reply shows otherwise.
So now that we have established that you are a liar...

Nice try though.

I merely pointed out the facts.
Your denial of them does not make them any less true.

And I did address the point
No you did not.
But you go right ahead and continue lieing to yourself.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Love and other emotions can be explained by science, through neurology. Emotions have been proven to be linked to activity in certain parts of the brain. So if that part of the brain is stimulated, then you feel that emotion.
God, on the other hand is a separate concept and can only be proven through empirical evidence, which it does not have. If God were shown to be equated to love, then it would be proving that God exists only within our minds.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Ahh but you are not recognising the beginning of it all. Out of love God gave these things so we can experience them
If you're trying to say that evil is actually good, then I think you've got an uphill battle ahead of yourself.


Well-Known Member
That his interpretation of the Bible is correct and the rest of us are just blasphemous. Also that the Bible is inaccurate so we need to read it how he reads it in order to be Christian.
No its about find out the truth of the scriptures.


Well-Known Member
This is nothing more than the load of bull **** you tell yourself to keep your faith.

Your previous reply shows otherwise.
So now that we have established that you are a liar...
Yeah i really meant i wanted to be called satan or the devil. Gimme a break
I merely pointed out the facts.
Your denial of them does not make them any less true.


No you did not.
But you go right ahead and continue lieing to yourself.

Dang this is so contradictory to my motto at the bottom


Well-Known Member
Can love be quantifiably measured?

It is the limitless substance of all of creation in which we are instinctively connected and therefore we our aware of it and can be revealed knowledge through. The more resistant you become through freewill the less aware you become and the more you try and stand on logic for your rationality of reality.
This is what Tesla called it.
Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or Creative Force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.

This is what Einstein called it

Einstein nodded: he was a good listener. After a pause he said, "The cosmic man must be restored, the whole man who is made in the image and likeness of the arch-force, which you may call God. This man thinks with his heart and not with party dogma. As I've explained before, there is an order in the universe – a cosmic order – and humans have the possibility of understanding these laws."
Einstein leaned back in his chair; so did I,putting my writing pad on my knees. He added, "I have no doubt that the allies will win the war."
I smiled, "Oh, you are my prophet again."
"Prophet or not," he scratched his head, "what I say is more often felt through intuition than thought through intellect."

They both understood this substance which the rest of science( except for those who are getting a grasp or intuitive sense of string theory) are missing the mark standing to much on logic and math equations which is not even lining up with reality.

I think Tesla grasped more of the truth than Einstein who still was hung a little in logic and not intuition.
Now I also believe in a creator of this substance and this substance is what God uses to sustain the universe. You might call it a form of energy but either way only a few great minds have come close to comprehending it and it's only because they were intuitive and had a connection with their instinct of truth and not relied solely on logic.


Well-Known Member
If you're trying to say that evil is actually good, then I think you've got an uphill battle ahead of yourself.
Im not saying that. Im saying that sometimes an evil can bring out good or that if we experience an evil some good may come out of/from it